Quit during orientation

Nursing Students General Students


what are my chances of ever working in that hospital again?

I recently quit this past week my 1st ever tech job as a Nursing student b/c i felt it was unsafe. I had to juggle up to 15 patients, some mentally unstable and some being total/complete care with not much help from the nurses/techs and unsupportive management. I thought i'd be gaining valuable skills but all i did was clean patients for most of the day. This was something i was already taught in NS, so i dont need the additional practice. i felt like i was doing all the grunt work. The nurses were mainly charting and giving out meds, but they too seemed busy but their work is alot less physical. I was thinking of just working at my friends dads company as an administrative assistant until i graduate. It pays more and its a lot less work....It was a nice hospital, id like to go back, but only as a nurse.

You need to tell this too the nurses who i used to work with who felt they were too good to do cna duties. Y do u think i left? lol Im not breaking my back for any nurse or any patient, they can kiss my butt for all i care. My well-being is #1. Again the nurses i worked with pretty much formed their own little union saying they refuse to do any tasks a cna can perform. i saw no team work. i left. Now if they paid me 20+/hr then i would be inclined to stay, since your giving me an incentive to work really hard in dangerous conditions


I just don't even know where to start with this one.


I just don't even know where to start with this one.

Haha, I do. But it's nothing nice that I have to say, so I'm keeping quiet and just watching the show.

Haha, I do. But it's nothing nice that I have to say, so I'm keeping quiet and just watching the show.

Mama always said if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all! Lol

Specializes in Emergency Department.
Mama always said if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all! Lol

But Alice Roosevelt said "If you don't have anything nice to say, sit next to me!" My kinda lady ;)

But Alice Roosevelt said "If you don't have anything nice to say, sit next to me!" My kinda lady ;)

I like that!

So I've been off of my orientation at my pct job. I'm thankfully learning skills and the work load is not high as compared to my previous job. It's still a considerable amount of work but less cleaning since most patients can take care of themselves and i don't work on the morning shift, so thankfully, i don't have to do any AM care. My training was full time for 2 weeks, 1 week class (which i liked), and 1 week on the floor, which was kind of brutal, but i sucked it up. I'm required to put in 2 shifts per month as a per-diem employee so im not doing this often. At my other job, i had to work every weekend, 8 shifts per month.... And im still working part-time in an office which is great since it gives me a lot of time to study and get paid at the same time. I couldn't be any happier with my choices. Now that my foot is in the door, finding a hospital job will be cake and i can avoid the possibility of ever working in long term care/skilled nursing which i would never want to do. I know i have received a lot of angry comments from people on the previous thread and statements of how ill not become a nurse or how ill be a bad nurse, but i want you to know that not only will i become a nurse, but i am on the road to success, and will likely have a much easier time finding a RN job now that im a pct and the hospital pays big bucks for its nurses, which is a double win for me. My advice to anyone not happy where they are, don't be afraid to do what i did. Take a chance, i hated my last job and could never imagine going back. Find the specialty or area you want and go after it. Not only did i land a job in which i can more skills on a better unit but i also got a job where im paid to study. Do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals and never settle for less than what you expect! have a nice day :)

Okay, I finally got through the whole thread. Anyone else's BS meter going off?

Sorry, but I don't believe one word of this. It just doesn't ring true.

And LOL at nurses making "big bucks."

I think you are getting too much grief from the posters on here.

From my understanding I thought the hospital is paying some tuition...

I'm glad you have a job that you enjoy now, that's what matters. Nursing is a huge diversified field, and there are plenty of specialties where RNs assist minimum with ADLs if that's what you want.

Good luck in school and strive to be a great employee at your job so that you would get noticed. Be nice and go the extra mile for the nurses, that's what will help you get a job once you become an RN.

There's a CNA that I work with now, and she's amaZing, the best I've seen because she does things without me having to ask her and does things that she is not "required" to do around the unit, I would recommend her in a heartbeat to a manager.

Thank you for your support, as well as icuman, thank you for your comments and to others as well who i may have missed. Let me try to make this clear. If i thought aide work was below me, then why would i get another aide job? I obviously will value the experience i gain as a pct. I worked previously as a cna, not a pct, yes the roles are quite similar but i can do a bit more at my current job, like remove foleys, iv's, ekgs, blood draws, and so on. So im doing a bit more then just wiping butt, at my last job. Do i enjoy wiping bottoms, no i wont dent it, i really dont like it. If there are people then enjoy doing that than good for you. Now that doesnt mean i wont do it, its part of my job to assist in activities of daily living, so i just do it. My las t job was a nightmare. Nurses just sat at the station and told me to reposition patients that were extremely obese. Sorry but i dont get paid enough to break my back. Is the supervising nurse going to cover my medical expenses if i have a spinal injury? you bet not. My current job is less physically demanding, im learning more, and i find the staff to be a bit more helpful. As a future nurse, yes i will ofcourse help out my future aides b/c i have learned to appreciate the amount of work they do for the little pay b/c i am now in there shoes. But let me make 1 thing clear, I will never risk my physical, emotional, or mental well-being to be an aide or even a future nurse. My health and well-being triumphs over the hospital i work for or any patient i take care of. If staff like a nurse is too busy or too lazy to help me with a patient then its your problem, not mine. You will be the to get sued. I congratulate the person who left the nursing home job after a few months, i believe that was icumans comment. Good job, i dont know if you work in the hospital currently but from your comment you seemed to really hate that job. Brush yourself off and move to the next step. you will do great! Never settle for less.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
Specializes in Hospice.
Okay, I finally got through the whole thread. Anyone else's BS meter going off?

Sorry, but I don't believe one word of this. It just doesn't ring true.

And LOL at nurses making "big bucks."


It's getting so deep in here they're going to have to start passing out hip boots lol.

Specializes in Operating Room.

While I think that the OP was mistaken for quitting and I think they may need a reality check, floor nursing isn't for everyone. They may find that another specialty is more their speed.

Although, we clean people even in the OR. Code Browns are universal.

In regards to the pay thing, I started at $45,000 a year and now make between $73,000 and $80,000 a year. That's nine years in though.

Sorry but i dont get paid enough to break my back.

I'm sorry? Part of your job IS turning patients, you do realize that, right? No one gets paid enough to break their back. There's something called proper body mechanics that would prevent this from happening.

But let me make 1 thing clear, I will never risk my physical, emotional, or mental well-being to be an aide or even a future nurse. My health and well-being triumphs over the hospital i work for or any patient i take care of.

Again...I'm sorry? Do you know what nursing entails? Nurses get bad backs all the time...its part of the nature of the work! It is physically demanding some days. What will you do if you have to do something that may be physically taxing to you in order to keep someone from dying? Say "they are not worth me hurting myself. See you on the other side"? No! You do what you have to to keep them alive. I just. I can't.

I think you have a false reality of what nursing really is about. Do some more research on the career. It doesn't seem you know what all nursing entails.

I just have no more words for this.

In regards to making big bucks. The nurses at my current facility make roughly 2 1/2 time to 3 times what the pct makes. So yeah, huge difference. the pct job i only do about 2-4 times per month depending on my availability. But since i have another job, i cant work more than that and im happy with my hours and self scheduling capability. As a future nurse, i will obviously want to work fulltime for the benefits, plus your going to be paying me a lot more as a nurse so ofcocurse i will feel inclined to give you more hours. Also a lot of my friends are second career changers. I asked them why they chose nursing. The answer was always the same. Job security and money. They were laid off from their previous job. I hate to break it to you, not everyone chooses this field to help others. Your probaby thinking why i chose this field. The answer is extremely simple. Im paid well or decent to help others. If you take a nurses salary and cut it too minimum wage, lets say 8/hr, would i work as a nurse or be in school to be a nurse. The answer is no. And as a pct, i just stick with perdiem, since i dont get paid well. as a pct yes, i do get a few bucks above minimum wage, but would i do this if i got paid the very minimum? no the answer is no again, id just work at mcdonalds. There always needs to be a financial incentive, its how capitalism works. In regards to the job isnt gauarnteed comments. You are right, a RN position is not gauranteed. Any healthcare experience is better than nothing. If they do not like me at my current unit, fine i will work on another floor as a nurse or even another hospital. I wont give them any reason not too, when i go to work, i do what i have to do, and i dont argue with any1. if thats not enough reason for them to promote me than its your loss not mines. ill take my experience elsewhere.

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