are "fake nails" okay for nurses?

Nurses Announcements Archive


I am a nursing student graduating next month. I wore "fake nails" before nursing school, but my program did not allow them during school. I am considering getting them again after graduation. What is your opinion and the policies at the facilities where you work? Are they a health hazaard to patients if proper handwashing precautions are used? Have you read any studies on the "fake nail" issue?

Its not the length, its the nails.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
Are there any studies to show that infection rates dropped once artificial nails were banned. Isn't the length of the nails more important than whether or not they are fake? I am a nail biter and when I don't have acrylic nails I bite below the quick till they bleed. This seems to be more of an infection risk than manicured, well kept artificial nails. My acrylic nails are less than 1/4 inch. I have not found one study showing decrease in nosocomial infections following an artificial nail ban. I did find that the original study was based on 40 people, it found increase in bacteria but not increase in the spread of infection. And in the NICU infection study, it was due to glove ruptures from long artificial nails. I just want some facts if anyone can help. Thanks

It's the acrylic. There is PLENTY of proven research available when googled.

(didn't know this thread had a crash cart)

Specializes in Float.

Funny..I was just looking at a picture in a newspaper article showing a woman giving a child an injection. She had LONG RED NAILS and wasn't wearing gloves (as a student who hasn't gotten to injections yet not sure if you would wear gloves giving an injection...but those LONG RED nails surprised me! LOL)

It's the acrylic. There is PLENTY of proven research available when googled.

(didn't know this thread had a crash cart)

:roll :roll

Much like the nails, stuff in this thread CANNOT BE KILLED!!

Nail salons are a hotbed of nasty germs....and so is the community at large, where do you think those sick patients are spending their time before hospitalization and after, and where are their visitors going to? Health depts all over the country simply cannot inspect 100% of them and constantly monitor them, and many of the folks working there come from places where TB and other nasty stuff is running rampant. You cannot avoid that if you go to a nail salon. You cannot wash off stuff stuck between the acrylic and the nail.

I really didn't know this was such a hot button topic...glad I am in Ohio and some smart PTB has just banned them. It surprises me that so many nurses won't consider taking prenatal vitamins or seeing an endo for a thyroid check before simply asusming they *have* to have acrylic nails since their own break so easily.

By the way, all us acrylic-free short nailed OH nurses are pretty attractive. we wear makeup and color our hair, and look very nice without the nails.

Specializes in NICU, DC planning, Neurosurgery, Inf Dis.

3. Cole C. Nail bacteria linked to baby deaths. Available at: Accessed April 1, 2004.

I read this article. It doesn't really prove to me that it was the "acrylic nails" that caused the deaths of these premature infants...if you disagree, please for the other articles I tried to access them, but they're too old and not able to bring them up on the website...

I have worn acrylics for many of the reasons mentioned earlier....

I have worked NICU and other areas for many my knowledge I've never caused any harm to any patient in regards to my nails...I wear gloves.. wash appropriately....if I ever found out the contrary I would do anything in my power to remove the danger from my patients...

I have never had a fungal infection on any nail...mine don't "lift" because they're put on with a powder and liquid...don't use the "glue" that likes fungi..

I used to bite my nailbeds, had chipped nails, weak nails, etc.

since I've had acrylics I've never bitten my nailbeds..I keep them clean, short, and healthy...I get lots of compliments on them from fellow nurses, lay people, etc. I have gone to the same nail salon for about 9 years...never heard of any problems from the state inspection agencies regarding complaints against this establishment....(I know a number of people who have gone there and no problems reported)

I know this is a touchy subject for nurses..I'm from the time when we couldn't wear perfume, nail polish, etc.

I haven't seen any recent information regarding whether the banning of acrylics in hospitals has improved the infection rate...

if there is any new information out there, I haven't found it on google either...

does anyone have any recent info regarding whether the banning has made a difference??? I love evidence-based practice and am very interested in this subject for obvious reasons...btw...I work in a clinic now...wear gloves with any patient contact...

I've worn nails on and off for MANY years, of course off during school. I put them back on during summer and winter breaks (vacation fun and holiday parties!). Mostly I wore acrylic over my natural nails, because they'd break off pretty low otherwise; it was the only way to keep them really looking nice. When I had tips on, for added length, they were thicker than when I just had the acrylic overlay, but still, even with just the acrylic it was considerably thicker than my natural nail. That was the point.

With acrylic on, there's NO way I could clean adequately underneath. I could shower and soak, I could grab a little brush, but I'm darned sure I was NOT getting everything. I could tell that when they came OFF from time to time: peely or flaky skin buildup down at the beds. Not grand.

When I'm at work now, and when I was in clinicals at school, I was GLAD as ALL get out to be able to really REALLY clean under there! Didn't want anything hitching a ride home with me, you know?

I love the extensions and the smooth surface the acrylics provide. And, when I have someplace special to go, I'll slap a set on there for sure. But come my next shift: GONE!

Specializes in hospice, home care, LTC.

This ia a pet peeve of mine. Please DO NOT wear fake nails, or wear natural nails longer than 1/4 inch past the fingertip. Yes, numerous studies have shown that both type of nails harbor nosocomial bacteria. Nails also pose a threat to the patient's skin integrity. By the way, rings are a problem for the same reasons.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Well, same here. I had French tips put on for my wedding and vacation, but they were off 2 days before i returned to work.

No fake nails ever. One of the first things you'll learn is to take those suckers off...that and washing your hands constantly. Bacteria WILL get under the nails, breed, spread to your patients, and make you sick. I'm not allowed to be involved in clinicals with fake nails nor am I allowed to work at my hospital. If this isn't mandatory at your school or place of employment I'd reconsider being with that program/facility. It's not worth being "pretty" at the sake of cross contamination. Have patience with your new/brittle nails and just apply a clear coat until they grow in nicely. Good luck with school!


No acrylic nails. I had them put on after ah hiatus of about 5 years. Talk about nail crud. I got a beasty-yeasty under my 4th and 5th nails both hands. I't 9 months later and I finally have parts of the nails that aren't affected. The yeast is only what I could SEE. There's probably a minefield under there. NO ARTIFICIAL NAILS if you are in health care, cause they AIN'T HEaLTHY.

Hi Ruffles - Congrats on your upcoming graduation. By now you should know about infection control - nix on the nails. Professionals don't wear them.

Specializes in Psychiatry, Case Management, also OR/OB.

Our Infection Control Comittee has ruled no artificial or overlays of any kind in our facilities. Pretty good research indicates they harbor not only bacteria but fungal cultures as well. Just say no.

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