Question that I need help with


The question is this:

A nurse is caring for a client that has just returned from surgery. What must take place before modification of the nursing care plan can occur?

a. Evaluation of the previous nursing care plan

b. Revision of the client goals

c. complete reassessment

d. formulation of new nursing diagnosis

I am undecided between a and b. Please give words of wisdom.


Thank you everyone. I way over think things and I talked myself out of the reassessment for various reasons which now seem so stupid. Some days I am so over whelmed with everything and I doubt that I can do this. Sigh...and this is just Nursing 1. LOL. My first care plan is due on Tues and it is freaking me out. It gets easier Right? LOL Take care and thanks[/quote']

I always go with my first instinct. When I'm dot with a test, I go back over it to make sure I have filled my scantron out correctly but I meet change answers. I changed 6 answers on a test once and missed all if them. My first choice had been the correct answer the hole time.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
The question is this:

A nurse is caring for a client that has just returned from surgery. What must take place before modification of the nursing care plan can occur?

a. Evaluation of the previous nursing care plan

b. Revision of the client goals

c. complete reassessment

d. formulation of new nursing diagnosis

I am undecided between a and b. Please give words of wisdom.


Your patient has had a change in condition all nursing interventions begin with assessment. How else do you know what your patient needs?

As someone already said.....ADPIE

  1. Assessment (collect data from medical record, do a physical assessment of the patient, assess adls, look up information about your patient's medical diseases/conditions to learn about the signs and symptoms and pathophysiology)
  2. Determination of the patient's problem(s)/nursing diagnosis (make a list of the abnormal assessment data, match your abnormal assessment data to likely nursing diagnoses, decide on the nursing diagnoses to use)
  3. Planning (write measurable goals/outcomes and nursing interventions)
  4. Implementation (initiate the care plan)
  5. Evaluation (determine if goals/outcomes have been met)

besides, don't you really need your own assessment in order to formulate a plan? You aren't going to revise goals based on an assessment you didn't do yourself, are you?

Specializes in ED; Med Surg.

All the care plans, nursing diagnoses and goals are worthless if a fresh post-op is crashing. You won't know that unless you ASSESS. So C is the right answer.

Badly worded question, but not for the reasons you would guess. Three of the choices have to do with care planning, and one with reassessment. That alone would make you look extra-carefully at C.

However, this is not really a care planning question, it's a question about postoperative nursing. And you would have learnt there that the first thing you do when you receive a patient to your care from the OR is a complete assessment. Period. Full stop. Only possible answer, and not negotiable.

When taking nursing school tests always remember ADPIE, Haslows and ABC's. Assess before doing anything else.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

you always begin with assessment. The care plan may change according to your assessment

Specializes in LAD.

I would say C. The patient has just returned from surgery, so he needs to be reassessed. This would be a time to check his or her vital signs. You need to know how the patient is functioning and his condition as a result of surgery before moving on to care plans!

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