Published Apr 18, 2016
OyWithThePoodles, RN
1,338 Posts
My husband sent me this email last week:
He's kind of a dork, but I'll take it. We will be going to dinner and then chaperoning prom for his FMD class, he works in a different district than mine.
Bought muh dress...And I can wear my nursing bra with it. SCORE! He wanted me to wear the dress I wore to my senior prom. Yeah, my left leg wouldn't fit in that dress. We went to my junior and senior proms. His junior prom I was graduating college (robbed the cradle a bit), and he didn't want to do his senior prom.
To keep it medical: If a medical need arises, what do I do as a non-employee? Hide in the corner and pretend I'm not a nurse? His school doesn't have a nurse but maybe I will get lucky and the nurse that visits will be chaperoning, too.
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,706 Posts
911! Seriously, If you are in your state, you'll be OK making an appropriate assessment and recommendation for further care.
Yeah I figured just checking them out would be okay, but lets hope nothing arises.
I am going to need a bite block to keep me from biting my tongue so I don't comment on all of the twerking (is that the word kids are using these days) that will happen.
Cattz, ADN
1,083 Posts
If the school doesn't have a nurse, they are accustomed to and trained for handling situations as they arise. Relax and enjoy your excessive twerking, tho. Congrats on the cool dress that your nursing bra will work with.
I went to Prom over the weekend with my Hubs. No attempts at "twerking". But, we were tempted to dance to "Footloose". But, since our son is a Senior and he would not have appreciated it very much. We just settled for tapping our feet under the table. BUT>>>next year, look out
No medical emergencies and all arrived home safely. Amen.
I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of foot tapping. Because even she dances better than I do.
SnowyJ, RN
844 Posts
How awesome! Have a great time.
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
Cute!! Have fun :)
I wouldn't stress about any medical issues any more than you would if a medical issue arises while you're at a wedding or the grocery store. Help as appropriate if need be and call 9-1-1 as appropriate.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
When my older kids were in high school, there was one (awesome) teacher who chaperoned dances and she had an empty plastic gallon soda pop bottle and she would bonk kids on the head who were dancing "too dirty". There was no twerking back then. My 14 year old, so far, was only interested in going to a dance when he was in 4th grade but I said no as I was against having dances in elementary school.
410 Posts
I never went to prom but my friend almost had an emergency! She decided to eat a brownie at prom and started to have an allergic reaction. Thank goodness she isn't that allergic to nuts!
Oma to 11
44 Posts
Have a wonderful time!
Thank you all! I won't lie, I am excited. And it is on my birthday so at least I'll get a dinner and some dancing out of it.
12,646 Posts
Sully, this is so cute. Happy bday and enjoy.