

Case Management, Psychiatric Nursing

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About LVN2010M

LVN2010M specializes in Case Management, Psychiatric Nursing.

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  1. Kaiser LVN's

    I'm going to start working for kaiser the 28th of this month as an on call nurse. im taking a huge risk here where they only guarantee only 20 hours a week and im leaving a full time job. the reason...
  2. New Nurse Jitters? Am I alone?

    I dont think you are alone as many of us are frightened. My first job was wokring in convalescent care and during my training i felt fine however when alone i was scared and anxious. At night i would...
  3. Hello, I currently work at a military base as an lvn initially i was hired for a clinical coordinator and slowly picked p the case management duties. My concern is that i miss patient care i...
  4. Gave up an LVN job.

    I was working as an LVN at a LTC didn't finish my probation period. I gave this job up for a government job at a military base as a clinical coordinator tomorrow is my first day and i am so nervous i...
  5. The feeling of not passing the NCLEX is a terrible feeling, i too failed my test the first time and it was awful passed the second time.. but do not give up keep taking it, as soon as u receive your...
  6. Can't deal with it anymore

    I feel exactly the same way, your thrad is similar to mine called "4 weeks feels like 4 years" i dread my job as well everyday i go in i dont have a smile but anxiety and nerves i am always thinking...
  7. Reality Shock...

    Nursing School got us through the NCLEX the real learning will be when your on the floor. Good
  8. First 4 weeks feels like 4months

    My orientation was 3 weeks if i remember correctly. The med pass isnt really my biggest problem i can honestly knock the med pass out fairly well, buut as far as the paperwork and documentatoin and...
  9. does it really get better?

    I feel your pain.. when i first started my med pass i got the hang of it it almost cam naturally but as far as the documentation new admits, discharges, and transfers.. it takes me so very long! and...
  10. My orientation is over and now i am on the med cart. I do not like LTC everyday i go to work i dont go in with a smile but i love the residents as far as the job i paperwork. I fear for my license b/c...
  11. Im on my own

    My orientation of 3.4 weeks is over and I'm going to be solo on the floor and the med cart starting tomorrow. I feel Im ready but at the same time I'm scared to fail everyone says I'm doing great, but...
  12. How do you feel at the end of your shift?

    I have the same feeling it is so overwhelming never have i felt like this. Ive been on orientation for 3.5 weeks and everyday i feel as if i forgot something or failed to finish something or im in...
  13. Holy crap it's been a year!

    congrats on the one year accomplishment! :ancong!: the first year is not easy i'm barely on my first month! & already have learned that it is hard to stick to the team player mentality when no...
  14. New Grad With Two Jobs

    Thank You so much these were true words of wisdom. I am not doing this for the money & certainly not for bragging rights,my main focus at the moment is my career as a nurse. I love working with...
  15. Got 1st US nursing job, now freaking out...

    Im currently at a LTC facility and been on orientation for 3 weeks now and i have one more week and there letting me on my own w/ the med cart, charting, pt teaching, faxing labs, calling doctor, and...