Published Sep 6, 2016
applesxoranges, BSN, RN
2,242 Posts
In most states, we can check and see if you're licensed for free online. I don't get why people think pretending to be a healthcare provider is a smart idea.
A patient went from being a nursing student to being a nurse. Patient also claimed to have gone to nursing school for five years and then additional year after that. I looked online and they had mutiple closed applications for a LVN license but no license!
I accidentally asked her if she graduated after she through ot the amount of time she was a nursing student. She said yes and then I followed up with are you actually a nurse. Someone lied.
Although she is not the weirdest person to claim to be a nurse. I've had one person back when I was a student who claimed to work in the same ER where I worked 48+ hours a week. He was clearly not a nurse or working there as a CNA. No one knew him.
312 Posts
Well, for some reason, they must feel that they are "not enough" and need to inflate themselves to others.
570 Posts
People lie for all sorts of reasons. I once told a Jehovas witness that I worshiped the devil, but would they like to come in and have some coffee?
In my defense it was the third time that they woke me up in a month despite the sign on my door. I was working third shift.
Many people lie to make themselves seem important or sometimes because they think they might get better/different service.
Something I have wondered. Why do they always say nurse? Why not doctor?
canoehead, BSN, RN
6,901 Posts
Nurse is a pretty ambivalent term to a layperson. Basically, if they have taken care of someone and gotten paid for it, people believe they have nursed. I always ask "what kind of nurse?" and get more useful information.
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,048 Posts
People lie for all sorts of reasons. I once told a Jehovas witness that I worshiped the devil, but would they like to come in and have some coffee? In my defense it was the third time that they woke me up in a month despite the sign on my door. I was working third shift. Many people lie to make themselves seem important or sometimes because they think they might get better/different service.
Nothing you tell JWs to keep them from your door when you're sleeping is a LIE lie. It's just a little white lie.
Why is this year-old thread coming up as new?
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
It is dated Sep 6.
Just an old topic, with a new thread?
It is dated Sep 6.Just an old topic, with a new thread?
I'm pretty sure I answered it September 10 last year.
99 Posts
The two things I've seen that work well when people show up unwanted at your door are: imply that you're a polygamist & answer with a firearm in sight. In neither case have the unwanted visitors returned.
I worked with a 300 pound male respiratory therapist years ago. He had guns, dogs and a sign on his front door that said "Day Sleeper. Please do not ring doorbell."
One day while he was sleeping, a couple of very young men wearing the black pants and white shirts of either Mormon missionaries or Jehovah's Witnesses came to his door and rang his doorbell. His dogs went into a frenzy of barking, which woke him up. The dogs subsided and the RT settled back down to go to sleep. The doorbell rang again. Cue the barking. Dogs settled down, Rick thought he was going to go back to sleep when the doorbell rang a third time. This time, he ran to the window and looked down on the two young men on his front stoop, laughing. When the dogs quieted down again, they rang the doorbell a fourth time.
Rick was furious -- and who can blame him. Here are strangers playing with his doorbell just to hear his dogs bark when there's a clear notice on his front door that he's a day sleeper. Without regard to the fact that he usually sleeps in the nude, Rick grabbed his shotgun, ran downstairs, flung opened the door and roared "What the F*** do you want?" While jacking his shotgun. One of the young men experienced an episode of incontinece as they ran screaming off into the traffic.
Rick said later that he must have been a truly terrifying sight, in all his glory, jacking his shotgun. He also said he never ever had anyone showing up at his door to proselytize again.
Your story actually made me lol Ruby Vee