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About jack4408

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  1. Any NICUs hiring..anywhere??

    Children's Hospital of Philadelphia has a bunch of positions
  2. Leave a staff position to travel in this economy??

  3. Forever greatful parents

    I know what you mean. I get frustrated with moms who freak out when their baby is in NICU for 2 days. I want to tell them to look around
  4. Forever greatful parents

    Parents like you are the reason I'm a NICU
  5. Seattle NICUs

    Which hospitals in Seattle have
  6. NICU Travel Jobs

  7. NICU Travel Jobs

    Which hospital(s)? Which agencies do they use? I haven't seen any postings for
  8. NICU Travel Jobs

    Where are they? I'm stressin'
  9. NICU Pet Peeves

    And that's why I can't wait to move to a new
  10. Central Line Tubing Change

    Sterile or
  11. Anyone travel nursing with Husbands

    My husband works from
  12. NICU Pet Peeves

    Messy drawers Babies left laying on skin probes from the previous shift Unneeded amount of blankets in the bed that are serving no purpose When people don't understand the concept that the medication...
  13. Central Line Tubing Change

    What is your hospital's procedure for changing IV bags and tubings for central
  14. San Fransisco Travel Housing

    I may be taking a job in SF through CCTC. What apartment buildings have you been placed in through them in
  15. Cross Country vs. American Mobile

    I am considering traveling with one or the other. Can I have some pros/cons for each for those of you who have traveled with