Published Dec 18, 2010
15 Posts
I went for an interview with a hospital in the summer of 2009. I had left nursing only in 2005, but had not been in the hospital in quite some time as I was doing home health, hospice, but still nursing.
I wanted to go back to the Nursery as I had both L&D and NICU Level III experience.
I was sent to the PostPartum Manager after applying for one of those positions. She told me if I took a Nurse Refresher course, she would hire me! I found the Refresher course, took the course, and performed my clinicals at two of their other hospitals. However, I was not allowed to do anything by the nurses except put in a NG tube (which went right in -- nursing is like riding a bicycle).
However, I finally finished the course this time last year. I saw a few postings and applied. Never hearing anything -- except from the manager who said she didn't have anything!
I did work a little this summer. But I just saw another posting. I called the Recruiter who said, "the manager does not have the authority to hire you! I do!" I advised her that I was promised a position if I completed a Nurse Refresher course.
I was so upset because it cost me 6 months, time to study, time to go to clinicals, mileage and tolls to get to the Nurse Refresher course. I did not have to pay for the course, but the State is now out that amount of money!
Is this the way to treat someone who does what I was told to do.
They have not just hurt me in this position, but because they took me out of the market for looking for an Admininstrative Assistant position. Now I am being told by everyone, you don't have recent experience.
What can I do?
I spoke with the Recruiter
Jules A, MSN
8,864 Posts
Move on. I would think that an experienced nurse with a recent refresher course would be more desirable than a new grad. Good luck!!
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
Unfortunately, I do not see that you have any options. Unless you have a written promise of a position, you do not have a position. Times are hard and many nurses are not employed.
Look on the bright side - your refresher course can only help in your job search.
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
The other candidates have better connections than you do. That is all it is. Nursing isn't about who is best for the job, it's about who you know it seems these days.
2,836 Posts
Trust no one. I have been hired by 2 different home care agencies recently. Both of them looked me in the eye and told me nothing but lies. I am sorry to hear about your situation.
38,333 Posts
Two employers hired me, then gave me absolutely no work. One had the audacity to screw over my unemployment claim. At the second one, the receptionist told me to submit another application for employment when I came to the office to give them updated employment documents. I looked at her and said, "No. I don't know why you hired me in the first place". I have other employers who don't call me with work either. The employers who do call me with work, don't call very often. I certainly am not getting 40 hours a week. This is just the way it is. When one employer doesn't show interest in you, move on to the next. That is all you can do.
How awful caliotter3. You got hired by 2 different employers and received absolutely no work at all. They wanted you to submit yet another job application after you had already filled one out!!!! I am so sorry to hear that you don't have full time hours yet.
I think the agencies divvy out the weekly hours trying to string along as many nurses as possible.
47 Posts
OP and others in a similar situation, my sympathies to you. I'm still doing nursing school pre-reqs so don't know if this is a standard practice in health care and/or a sign of how (bad) businesses practice in the current economy. Makes you wonder if you need to hire an attorney when accepting a position just to make sure your interests are protected. :grn:
660 Posts
Sadly the market has changed drastically from summer of last year to now. That is nearly 18 months! A nurse manager told you something, but 18 months later she may have many other very qualified candidates for that opening. Her verbally telling you something a year and a half ago is hardly something you can call a binding offer. I'm sorry this happened to you, buy surely you understand that after 1.5 years things can change?
Meriwhen, ASN, BSN, MSN, RN
4 Articles; 7,907 Posts
Since you didn't get an official deal/offer in writing, there's nothing you can really do about it.
I think you should move on. Don't entirely cut off relations with this place because you never know if something will come up. But don't hold your breath: definitely start applying elsewhere. I hope things work out for you.
I have been applying other places. However, there are openings there -- it is a very large hospital. They have openings all of the time.
I never thought a degreed nurse would be looking at being homeless, as now they are telling me I don't have "recent experience" for my administrative assistant positions where I have been applying.
I am 59, no one wants someone this age anymore. I went to an agency for admin asst, they told me to go work retail! and I have a degree.