Im surprised this question doesn't get asked more often, but what are some of the better options to make more money as an RN? What I really mean is career advancement options, including those that require advanced/terminal degrees.
Outside of CRNA (which we all know is the nursing cash cow) what are some of the more lucrative options to increasing your earnings as an RN (not necessarily even things that require you to be an RN, but having a history as an RN would help you progress in) ?
Nursing Faculty?
Nursing Administration/Leadership ?
Going from RN > Private Industry/Corporations (i really know next to nothing about how an RN would do this, but this does intrigue me. How viable is this and or would one do this ?)
Im not looking for a get rich quick scheme or anything of the sort. I love my job and what I do now I really do, but I also know that as my family grows im really going to need to increase my income substantially.