Ready to Apply CT Community Colleges- Nursing Program 2010

U.S.A. Connecticut


I was hoping to continue a great thread that I read last year, Ready to Apply CT Colleges 2009. It was a bunch of people looking to get into the CT Community Colleges nursing program for 2009-2010 academic year! They really banded together and answered questions for each other.

I was hoping to start the same thing for this year.

So, applications for the 2011-2012 year come out in just over a month. November 1st!!!

What has everyone been doing to prepare for the application process. What classes are you currently taking? Has anyone taken the TEAS yet? What was your score? What school is your 1st choice?

Speak up people!

Yes, all application info goes up to Hartford to the Ct CC Dept so you can be ranked state wide. Then when everything is entered the computer starts to put you in your slots based on your 1st-3rd school rankings that you did(the schools have nothing to do with selection). Then the school or the Hartford office will send you a letter. Remember, there are probably 700-800 people(applications) and MAYBE two (FT/PT) people entering info so it takes time.

Specializes in General Medicine.

I called GCC today because I also have not heard anything from any of the CC programs. She told me that all eligible/wait-listed student letters go out April 12! You think they would send out letters letting you know that your application has been completed and received! Yikes, still so nervous! Good luck!!

That's so exciting and scary at the same time. Not much longer to wait. Good luck everyone, and let us know when you get your letters if you want to!!!!:)

I applied to NVCC and was given a letter on March 15 that my application was denied because I hadn't included a transcript from the college where I took English Comp (29 years ago!). I had taken English Comp at a local school, then transferred it to the university from which I graduated. It never occurred to me to include a separate transcript. I realize that the application did say to include all colleges attended, but for some reason, I thought that since it was already on another transcript, that would suffice. I appealed the decision, and was rejected.

I am so upset because I called in January and asked if it were possible to see if everything that I needed for the application had been received and was told that they didn't look at it until AFTER February 1. Of course, by then it was too late.

I was just wondering if anyone else went through this situation.

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

I'm sorry to hear that you had that problem. I can see how you would interpret the requirement as being fulfilled by the other transcript. I remember at the information sessions, though, that the director of admissions stressed that all transcripts had to be included regardless of relevance or date. She mentioned that a few people every year are ineligible for application because they don't include one- usually because they think it's too far out of date. I'm sorry that your appeal was denied.

I also went to an information session and don't remember this being brought up. I sure wish I had thought to bring it up!

I am now either going to have to wait another year, or try to get into the UConn Mbein program, which seems as if it will be VERY intense.

I got a letter saying that I didn't have all the requirements and that I could apply again next year, but it doesn't say what requirement I didn't meet. I know I met all the requirements so it must be something stupid, like getting a waiver for testing or something. I'm not upset about it since I've already been accepted to Bridgeport Hospital's program, but I think the process is terrible. They should give you a notice in advance so that the situation could be rectified before decisions are made.

Good luck bsf with the application process to Uconn's Mbein program. That starts in January, which isn't too terrible of a wait, and at least you have the opportunity to receive a bachelor's and master's degree with that.

I am so sorry to hear that . I went through this myself. last year it was my computer class. I waited a year long to re-apply. this year I got a letter from gateway stating that I was not qualified because my english com was not included....i fought with my nails and I got it clear...there was a missing transcripst from my file. I must say that the nursing people from gateway were fabulous and they help me out. You maybe available to go back to that school website where you got your english 101 and get it from your logging. not give up...i wish you good luck. i know you must be upset.

I have talked with the admissions director twice and she told me that there is nothing she can do. I hadn't requested the transcript prior to February 1, because I wasn't aware I needed it. I did send it to them after I found out it was necessary, but since it wasn't in by Feb 1, I'm out of luck!

Thanks for all your well wishes, I'll figure something out! Either I'll wait another year, or try to get into the Mbein program.

Is anyone wished this weekend away? I hope I find out next week. Do you think they REALLY will go out on Monday? Please post when you get an answer, I'm dying to know when everyone finds out!!!

So, lets change the subject a bit and get our minds off of things. How is the class from last year doing? Is there a current Gateway student that could tell us about what kinds of study groups are formed? Or how the clinicals are going? What was the biggest misconception they have found going into the program?

I think it would be nice to have actual students at the information sessions- so we could ask questions are get real responses. I feel like after the application is handed in- there is no information given. Maybe a nice letter mailed out that says "thank you for your application" and "this is the process/timeline for creating teh list". It would certainly help with the calls the school must get. If it wasn't for this thread- I would have heard NOTHING about the process since my generic email in January. (I applied in November)

Good luck to everyone!!!

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

I'm trying not to get my hopes up because they might not be sent next week, you never know. I didn't tell anyone else about those dates, so at least none of my friends or family knows I'm waiting. They all know I should hear by May 1st, so that makes it a little easier to not have anyone else asking me about it. I'm also really busy at work lately and with the class I'm in, so it's a little easier to keep my mind occupied with other stuff. I agree that your idea of them sending a "thanks for your application" note or e-mail might be good, but I think with the number of candidates they have, they probably just don't have the time and resources for it. Good luck. Hope it's next week.

I got a letter mid-March from NVCC asking for a missing transcript. Truthfully, I was quite surprised that they offered me the opportunity to submit it. That actually raised my hopes because my line of thinking was that if I wasn't near the top of the rank order they wouldn't bother asking for missing items. Anyway... they gave me until March 31 to get it to them, so I had it sent around the 24th. I meant to call to make sure they recieved it, but never got around to it... Oh well, I guess I'll find out soon enough! I'm quite surprised to see that other applicants got letters saying that they were missing application items and so their applications were denied. Perhaps it depends on the school you submit to?

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