"GRAY SCREEN," does it mean you have failed????


I took my second NCLEX today and it was horrible. So many medications, prioritizations and SATAs. I had about 215 questions (somewhere around there, I don't quite remember...too anxious to remember). Anyway, when the computer stopped, it turned 'GRAY." I heard that if it turns gray, that means you have "FAILED." Can anyone comfirm this??? I am pretty scared right now. I don't want to take again!!! :o

Im pretty sure everyone who takes it gets a gray screen when the computer determines that you are done with the test and it is over. It has nothing to do with pass or fail. Think positive!!!

Im pretty sure everyone who takes it gets a gray screen when the computer determines that you are done with the test and it is over. It has nothing to do with pass or fail. Think positive!!!

There was a thread that mentioned about the gray screen, and every failed exam, the computer would turn gray on her/him. Until the one time when her screen turned blue, and it turns out that she passed..Maybe you passed and your computer was gray?

Well crap. I took the NCLEX in Dec and failed and yes I do remember a gray screen but I thought that a few of my friends had said they had gray screens too (which is why I posted what I said earlier) and they passed but now Im not so sure. Once you said blue, it rang a bell that maybe they had blue screens. I mean how crazy would that be if you could tell by what color screen you got? Since people wait in agony (including me last time) awaiting their results they could know right away from screen color? It just seems very non nclex to do something like that because its such a mind game. Oh great, now something else to think about before my re test date! Ahh! Let me know what your results are. Sending positive vibes your way!!

It seems to me that a couple of days ago a person said they passed and their screen had turned grey. My last three EC tests at Pearson Vue, the screen turned blue and I passed, so I had thought that it was "blue, you pass". We need some more input on this phenomenon.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Hey people,

I read a post from a lady that had taken the nclex 10th time, she mentioned on her post that all of the times that the computer shut off had turned gray except for the last time that turned blue and she passed, (dont take everything i said cuz im not really sure) well, just thing that you have pass, and wait for the results,,, you will be ok

I took the exam on Friday & at the end I had a GREY screen,. I PASSED. Don't worry about the color of the screen.

Specializes in E.R., post-surgical.
I took my second NCLEX today and it was horrible. So many medications, prioritizations and SATAs. I had about 215 questions (somewhere around there, I don't quite remember...too anxious to remember). Anyway, when the computer stopped, it turned 'GRAY." I heard that if it turns gray, that means you have "FAILED." Can anyone comfirm this??? I am pretty scared right now. I don't want to take again!!! :o

Mine turned gray and I passed. I don't think it matters, just keep your head up until you know for sure.:redpinkhe

i think that the screen change colors so fast that u dont know which was first or last !! i say that because when i tested on the 4-16-09 my screen went blue then went gray but i didi hear about the blue screen pass and gray failed but everyone say its not true because i heard of some pass who stop at gray sreen!! God Bless and dont worry u got this!:up:

i cant even remember my screen color! wheew..

Took nclex this morning and end up to 103 n0 calculations and the screen turned gray...does it mean i failed again?

i got a blue screen for my latest exam but my name is still not on the online license verification. i remember my previous exams were gray....:scrying:

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