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All Content by booklovinrn

  1. Feeling sad and guilty

    I have a close friend that I met during pre-reqs. We were in most classes together and had planned on going to nursing school together. We studied together and it worked really well. When it came time to go to nursing school I had to put it off fo...
  2. What should I do for a year?

    Because of some family issues I am not going to start nursing school until May 2009. I can't work or do anything full time and I have finished my pre-reqs. I am taking a 3 week CNA course, but I'm not planning on working. I just hoping it will gi...
  3. CNA program

    White County Hospital in Searcy (about 45 minutes from Little Rock) teaches a CNA class that lasts 3 weeks. The next one starts June 3 and I think they are offering it one more time this summer. You can get a phone number off their web site. The ...
  4. Moving to Cabot

    We are planning to move to Cabot this summer (assuming we can sell our house in Atlanta). I am planning to finally start on my dream of becoming a nurse. I am currently a high school teacher. I am old (45) and don't have any science background. I...
  5. I am working on pre-reqs now and hope to go summer after next ( Summer 2008) I would love to ask some questions of someone in the program or recently graduated. If you don't mind answering some questions please send me an email and I'll ask away. Th...
  6. Anyone currently attending UAMS BSN program?

    Hi I bet you are excited about starting this summer. I ended up deciding to wait one more year until I start. I've got a lot of family things to take care of in this next year so it looks like it will be summer of 09 for me. Where did you take your...
  7. Uca

    I'll apply to both but at least right now I am leaning toward UCA. I like the idea that it is spread out over three years and I'm hoping that will make it less intensive. I already have a degree so I would pretty much just be taking the nursing cou...
  8. Uca

    I have heard that UAMS is easier to get into than from UCA. From what I've heard most every program is easier to get in than UCA. I think (maybe someone on the board you has gone there will tell us for sure), but I think the GPA UAMS wants is at le...
  9. Uca

    I'll be finished with my pre-reqs this spring but I think I am going to wait a year before I start. I am older (47) and I like the idea that UCA's program is 3 years instead of 2. I have a lot going on in my life and I'm hoping that by spreading it ...
  10. Uca

    Hi I don't go to UCA but I am also interested in transfering to their nursing program. I have exchanged emails with one of the administrators there though and she told me I needed a 3.5 to be competitive as a transfer student. Evidently they give p...
  11. Questions about working in management

    I am having a hard time deciding which career path to take and would like some advice. For starters I'm 47. I have a BBA from a very long time ago and an MBA from about 10 years ago. I have worked in accounting for about 12 years and managed a few...
  12. Moving to Cabot

    klwilson-I'm interested to hear your experiences with Cabot schools. We did move here a year ago, and I haven't been real pleased with the schools so far. I tried to PM you and it wouldn't go through. thanks, CAMeadors
  13. New UALR Students?

    What type of accelerated program do they have? Their web site doesn't seem to have much info on it. Is there an accelerated program for someone without a medical background? Thanks for the info.
  14. I got in at UAMS. Please post if you have been accepted

    Congrats! I am hoping to go there next summer. Please keep us posted on how it goes.
  15. A&P I Spring 2007 Semster - Welcome!

    Hi! I'm very nervous and excited to finally starting A & P I. I have prior degrees in business (BBA and MBA) which means I am pretty much starting from scratch with science courses. There is not an accelerated program at my area, so I'm taking ...
  16. Tell all about Arkansas!

    I wanted to chime in. We moved to Cabot in June of this year. We decided to come here because of the quality schools. We have found the cost of housing and living significantly cheaper than where we moved from (south of Atlanta). Everyone has been ve...
  17. The most difficult semester you've ever had?

    Hi Are you looking at an accelerated program in Arkansas? I've been trying to find one around the Little Rock area. I know UAMS mentions one, but said it is on hold pending funding. I just wondered if you know of another one. Good luck on that sch...
  18. nurse entrence exam

    Does anyone know about the test you take when you enter UAMS's BSN program? It looks like it is not a condition to get in, but I'm not sure what test it is and what they use the scores for. I saw somewhere that you have to get a 90 to be considered...
  19. Moving close to Little Rock

    Hey Don't Quit glad I'm not the only one to do a mid life career change. What did you do before? I was most recently a high school math teacher for 5 years, then I was in accounting. I'm planning to go straight for an RN but I can't decide where i...
  20. Moving close to Little Rock

    We just moved to Cabot about two months ago from south of Atlanta. So far, we really do like it. Do you have children? The schools here are supposed to be excellent. It doesn't start until the 21st so I don't have any personal experience yet. Yes...
  21. Where to live around Tulsa?

    My husband and I are thinking of relocating to the Tulsa area. We are planning a trip in a few weeks to look around. Our first priority is an area with good schools. We have a son who will be in 6th grade next year. I am also planning to pursure my l...
  22. How hard is it to get into UAMS?

    As I have mentioned earlier we are planning to move to Cabot and I'm going to start on my prereqs. I am then planning on going to UAMS to get a BSN. I was wondering if anyone knew how hard it is to get into? What GPA do I realistally need? Is the...
  23. Where to live around Tulsa?

    It's kind of a strange story that brings us to Tulsa. My husband is an airline pilot. We currently live in the Atlanta area and for many reasons we are ready for a change. If he still has a job after April 15 (if they don't strike),he has decided it ...
  24. Where to live around Tulsa?

    Thanks so much for the info. The accelerated RN program sounds really interesting but kind of intimidating. Is anyone currently in it or survived it?
  25. I am going to be starting my nursing pre-reqs in the next year and I was wondering if there is any advantage to taking the science major versions of Biology and Chemistry instead of the typical intro versions needed for nursing? Does anyone know how ...