"Your ER sucks!" and other pleasantries...how you handle them?

Specialties Emergency


Hello, ladies and gentlemen of the ER.

It's happened to us all, and I would love to hear your experiences.

I work in a TINY 6 bed ER in the middle of corn town USA. There are 2 other hospitals of the same size near us, 5 miles, and 10 miles away.

Middle aged man comes in with his spouse, with c/o low abd pain for 2 mos, worse in last few days. Wife has a stack of test results, CT reads, etc, which is literally 1/2 inch thick, complete with CDs, mostly from nearby hosp.

She will not let him speak for himself, gets very angry when I speak to the pt, not her, concerning sx. He tells me he has trouble urinating, sense of incomplete emptying. Look through docs, US abd yesterday (at closeby hosp), states marked bladder distention consistent with bladder outlet obstruction, suspect prostate hypertrophy. Also seen is cholelithiasis.

Explain we will do UA, standard blood tests, will take approx 1 hr, will go from there. Super duper.

45 mins later, wife snaps on another RN that NOTHING has been done, we've been waiting here OVER AN HOUR, no one had bothered to check on them, he's hungry, hasn't eaten since yesterday.

Other RN talks to doc, he goes in, explains eating bad idea d/t abd pain, he's read US results, suggests bladder scan, and dependent on results, straight cath. Pt says "oh, yeah. They've done that before and I felt better right away." Wife argues with doc that it can't be urine retention, HAS to be his gallbladder.

Meanwhile, I go in with scanner, explain. Pt is cool. Wife starts with "I have to tell you. Your ER SUCKS! Your waiting room sucks! The staff here SUCKS! No one was in here. This should be like the ICU. You should be in here every 5 mins making sure he didn't fall out of bed!" ...etc.

Take the therapeutic high road. "Oh, I'm sure you are sick of hospitals, with your husband's hx of leukemia, etc. I wish it was like the ICU also, where there are only 1 or 2 pts per nurse, but being in the ER, we treat by severity not time of arrival.....blah blah blah."

Her response? "Well in (other hospital) they knwo what's wrong. They would've had an IV in already. What the hell is wrong with you? Why isn't he getting fluids?!"

Explain, "we suspect urinary retention, giving fluids isn't recommended..." etc.

*evil glare*....."are you going to scan or just stand there?"

Deep breaths...do scan... >725ml is result. OK, now please go urinate...nope, can't.Not at all.

OK, I'll tell doc. Insist they are going out for a smoke. Explain no smoking on grounds, you leave grounds, you're AMA, etc. They go anyway.

Should have signed them out AMA....but in the interest of pt care (didn't want his bladder to explode) did not do this.

Guess what?! Now go do a straight cath, doc says. I love my job, I says. Yeah....not happening. Curling up, can't get past prostate. Get OK for coude. That works, eventually. 825ml out, 100% relief of pain.

Wife now silent, her MD from Google University called for gallbladder, it was retention, now she's really ******. Go in to give dc papers, follow up with urologist, etc...."thanks for nothing. ("*****" muttered under her breath).

Wanted to say, if you think we suck it so hard, and X hospital is the place to be, why did you come here? But I didn't.

Thoughts? ****** me off. Solved your problem, but you're more worried that YOUR WebMD dx was wrong, than your husband isn't in pain anymore. I'm sure a complaint is coming, not that concerned, documented everything till Hell wouldn't have it.


I like the MD from Google University.

Specializes in Emergency.

Wow! Did I work with you yesterday? Yep, I've heard the same thing, almost the same scenario. Either, there's a secret group teaching "How to Make an ED Nurse Seething Mad" or the wife is an enabler, impatient, and probably mentally abusing...who has lost all control of the situation.

Most folks that have visited every ED in town and all the surrounding towns know that the staff are not allowed to strike out with equally ugly comments and they also know if they complain to the right folks all their wishes will be granted...the ultimate would be at "no charge". Perhaps even seen by the specialist in record time. We know this would be because they want her to go away, but the mean lady will think its because of her queen status...and assertive comments...which supports her to do it again. It's not anything personal, she's got issues that she probably needs to take meds for, but would never because "there's nothing wrong with her".

With my latest "your ER sucks" lady... I didn't get mad and strike back, which is what she wanted me to do, I pulled out one of those comments they teach you in nursing school.. while deep breathing, counting to 10, and my head cocked sideways like a puppy dog said something like.."Oh, I sense you are getting frustrated, having this problem for 5 years and not being able to find out what is wrong". It knocked the breath right out of her.. Then, I went on to explain the benefits of going to one doctor and continuing until they figured out why she's having pain for 5 years...but by ER hopping everybody has a piece of the puzzle, but if one doctor had all her knowledge and puzzle pieces I'm sure they could figure it out... I went on to remind her the ED was very busy and I had to go, but pointed out the call button in case she needed me... I usually hide it from these type patients, but wasn't going to allow her to ruin my day.

Over my 16 years in the ED I have handled these type folks in different ways..snapped back, ignored them, called security on occasion to escort them out..but somehow this worked for me last week.

Specializes in Acute Care Pediatrics.

I love the "they haven't eaten since yesterday".... well, why not? Were you so excited about hospital food you saved up? I swear, it amazes me how many people are just worried about FOOOOOOD when they are hospitalized. You wouldn't believe how many parents feed straight from PACU post op kids cheeseburgers the minute they hit the floor. "WELL YOU DIDN'T LET HIM EAT FOR 12 HOURS!!!!" Kid then promptly hurls all night. Parents blame me.... endless cycle. I swear I will not let you starve to death in the hospital.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.
I love the "they haven't eaten since yesterday".... well, why not? Were you so excited about hospital food you saved up? I swear, it amazes me how many people are just worried about FOOOOOOD when they are hospitalized. You wouldn't believe how many parents feed straight from PACU post op kids cheeseburgers the minute they hit the floor. "WELL YOU DIDN'T LET HIM EAT FOR 12 HOURS!!!!" Kid then promptly hurls all night. Parents blame me.... endless cycle. I swear I will not let you starve to death in the hospital.

Ask me about the night a two-year old puked Pringles, chocolate milk and gummi bears into my scrub pocket. Did I mention she was 30 hours post ASD repair? Mom: "But, I asked her what she wanted, and this is what she wanted. She's HUNGRY!"

PS: I managed to extricate from the jacket without spilling a single drop! You'd have been proud of me :)

Specializes in Emergency, Telemetry, Transplant.
When someone tells me that my hospital sucks, my silent response is "And yet, you're here!"

I recently was discharging a pt. from our ED where she had been seen many times for her chronic back pain. She said to me "I can't stand this hospital. They don't care about my pain. Just get me in and out." My reply "I'm sorry you feel what way." I would have liked to go with "then why the heck do you keep coming here!!!!" I'm guess my nursing school professors would prefer a more therapeutic response like "I can see your upset. Tell me more about these feelings." Well, maybe the first time, but not on the umpteenth visit.

Specializes in ER.

LOL, well you see, he hadn't eaten since yesterday because he had ABDO PAIN! You know, the abdo pain that he came into ER for!! The abdo pain that was SO severe, yet didn't stop him from smoking.

I've heard similar things a number of times in the past, at each of my three jobs. I've made various replies but generally just ignore it.

Awhile back I had a patient making ongoing derogatory remarks about my care over a period of hours. He was critical of everything. Finally, I transferred him over to another nurse in the holding zone of our department. The nurse walked in and I said, "Sir, this is BillyJoeBob and he'll be your nurse. The good news is that he doesn't suck nearly as badly as I do" to which BillyJoeBob replied, "True dat" as I walked out. I was lucky to not have a complaint lodged but it sure felt good.

When people are critical of our services, I usually just say, "I'm sorry that you're so unhappy with our facility" and move on. There just ain't no pleasing some people.

Specializes in Gerontology RN-BC and FNP MSN student.

This is when I silently start praying.......Lord, HAALLPP!! Me keep my cool. Thank you God I work for you and not man.

It's sad but it seems people can be so demanding and truely ungrateful. It doesn't help either that a large portion are only 3rd grade educated either.

Just kill Em with kindness.

I believe it's a type of person who has learned 'tricks' to control and get what they want. You see them everywhere. I seen them when I worked food service. I will not tell the long story. But I would hold firm that I could not do as they asked, then would ask if they would want to speak to a manager, who I knew would do it. Butttt, the person was going to have to 'pay' by waiting until I found a manager (not looking hard) and said manager got there. OF course, as nurses, that can not be done. But it SHOULD be that way. In our location it was said that managers got paid the big bucks to deal with it, not us.

Just realize it wasn't you, it was her. Her many attempts to control the situation . To get you to do her will. She failed, that is why she was ticked when she left. If she thought about the fact that she was WRONG in her diagnoses, she would feel the fool. No one wants to believe/feel that, so she nick picked for reasons to still find fault.

In the end, she did not get her way. She did not 'win.' You did great.

When I worked in the ER and a family member started to talk I quickly said I need to talk to the patient with concerns at this moment, than I will get back to you. When they started to complain I would say that I there was 2 other Hospitals within driving distance and if they were not pleased with what we were doing. Like said above that usually make them hush! It is hard enough doing your job, being concerned about a patient without a family member fussing. I understand being concerned, but I also have to stand up for the Nursing Profession. I tell my family when they complain unless you have a medical degree, be careful when you request things to be done that may cause more harm.

Specializes in Telemetry, IMCU.

Someone called my instructor a ***** and proceeded to say that I am the worst nurse, all because I wouldn't let her put the prescribed eye drops in herself. Instructor said to hand them to her. She proceeded to attempt DRINKING it! After pulling it away quickly she got upset while yelling that this hospital hires the worst nurses who don't know how to give medication. Really? Lol

We may not know what is happening inside a person's life that causes their somewhat miserable attitude.

However, it is very hard to be mean and rude to a smiling heart and a kind soul. So leading with that attitude and maintaining that attitude- no matter what she says or he says- is really the best way to handle people. Especially sick people and family of sick people. You can talk sternly to someone and use a pleasant tone. I have seen it done many, many times. There are some key words that can be used in these type of situations. And some words that should never be used when talking to the patient or the family of a patient. It isn't personal, yet it is hard not to take it personally. ER's suck. They do. NO ONE wants to be there, ever. There is a perfect saying...no one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. People can be mean, rude, pleasant, sweet, gracious, ect. WE can choose which type of person we want to be. I am sorry that you have to hear bad things about your place of business. It's like people attacking your 'family', but you are a good person, right?:yes:Don't let anyone make you someone you are not because of their bad attitude. You are doing a fabulous job!

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