I'm not sure how to move forward from here. DH and I are separating. He's found an apartment and is moving on May 1st. I've long been the primary breadwinner in our marriage so on his salary he will just be able to afford the apartment, utilities, his car payment and insurance.
This leaves me in a bind with my studies. I've now got 11yo DD to co-parent with no hope of child support. I'll have her every other weekend so Saturday classes are out, and I work full-time with a long commute so evening classes are out. While a lot of nursing pre-reqs can be done online, the sciences cannot. That's not even considering once I get into a program and can't work full-time.
Yes I'm sure I could do loans but that's a LOT of money for an ADN program.
I've already withdrawn from classes this semester (AP1 and SOC) because the stress was just too much. I just don't know if I'll be going back :innerconf