I am of the male species, and was wondering how the male population does in the nursing field? Right now I am currently looking for programs in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area. Are guys accepted with open arms, or do they get the cold shoulder? Does it help if thier cute??!!!.
Part 2 of this inquiry. I think I might have Adult ADD, because its really hard for me to focus on anything unless I am doing 10 things at once, and if I am only doing 1 thing or just sitting around, I am always figgiting. My mind is always going 700 MPH, and I dont want to lose focus if I do find a school to go to. I took some of those online tests, and they say its possible I have ADD.
So I was wondering if the medications they prescribe actually work, and if they actually help you keep focus.
I am going to post these questions in the RN and LVN forums go get the most feeedback I can get. They way I will probally pull all this off, is to do an LVN program, then do the transfer classes to get my RN license. I can really afford to take 2 years and go to classes full time and just do the RN.
Thanks alot in advanced.