what's your "soft spot" patient?

Specialties Ob/Gyn


In case you couldn't tell from the other thread, I have a real soft spot for teen moms. I have a dream of one day starting a home for unwed teen mothers and practicing as a CNM there doing prenatal care and education (NOT delivering the babies, though...). I'm a freak like that. :chuckle

So what patient gets that big ol' soft spot in your heart every time?

Oh, anyone who is nauseated or throwing up!!! I HATE to be nauseated, and I cannot get the antiemetics in fast enough when someone is pukey.

Moms who are giving the baby up for adoption (I would work with them 100% of the time!) and moms who are going through a loss.

Patient's with jerks for family members, or NO family members at all!! I can't stand it when family members come into the patient's room and ask for money, some bring bills with them so the patient can be sure to see what they're missing, family members that fight with each other or the patient,etc. You get the picture. Patient's with no family really get to me, no visitors, no one to take them home when it's time. I hate sending them home in a taxi! :(

red-headed babies... I have such a soft spot for the wee little redheads! My sister was blessed with two beautiful redheaded babies and they've held a special place in my heart ever since the first was born :)

edited to add: my sister was blessed with FOUR beautiful babies, two of them just happened to be beautiful redheaded babies ;)

Specializes in Utilization Management.

Totally helpless elderly folks. I just love taking care of them, giving them their bed bath, washing and shaving and fluffing and plumping.

People would tell me that they weren't "in there," but I'd talk to them anyway. Sometimes they made eye contact a little bit and I'd think they were aware on some level, just unable to communicate.

Once, I got one lady--she was a tube-feeder--all cleaned up and hair braided, pillows for positioning, new bedding, and all, and as I turned to go, she reached out and touched my arm. I turned around in shock, and there was a tiny smile--and a tear rolling down her cheek.

So yeah, those are the patients that get to me the most.

Specializes in private duty/home health, med/surg.

Shay, I'm like you! I want to eventually work in L&D. Our L&D clinic experience was wonderful, and my favorite was working with the teen moms. I do what I can to empower & encourage them.

i never seem to know what patient will just get to me. i am pretty sensitive, so someone always seems to hit my soft spot.

i also try to connect with all my patient's somehow, even if they are difficult. makes me more accountable for providing the care i would like to receive or i would like one of my loved ones to receive.

Specializes in Women's Health.
Totally helpless elderly folks. I just love taking care of them, giving them their bed bath, washing and shaving and fluffing and plumping.

People would tell me that they weren't "in there," but I'd talk to them anyway. Sometimes they made eye contact a little bit and I'd think they were aware on some level, just unable to communicate.

Once, I got one lady--she was a tube-feeder--all cleaned up and hair braided, pillows for positioning, new bedding, and all, and as I turned to go, she reached out and touched my arm. I turned around in shock, and there was a tiny smile--and a tear rolling down her cheek.

So yeah, those are the patients that get to me the most.

Angie O'Plasty...you just made me cry.

What a beautiful story.

This is why I want to be a nurse.


For me, it's the frail elderly person. :)

Me too. I love the elderly but really hate the way they are warehoused in LTC facilities.

I work with a lot of severe dementia and when the light goes on even for a second it's worth the world. One little smile, hug or touch makes putting up with some people that are jerks worth it.

Totally helpless elderly folks. I just love taking care of them, giving them their bed bath, washing and shaving and fluffing and plumping.

People would tell me that they weren't "in there," but I'd talk to them anyway. Sometimes they made eye contact a little bit and I'd think they were aware on some level, just unable to communicate.

Once, I got one lady--she was a tube-feeder--all cleaned up and hair braided, pillows for positioning, new bedding, and all, and as I turned to go, she reached out and touched my arm. I turned around in shock, and there was a tiny smile--and a tear rolling down her cheek.

So yeah, those are the patients that get to me the most.

Omg, that about made me cry. God bless her.
Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.
Me too. I love the elderly but really hate the way they are warehoused in LTC facilities.

That makes two of us.......don't even get me started on LTC. :(

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