
NewEnglandRN RN

Med-Surg, Psych

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About NewEnglandRN

NewEnglandRN has 4 years experience as a RN and specializes in Med-Surg, Psych.

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  1. NEw to Home Health; need resources

    I would see 6-8 patients per
  2. NEw to Home Health; need resources

    Hello, I am an RN with 8 years experience. I have not done Acute Care hands-on Nursing for 2.5 years. I have several weeks to prepare for a travel HH assignment. I was wondering if there are any...
  3. recommended books

    Hello, I am an RN with 8 years experience. I have not done Acute Care hands-on Nursing for 2.5 years. I have several weeks to prepare for a travel HH assignment. I was wondering if there are any "must...
  4. Medical Case Management Group (MCMG)

    Has anyone received work with this company
  5. Post-Offer Physical Exam?

    Hi there, First of all best of luck to you. It is frustrating enough to find a job in this economy, but when you have to worry about your own health issues, it is even worse. May I ask what and why...
  6. hedis outcomes or managed access

    DON'T BOTHER! Was hired last year, completed the training and then my field advocate quit. I was never given assignments despite repeated promised for at least 30 hours/ week. This year they called me...
  7. I had no other side effects at all... probably had nothing to do with the vaccine. I am actually feeling more 'normal'
  8. I had the seasonal vaccine a few weeks ago with no problem. On Monday, I had the H1N1- no soreness at all, but much more concerning is that for the following two days, my balance was completely off! I...
  9. Substitute School Nursing

    I would absolutely go in on my own time, but my Sub day is on Tuesday. I have another assignment the following week and will make certain to stop by earlier that week. Thanks for your
  10. Substitute School Nursing

    Hello! I have picked up some Substitute Nursing shifts through my local school district. There really is no training provided for Substitutes. Does anyone have any advice or tips? Can you tell me...
  11. What do you wash your scrubs with?

    Tide with Downey. Always separate from my other
  12. Extra pay for charge?

    $1 per hour- not worth the additional
  13. New Grad Starting Job on June 15th NEED TIPS

    During my first year, I carried either 'RN Notes' or 'Med-Surg Notes' pocket guide with me. I also have a Palm Pilot with Davis Drug guide on it. I love it because I have everything I need with me at...
  14. Be honest about the medications you are on for your screen. I am glad you found a med-combo that is working well for you. Good
  15. Things to do on night shift

    ABSOLUTELY necessary in Nursing to establish a