"I didn't want to go into nursing because I didn't want to be labled gay"


Specializes in LTC.

I was talking to a family member today. He is a very nice guy and told me how much he used to want to be a psych nurse many years ago. He told me the reason why he changed his mind is because of the stigma that all male nurses are gay. This guy now knows that he made a very immature decision that he now regrets. I think he would of made an awesome nurse but I guess it's too late to find out now as he is about to retire. I wonder how many other male nurses are afraid to pursue their dream because they don't want it to be assumed that they are gay. :confused:

edit- Labeled.

Specializes in M/S, Travel Nursing, Pulmonary.

Funny. I used to be a Landscape Supervior, and the landscaping business is absolutely infected with homophobia. When I went into nursing school, I remember hearing a lot of:

"Oh dude, you're like....totally lucky man. I bet you sleep with a different woman every couple months."

"OMG, I totally would do that too, all those girls and no competition. You're set for life."

They didn't believe me when I told them the reality of it all. Not too many gay references though.

Specializes in ICU, OR.

See, that is a shame! Once again, ties to the portrayal of nurses in the media. Sadly, this is still happening today. Kids see nurses on TV wearing a hat and a tight dress, flirting with physicians. It's a shame what we actually do and the type of people that do it aren't correctly portrayed.

Specializes in cardiology/oncology/MICU.
I was talking to a family member today. He is a very nice guy and told me how much he used to want to be a psych nurse many years ago. He told me the reason why he changed his mind is because of the stigma that all male nurses are gay. This guy now knows that he made a very immature decision that he now regrets. I think he would of made an awesome nurse but I guess it's too late to find out now as he is about to retire. I wonder how many other male nurses are afraid to pursue their dream because they don't want it to be assumed that they are gay. :confused:

edit- Labeled.

That is too bad for your friend. I work at a VA hospital and we have many male nurses. I do not know them all personally. It seems to me that most of us here are not gay. A few are. It really doesnt matter in the end. If people are so worried about what others will think, they will definately miss out on a bunch of great things this life has to offer. If people think funny of me cause I am an RN, the heck with them. I never really cared what anybody thought about me anyway.

Specializes in LTC.

I'm just glad to see so many male nursing students in my class. I think male nurses ( gay or straight) are a huge asset to the nursing profession.

Specializes in Med Surg, ER, OR.

It never fails that I get announced routinely as the "doctor" for said patient because of my sex. Just as I am mislabeled, we have multiple female doctors who are labeled as nurses because of their sex. The fact is, we all have been educated in our area of work and are proficient at what we do. Young, old, black, white, fat, skinny, male, female, or anything else, we are nurses. I understand what the OP was referring to, but this will be a debate that will plague the healthcare industry for years and years.

Specializes in Medicine.

I'm a straight male nurse and I knew the stigma before I started nursing school. Never really bothered me lol.

Specializes in ED/trauma.
I was talking to a family member today. He is a very nice guy and told me how much he used to want to be a psych nurse many years ago. He told me the reason why he changed his mind is because of the stigma that all male nurses are gay. This guy now knows that he made a very immature decision that he now regrets. I think he would of made an awesome nurse but I guess it's too late to find out now as he is about to retire. I wonder how many other male nurses are afraid to pursue their dream because they don't want it to be assumed that they are gay. :confused:

edit- Labeled.

For every gay, male nurse, there are numerous straight, male nurses. The same is true for female gay/straight nurses. As previous posters stated or implied, there is much stigma still attached with gender and nursing as a profession.

A lot of men who were once in the military as medics (who were and still are very straight) go into nursing because it's a smooth transition and affords more than being a civilian medic. One of my charge nurses was an Army Ranger, for crying out loud!

Shrug it off, and do what works for you. I hate to go all elementary school teacher on you, but if someone gives you a hard time about your chosen profession, they're probably not worth talking to -- or need some educating, perhaps.

Specializes in Critical Care Hopeful.

I am male and will be starting clinicals in January. I also know many nurses.... a good number (if not half of all the nurses I know) of which are male as well. Funny thing is... not one of us (male or female) is homosexual. I hear about and have seen that stigma applied before but never experienced it myself other than some light joking from current coworkers. Anyone else get the Nurse Focker comment? LOL.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

I can't say that sexuality is even part of the equation when I meet a nurse for the first time. No more than I think about sexuality when meeting a doctor, respiratory tech, phlebotomist, sous chef, police officer, teacher, cashier, accountant or dog groomer.

This guy now knows that he made a very immature decision that he now regrets.

That's exactly what it was- a decision based on an immature way of thinking. I've personally never had anybody question my sexual orientation, aside from the occasional middle schooler (but they're all little turds anyways)

That's exactly what it was- a decision based on an immature way of thinking. I've personally never had anybody question my sexual orientation, aside from the occasional middle schooler (but they're all little turds anyways)

Totally agree. And I think it's hilarious you used the word turds when your name is Turd Ferguson (look it's a funny hat) :)

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