what's your "soft spot" patient?

Specialties Ob/Gyn


In case you couldn't tell from the other thread, I have a real soft spot for teen moms. I have a dream of one day starting a home for unwed teen mothers and practicing as a CNM there doing prenatal care and education (NOT delivering the babies, though...). I'm a freak like that. :chuckle

So what patient gets that big ol' soft spot in your heart every time?

Specializes in Me Surge.
Totally helpless elderly folks. I just love taking care of them, giving them their bed bath, washing and shaving and fluffing and plumping.

People would tell me that they weren't "in there," but I'd talk to them anyway. Sometimes they made eye contact a little bit and I'd think they were aware on some level, just unable to communicate.

Once, I got one lady--she was a tube-feeder--all cleaned up and hair braided, pillows for positioning, new bedding, and all, and as I turned to go, she reached out and touched my arm. I turned around in shock, and there was a tiny smile--and a tear rolling down her cheek.

So yeah, those are the patients that get to me the most.

me too! me too!

Specializes in NICU.
Totally helpless elderly folks. I just love taking care of them, giving them their bed bath, washing and shaving and fluffing and plumping.

People would tell me that they weren't "in there," but I'd talk to them anyway. Sometimes they made eye contact a little bit and I'd think they were aware on some level, just unable to communicate.

Once, I got one lady--she was a tube-feeder--all cleaned up and hair braided, pillows for positioning, new bedding, and all, and as I turned to go, she reached out and touched my arm. I turned around in shock, and there was a tiny smile--and a tear rolling down her cheek.

So yeah, those are the patients that get to me the most.

You reminded me of an elderly patient I had when I was a CNA and going to RN school. I bathed her and tucked her in, and realized her glasses were dirty, so I washed them, too. They were thick lenses, so she always wore them. When I replaced them, I could tell by the look on her face, that she did appreciate that little thought, even though she couldn't say so.

Now I take care of babies, they can't tell me what's wrong, but are much happier with a clean diaper, and a different position. Sometimes that's all it takes.....As long as they aren't late for a feeding!

Pedi's! Kids get me every time! Would love to have a dozen of my own -- but hate stretch marks, and being poor all the time -- so I borrow other people's children (babysit, work Pedi's, nursery at church....) frequently!

Love geriatrics too -- but did it for a very long time and needed a change -- so went to the other end of the spectrum!

Little old men whose wives are dying. Oh my god, it rips my heart out.

Anyone who is clearly in pain and trying to be stoic about it.

Little old men whose wives are dying. Oh my god, it rips my heart out.

Anyone who is clearly in pain and trying to be stoic about it.

Babies and little old men who remind me of my grandfather.

Babies and little old men who remind me of my grandfather.

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