Ramp nurse recovery program nj

Nurses Recovery


Hello everyone I passed my boards and I had 2 charges non drug related one in 2016 and one in 2022 the one charge got dropped I was asked to join the ramp program and when finished I can get my license I have a few questions for anyone who was in this program I no this is like an outpatient program and it includes meetings evaluation and drug testing  I'm wondering if this is because I'm on medication?  They didn't explain why  I have to do this evaluation but I did read others peoples comments thay I will have to pay $350-250 dollars for a hair drug test ?  And a nails drug test is $150
& I read the urine test is only $60.

do they make you pay this much for these test ? Also dose anyone no  if we are sent out for these tests ?  Or do I go to a hospital or something? I'm confused on where I attend to ?
if I'm on Medicaid insurance will the program send me to quest or lab corp and maybe my insurance company can pay for it ? im not working right now and I don't. Know how I will be able to afford this program and I really want my nursing licenses. Has anyone just had all urine test done and only had to pay the 50-60$ dollar test ? 

also can anyone tell me how this works after I call the number I was provided do I just have an initial interview over the phone then we set up an in person exam or evaluation.  

if anyone know anyone or has been through this ramp program can they please  answer my few questions please 


thank you 

to be honest if you have not signed anything with RAMP yet don't do it.  get council from a lawyer first.  if you can avoid a monitoring program you should avoid it at all cost.  Believe me getting lawyer involved now will be cheaper in how much you end up paying these guys.  Unless you truly feel you need the help or are struggling with a SUD avoid avoid avoid.  Do not sign anything and do not agree to an evaluation until you speak to a lawyer and they advise you to do that. 

From my experience, insurance/Medicaid doesn't pay for tests. I've paid all of mine out of pocket.

I didn't do IOP or inpt tx, so I cannot speak on that.

I do pay $65/month towards my program, and $80/month for my weekly group. My hair test was $150, and that's every 3 months with an extra $40 fee for collecting it. My urine runs $45-65 twice a month with a $30 collection fee. My one time PETH was $80 and a $40 collection fee. My addictionologist was $750 for my first appointment, and my follow ups every 3 months is $140. My probation is up aftet 3 years of proven sobriety, along with my case manager's blessing, in December 2026. 

Now, you can consult a lawyer, but if you get your license or not is up to the BON. They can probably request certain terms, but if the BON has established regulations, you're going to end up doing the program. 

I know the whole money is tight feeling... I've cleaned houses to make the money to pay my fees. It's hard, but I wouldn't give up nursing.

Now, if you lawyer up, you're looking at a retainer, fees, etc. So make sure you ask a ton of questions before you agree to have a lawyer represent you. 

I wish I had talked to lawyer before signing up with PHNP which is the PA program. Likely would have only had to pay my lawyer to represent me versus signing my life away for 5 years to the program. At that time I didn't know I had a choice because the letter and forms you get make it sound like you don't but you do.  All I am saying is just a consult with a lawyer experienced that is experienced in working with the Board will not hurt otherwise be prepared to do all of the above that is mentioned in the previous post 

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