Really At Lost With My Girlfriend (Nursing Student)

Nursing Students General Students


I've been here before asking for advice. I hate to sound like I'm complaining, but I'm not. I just want to vent. I'm really ****** hurt. Excuse my language.

Today was supposed to be a special day. We talked about it for a month. She would get home from school and we'd spend time together. We had to cut it in half because she was tired. I was okay with it.

I knew this semester was tough. We went back and forth between "are you okay?" "yes." She got irritated eventually and I tried talking to her about it, but I got rejected twice. I think that's what's really hurting me right now. The fact that I was ready to let her know I was upset. I wasn't going to originally let her know because I used to be expressive like that and it was something that we didn't need as a couple.

She's very busy and I've decided to stop giving her grief or making her feel guilty.

Some people can say that if I meant something to her, she would make time. I've been thinking about that for the last couple of hours, yes. But what if she really didn't have enough time?

I don't know. I'm just really hurt. I tried to eventually tell her, like I said, but she wouldn't really have any of it. Maybe it's due to frustration and lack of sleep. I was kinda distant with her the whole night. I was distracted. We were supposed to spend 5 hours with each other, but only 2.

That may be enough, and it normally would've been. But the fact that we talked about this for a month. Prior to that (the Holiday), we didn't even spend that much together. And ever since school started for her and I, we've barely had 'us' time. There's times I'd spend 5+ hours with her, but that's studying. And I'm okay with that. It's enough for me. For now, anyways, since this semester is tough for her.

I don't know. I think I'm going in circles. I'm afraid of talking to friends/others about this because they don't know how busy you guys are. "If she loves you enough, she'd make time." Yes, I know, but it's impossible!

I need a hug :(

Specializes in CDI Supervisor; Formerly NICU.

These chicks are right. You need to grow up a little bit before you sabotage her nursing career. Nursing school is hard enough without someone constantly hanging on to the teat. I'm a dude, btw. So it's not just the chicks rationalizing for the woman.


If there's anything I've learned from relationships it's that calm, collaborative communication is key. My husband and I struggled with this for awhile and then we saw a counselor/mediator. In our area we used Relationship Resolutions. They have people working on their licenses that charge a small fee ($50) for an hour. We went 3 times, it's improved our communication tremendously and my husband had many many hang ups about going to 'therapy' and he will even tell you how much it's helped.

One major lesson we learned was to 'say what you mean' instead of being passive aggressive or trying to get a reaction out of one another. If you don't understand something just ask her and be aware of your tone of voice.

Yes there are times where my husband and I realize we have to get over ourselves but most of the time we try talk to each other calmly to try and figure it out, otherwise it will build and build and then explode or cause resentment.

Best of luck to you!

Wow poor guy asked for help and everyone downgrades him! I think that you just want to feel like you still mean something to her! Nursing school is hard believe me - I'm two semesters away from graduating! I have four children and a husband and still find time to spend with them! Give her some space! It is frustrating in nursing school! Just do the best you can by standing behind her and supporting her to get through this! Show her that you are her biggest fan! Love her!

You guys sound very young and inexperienced in adult relationships compared to people in their thirties or older. This is how we learned, however, and now it's your turn. So here's my advice.

Bring her flowers once a month or so --- nothing huge and expensive, just a rosebud or two and some greens, a few paperwhite narcissus bulbs in a bowl of marbles to sprout (ask the florist), some daffodils in the spring, and leave them in water on the kitchen table without comment.

After that, there's my very favorite Dave Barry quotation: " 'Shut up,' he explained."

Wow, people are harsh! Honestly, I don't think it matters how "busy" people are, they have to make time for the important people in their lives. It's not okay to continually put off spending time with a significant other/family member/best friend because you're too busy or too tired. That is selfish. Even when I feel like bawling my head off because I'm so stressed with school I make sure to spend at least one night with my family, books and studying aside. I need their support, and I want them to know that I care about them. I've waited for many people to get unbusy and untired enough to spend time with me, and the majority of them never did. Life is too short to wait around for people who don't really care. I'd rather spend my time trying to find someone who actually does.

Oh, and one other thing: When we are feeling tired, fat, ugly, having a bad hair day, none of our clothes look right (even if we don't appear to be any of these things to the other more rational people in our lives), remember this: We can always pick our earrings. You can always safely compliment those.

I've been where she is now. Nursing school is hard. The stress level is through the roof. My fiancé came down to my grandfathers funeral and I was absolutely awful to him. It will get better. Try to be understanding to her and realize how she is feeling. It's not easy for her at this point and she needs support. However, you need something as well. Tell her how you feel, but don't make it all about you. Explain that you are here for her and that you will support her. Sometimes all you will get is time together where she studies. Help her with it! Make her schedule work for you. It'll get better

The fact that you are asking for advice says a lot. Give her time and space to rest, and let her know you'll be there when she has the energy to spend time together. Let her feel supported, but don't smother. Good luck and relax and enjoy the time you DO get with her!!!

The fact that you are asking for advice says a lot. Give her time and space to rest, and let her know you'll be there when she has the energy to spend time together. Let her feel supported, but don't smother. Good luck and relax and enjoy the time you DO get with her!!!

I think you do care, but you don't really understand how demanding it is unless you have been there. It's hard to.find a balance of things. I have a husband, 5 kids and go to school full time. I have had to sacrifice my time with them and.vice versa, but I do it to make a career for myself and a better life for my family. They understand and like me can see the bigger picture. My husband has stepped up to take care of almost everything I used to do because he knows how.important it is to ME. Maybe you need her you do understand. It sounds like there might be a little insecurity there, like if she isn't spend enough time with you she might find someone else, believe me she doesn't have time for that either. If you keep pouting or complaining about "not enough time" she'll stop making time for you, she is trying to make a future for herself be the man, support her and understand even when you don't, she needs it.

I think life is full of stress and I'm not sure there is anything unique about studying to be a nurse vs. studying something else.

But I also think both sides could do more FOR each other than TO each other. Is there a way you could help her out? Show up at her place and do a chore? Make her dinner? Mow her lawn? Get her a glass of wine (my dh is doing that as I type).

And she could think of things to do FOR you as well.

Sometimes, that something could be some space.

Truly, stewing about things just make it more stressful.

My piece of advice is nursing school is not forever. If you guys can get through this (not being able to spend as much time together) than you will have a stronger relationship. Good luck. Its sweet you care this much.

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