After a few years of being undermanaged on our floor (we went through 7+ managers in ten years so issues were never followed up on) we recently got a new manager who seems to want to stay a while. A TON of people have been fired lately (7 in a matter of six months or so--lots of narc issues). You know those people who are at work every day and you just think "HOW do they still have a job?". It was all those people, LOL.
So one of the docs let it slip the other day that they were called in to review security tapes regarding a fired employee. NO ONE had any clue we had cameras on the floor. Then one of our nurses neighbors came over and asked "so are you one of the new floors with cameras?". Appearantly this neighbor knows someone in maintenance who said they were installing them on certain floors and "big brother is watching".
CREEPY! It felt really awkward the rest of the night. Do you know how many wedgies I have secretly picked at the desk?
Is that a common thing? Do you have them?