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  1. Hello, and that is such a great question. Everything is different for everyone but for me the two hardest classes in the program were statistics and research. After being a nurse for five years a lot...
  2. Hello, I am one week away from finishing my online BSN from the University of Texas at Arlington. I remember when I was looking for a school to attend I combed through these boards looking for...
  3. Hello all. Thanks for any replies. Is there aids in australia or is it total care. Do Australian nurses work 8 hour shifts or 12 hour shifts. Is there ratios and if not how many patients per nurse....
  4. Hello All, Thanks in advance for any advice. I am an RN with 5 years of acute care experience and thinking about going back to school to become an FNP or Acute care NP. It seems that all the...
  5. I just transitioned from Med/Surg to ER nursing and started at a new ER and it's a lot busier than I thought it would be. I "thought" that most ER nurses saw around 8-10ish patients per night. But...
  6. Travel in Eureka, Ca?

    It's a great hospital with good staff. I have known people who have had children their and they all had nothing but good things to say. The staff is very friendly and family oriented as well. The area...
  7. How do you deal with the confinement?

    Hello, I work in a maximum security prison at the moment. And I was just thinking the other day as I walked to a call about how it did not bother me that I was surrounded by metal bars and concrete....
  8. New grad RN working in Corrections

    Hello, I am a corrections nurse. You can pm me if you like. But just so you know it does get better with time. Keep your head up. Before you know it you will have a year under your belt and you will...
  9. First thank you for any responses. I have been doing my research and it looks like a nurse with an Associates Degree in Nursing can't become a nurse in NZ because you need 1100 hours of clinical in...
  10. Finding Rural Nurse Job

    Hello, I was a new grad with an associates degree and found a job at a critical access care hospital. Those are very small 20 or less bed hospitals. They are truly "rural nurse jobs" and serve...
  11. New Ads on all nurses.

    There seems to be some sort of new ad system. Every time I try to read a post a movie preview starts up in the new post down at the bottom. Is this just me or is it happening to other guest as well....
  12. Thank you for all of your replies. Ill do as you all suggest and just try to relax and help out where available. Thanks for all your