"How did that get there?"

Nurses General Nursing


What's the worst thing you've found in your scrub top/bottom pockets upon arriving home.

Meds? Syringes? Alcohol Pads? Medipore Tape? Insulin Vial?

Specializes in NICU.

One day I spent about 30 minutes on the phone with pharmacy over a missing gentamicin dose -- "I know you said you prepared it, but I don't HAVE it anywhere on the unit!" Ended up getting a duplicate sent for the baby... and finding the original one in my pocket when I got home.

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

I found $700 in my pocket when I was getting ready for work and switching the stuff over from previous night's scrubs. I had found a wad of cash in a patient's sock, tucked it in my pocket to send to the safe. Patient kept me busy all night, what with CIWA checks, diazepam, and urinating all over his room. I didn't realize how much it was until I was checking my pockets. Luckily he was too inebriated to know I left with his $$. I promptly put it valuables envelope and sent it off as soon as I got to the floor.

Since I've only been working a few months, the worst thing so far is coming home WITHOUT something in pocket, such as my phone charger, notes to myself or, wait for it......my best PEN!!!!!

Specializes in ER, cardiac, addictions.

I once found a 30 mg Dilaudid PCA cartridge in my scrub pocket when I got home. I promptly went back and had someone witness the waste. That would have been a very hard thing to explain if I'd been caught leaving the building with it!

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Butter packets from the hospital cafeteria.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Accucheck machine, lancets, alcohol pads and strips.

Specializes in Geriatric/Sub Acute, Home Care.

Narc keys,,,,did that once..never again...came all the way home...... and someones eye drops, lots of finger stick pokers....

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

When I worked evenings, we got so tired of the narc keys being missing, that I made loud colored heavy lanyards for them all. Hung on your neck, long enough to tuck into your uniform pocket (yeah, oolld story). Many of us would meet at the Green Onion for a midnight toast after work, I walked in & the first thing the evening supervisor said from her stool was : "Narc keys?"

Yep. Even with a very visible and heavy lanyard on, I walked into the bar with the narc keys around my neck.

Specializes in ER, SANE, Home Health, Forensic.

I have seen some folks glue them to a badge reel and make flowers out of them, adding colored "jewels". They come out very pretty.

Specializes in ER, SANE, Home Health, Forensic.
I bring home meds a lot. At least once every other month I dig through my house to make sure I've found everything I brought home, take it back with me, and make a large deposit to a sharps container.

I intentionally bring home flip caps from med vials. I like those things - it's kind of like playing with Monopoly money or something. I don't even know how many I have but it's a ton. One of these days I'm going to do something artsy with them.

I have seen some folks glue them to a badge reel and make flowers out of them, adding colored "jewels". They come out very pretty.


I was at my SIL's house and my baby nephew was there and they were recording his first reading of 'Twas The Night Before Christmas, and you see me in the back round, pull out the narc keys and yell **** ! I'm going back to work!

Lovely. Aunt Far is such a good influence.

Yep, narc keys. But I only live a mile from work thank goodness.

Specializes in Hospital medicine; NP precepting; staff education.

I second the Ativan waste comment. 1mg , eyeroll, ggggaaahh.

If vitamin a is needed and no one is around to waste, I have to put it aside. And dang it if i accidentally throw the vial and can't scan it.

Same goes for tossing my tubex or carpuject. I like to call those my Sonic Syringes. <.>.> ;)

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