Ready to Apply CT Community Colleges- Nursing Program 2010

U.S.A. Connecticut


I was hoping to continue a great thread that I read last year, Ready to Apply CT Colleges 2009. It was a bunch of people looking to get into the CT Community Colleges nursing program for 2009-2010 academic year! They really banded together and answered questions for each other.

I was hoping to start the same thing for this year.

So, applications for the 2011-2012 year come out in just over a month. November 1st!!!

What has everyone been doing to prepare for the application process. What classes are you currently taking? Has anyone taken the TEAS yet? What was your score? What school is your 1st choice?

Speak up people!

Oh, and from stalking these boards I've come to the conclusion that letters went out no later than April 10th last year. So I do believe that if they aren't already in the mail, they will be VERY soon. I imagine that they send letters out in attempt to coincide with registration dates, so that nursing students know what they'll need to register for before before all of those popular sciences fill up!

Chass63, I am very surprised that they asked you for the missing transcript. Had you not previously requested it? Because they keep telling me that there are other people in my situation and they have to treat everyone the same......

I am very curious to hear more! If you had requested it and it just hadn't arrived, I can understand. But if you hadn't ever requested it, I may have an argument to make to them!

Well, I guess there is no way for them to have known if I had already tried to send it or not. They didn't ask me about it; they just sent the letter requesting that I get it in. It may have something to do with the fact that all of my pre-reqs were already in; that is to say that the missing transcript didn't contain anything relevant to the program. (It was jus a CCC transcript that had 1 class I had taken several years ago online.) So maybe that's why... Because all of my pre-reqs were in by Feb 1st.

I also recieved a letter mid March saying I was missing a transcript and I needed to get it in no later then March 30th. I had taken a class in high school that gave me college credit through my local community college and I had forgotten all about it and never thought to include that with my transcript. I guess they saw that class had been transfered to NVCC years ago on that transcript. I honestly was surprised I was allowed to hand it in that late but since it wasn't a pre req it didn't make much of a difference. Im sure they just want to make sure your not hiding any classes that could have been taken within the past 5 years.

I wonder if they didn't let me get the transcript in because it was a prerequisite, but it's not like it was one of the science courses. It was English Comp that I took 29 years ago, and it WAS included as a transfer on the transcript from the college where I graduated. After I got my letter of denial, I wrote an appeal and I immediately requested the transcript, and they got it before March 30.

I think I am going to have to go talk to them again. This doesn't seem like equitable treatment.

Well, its official... I've been waitlisted for the Gateway program. Got my letter in the mail today. I am devastated.

I wonder how far down the list they could get, I mean, how many people actually turn down acceptance?

There are 71 people on the waitlist, the letter says.

Anyone ever been waitlisted?

Can you tell me what number you were?

It says that the waitlist is for both fall admission and spring too... Im just so sad right now. :cry:

So sorry you didn't get in. Hopefully they'll use up that wait list!

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

I'm so sorry, but don't give up. I spoke with someone at Three Rivers last year and I think they said that in the end they were able to place everyone that was accepted and/or waitlisted. There are people that have applied that do not take their slot because of changes in their circumstances. I do think that the waitlist for Gateway is likely longer than Three Rivers because it is the night program. Maybe if you call them they can tell you where you are on the list so you can try to plan accordingly. I remember reading in this thread that Matt was waitlisted and found out in July that he was accepted for this current semester's starting class. His post says he was 18th on the list, so you must be able to find out.

I can understand your disappointment, I may be headed home to the same news myself. Give yourself some time to let it sink in, and you can be sad, but it's not the end of the world. I feel so old saying this- but I've had enough disappointments that seemed so major at the time, but in the end they've really made things work out for the best for me. I try to go with the "things happen for a reason" stance, although I'll readily admit sometimes it's harder to figure out what that reason could be. I truly hope that things work out for the best for you.

I got the letter today as well. I was wait listed too. Is anyone there with a good news? I am hope the wait list will move quickly and some of us will be in the program by September. Good luck to everyone!

I just got my letter! I got into Gateway for Fall 2010! It is also my birthday today, so it is a good day all around! If you told me last year at this time that I would have gotten in, I would have never believed it! Good luck to everyone today as you get to your mailboxes! Good luck to all those wait listed. I remember when I went to my information session last summer, they said that they took just about everyone off the list!

I got my letter today, as well. I got into my first choice, NVCC. I thought I'd be excited. Maybe I will be once the relief of not having to wait anymore wears off. Congratulations to everyone else who got accepted, and good luck to those who have been wait-listed.

Saw that some of you got letters today and anxiously awaited for the mailman, but alas, he did not bring me a letter. I applied to Capital as my first choice and am wandering if they are sending their stuff out later. Congratulations to those that got in and im sorry for those that didnt.

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