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All Content by EMEddie

  1. It seems that Most paramedics or at least many of the ones I have encountered feel they are more competent in knowledge and procedures when compared to RNs. I'm not trying to start a war here, but who do you think has more medical knowledge? I fe...
  2. EMEddie

    How long did you study for CCRN?

    How long did you actually study to pass the CCRN? I was thinking of a solid month. I work my 3 12s and, of course, on my days off, do the studying. 2 weeks of content and 2 weeks of pure practice questions and then take it. What do you thin...
  3. EMEddie

    Will there be too many NPs?

    It seems that there is a huge trend of RNs going back to school and choosing NPs instead of other emphasis (CNS, Education, Leadership, etc). There are so many online colleges and actual "normal" physical schools offering NP programs that its made m...
  4. EMEddie

    Please Help with HUGE Decision

    [COLOR=#333333]Hello everyone-[/COLOR] I started my FNP program this August, but I also got into a PA school and decided to defer my acceptance; so I have a seat to start on Summer/Fall 2016 if I want to. If I decide to stop my FNP program and st...
  5. EMEddie

    Please Help with HUGE Decision

    Hello everyone- I started my FNP program this August, but I also got into a PA school and decided to defer my acceptance; so I have a seat to start on Summer/Fall 2016 if I want to. If I decide to stop my FNP program and start my PA program in 20...
  6. EMEddie

    Is this true? Salary Question

    I am going through the same dilemma and dont know what to do. I started my FNP program this August, but I also got into a PA school and decided to defer my acceptance, so I have a seat to start on Summer/Fall 2016 if I want to. If I decide to stop my...
  7. How do you become a surface transport nurse? I have two years experience as an ICU RN and worked previous nursing as an EMT. What would be the best way to do this? Thanks in advance.
  8. I am simply wondering if any of you or possibly someone you know did their BSN or RN - BSN through Western Governors University and still got accepted to a NP Program? Thanks in advance,
  9. EMEddie

    Reimbursement Question

    I have a few questions that some people seem to have different answers to and was wondering if you could assist me with this. How does the reimbursement work for midleves, both PAs and NPs? Some people tell me that PAs seem to get 85% of the reimbur...
  10. have a question and I am looking for the most sincere advice. I have been an ICU RN for two years and last year I applied to an FNP program (Sonoma State University) and a Masters in Medical Sciences/PA Program (Stanford University School of Medicine...
  11. EMEddie

    What would you do?

    Hello guys- I have a question and I am looking for the most sincere advice. I have been an ICU RN for two years and last year I applied to an FNP program (Sonoma State University) and a Masters in Medical Sciences/PA Program (Stanford University Scho...
  12. EMEddie

    What would you do?

    I live here in California and both PAs and NPs get paid the same. I mean, the only downside I see is that I wont be able to work for the next 21 months of the PA program as opposed to the FNP program, but I have enough savings to live off since I wo...
  13. EMEddie

    Georgetown NP program

    Whats the price of the program more or less FT?
  14. EMEddie

    CRNA Schools that dont require..

    I hold a B.S. in Public Health and have an Associates degree in Nursing; have two years experience as a Medical/Surgical/Trauma Critical Care Nurse. Are there any CRNA programs that take a non nursing Bachelors degree applicant? I tried to do some r...
  15. EMEddie

    University of Cincinnati FNP fall 2013 anyone???

    Hi Guys- I want to apply for the UC Online Program Starting Summer or Fall 2015. I have tried to look all over the place in the website for the deadline without any luck. Do you guys happen to know when the deadlines might be for Summer/Fall 2015? ...
  16. Quick question: I took the PA for Care if the Older Adults and passed; but will need to review some sections. From the coaching reports dealing with Medicaid stuff. It suggests chapter 19. When you guys reviewed from the coaching report prepping fo...
  17. Hello everyone- I need your advise and perspective. A couple weeks ago my manager communicated with me to let me know that she was doing an investigation on "narcotic divertion" and that I was going to be place off the schedule for a couple of days....
  18. EMEddie

    Need Your Advice Desperately!

    Thanks everyone.. It has been extremely hard for me trying to cope with this, it did hit my confidence and values hard.
  19. EMEddie

    MICU vs SICU

    I think it depends in the facility yo work on. In my MICU we move pts pretty fast in and out to our stepdown units. We do get pts with chronic complex pathologies and its very interesting and fascinating to learn multisystem involvement.
  20. EMEddie

    Is there such programs?

    Hello everyone- I am wondering if there is such FNP programs for RNs (Associate Degrees) with a degree closely related to nursing (Public Health/Community Health) that is two years. I know there is bridge programs where the student has to take anywhe...
  21. I guess I should start reading my Community Health ATI stuff for when I take the class, what do you think?
  22. Hello Guys- Can the following coursework be completed in 1 semester? I know that several people have completed RN to BSN in 6 months, so just wondering if you guys thing the below classes are feasible: - Care of the Older Adult - Health ...
  23. Also guys, for those of you who completed in 1 semester, what is the strategy here? I have read that the COS from WGU has enough work to keep you for a semester, so once I start, what should the focus be to get through the classes as soon as possibl...
  24. EMEddie

    Opinion regarding WGU

    What is COS? What is OA and what is PA? I am starting the program in a month so just wondering here =)
  25. I am a bit confused here. Community Health Nursing for RN to BSN includes ATI? So does the final exam for the community health nursing class for WGU is the ATI exam on community health?