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All Content by rn2bein08

  1. Calling experienced OB nurses:)

    Hi all! I need help! I am new to L&D and am having some trouble with VE's and determining dilation. Any words of advice? I get that this will probably take time but I wish it was easier! My first issue is reaching those posterior primips! I have...
  2. Made a mistake!

    I learn more from my stupid mistakes (near-misses) than from anything/anywhere else! Take this as a learning experience and walk with your head high knowing we ALL make mistakes!
  3. New ER nurse wanting to work contingent OB....

    I agree with the need for experience! Your best bet is to focus on one area right now (ER or OB). If you decide to go the OB route start at your own facility where they know you and you'd have a better chance of getting into L&D without experienc...
  4. NRP, Fetal monitoring and STABLE are necessary in my area... breastfeeding certification like (CLC or CLS) would be very beneficial as well.
  5. Let's talk GPA

    So ladies (men too) what was the GPA cut off for your school's nursing program? Or, what was your GPA when you were accepted?
  6. Who's applying for the Fall 2006 semester?

    count me in! we are supposed to have our letters by next weekend but i called the advisor and found out i made the gpa cutoff! fall of 06 here we come!!!
  7. Please tell me what you think!!

    I don't know much about the point system since our U goes only on gpa. But... I was supposed to get my letter after March 29th but I called the advisor and she gave me the gpa cutoff so I knew if I made it or not. Which I did!!! But, I'd try to call ...
  8. What would you do??????

    So... here it is. I am waiting for my letter which is supposed to be mailed out in exactly two weeks from today. So... would it be completely insane to call and see if they would release at least the cut off GPA? Yes... I know I have waited this long...
  9. What would you do??????

    Yep! The celebrations are on hold until I receive "the letter" in the mail (even though I may indulge in a bit of champagne tonight!!) I am just relieved that I can relax and stop worrying about it every minute of the day!!! How is it that it's alway...
  10. What would you do??????

    ok... so i didn't get anywhere with the school but i emailed the nursing advisor and well..... I MADE IT!!!!! this semester's cut off was 3.54 and i have a 3.67!!!!!! :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons:
  11. What would you do??????

    Well... I called and I got no where. Oh well, I know now that I at least tried!!!
  12. What would you do?????

    So... here it is. I am waiting for my letter which is supposed to be mailed out in exactly two weeks from today. So... would it be completely insane to call and see if they would release at least the cut off GPA? Yes... I know I have waited this long...
  13. What did you do to CELEBRATE??

    I will be getting "the letter" in 2 weeks and plan on taking the kids to an amusement park and going out for an expensive supper! But then, when isn't it expensive with four little ones!!! I can't wait!!!!!
  14. What would you do??????

    Thanks so much for the luck!!! Here's me sending it right back to you!!! Make sure you post back here when you get your acceptance letter! At my college they only look at GPA so if I knew the cutoff I would know if I made it. I just don't want to ann...
  15. how to wait... patiently

    I need some major advice. I am a complete wreck and I have 9 more weeks (actually it's 8 weeks and 6/7) until the letters are sent and I am freaking out. What if... I dont make it!!!! Ok, so how do/did you wait without losing sleep, gaining 50 poun...
  16. Ok girls lets talk about...

    Personally, I cannot wait to do OB! Being a mommy of four I know what it involves and I can't wait to be a part of that experience! My view may be somewhat partial since someday I want to become a CNM.
  17. how to wait... patiently

    so... how are the rest of you doing? i have calmed down a bit. the advice on formulating a back-up plan was enough to settle me down for a while anyways. i'm not a nervous person, i just can't handle not knowing something this important. has anyone r...
  18. Got "the" letter....

    YEAH!!!! CONRATS!!!!! I would definitely frame it first! Hopefully I'll be doing the same in 8 weeks!!:smiley_aa :smiley_aa :smiley_aa :icon_hug:
  19. Should I worry that I received a C in Anatomy?

    I am with everyone else on this one. You should start by talking with the nursing advisor and other students that have made it. Here in MN for a BS it is EXTREMELY competitive. Last semesters GPA cut off was a 3.62- that's 4 A's and 2 B's in the pre-...
  20. waiting (im)patiently....

    Count Me In. Our Deadline Is 2/14 (yep... V-day!) And Letters Are Sent Out 3/29th!!!!! Of Course I Should Have Waited Until The Last Minute To Hand Mine In Since I Have Been A Basket Case Since I Applied! Oh Well.... Best Of Wishes To You All
  21. What a disappoinment, I'm SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OMG! I would be torked too! If I were you I'd keep showing up at both classes until they forced me out of there. In my science courses at the U 1/3-1/2 of the students drop close to the 2nd drop date anyways. That is something I'd stress to your prof...
  22. how to wait... patiently

    I have decided that if I do not get in that I will retake Anatomy or Micro (my 2 B's) over summer session and then reapply in the fall. It is so hard when you have a family relying on you to finish! I wish that it didn't take so long to find out! Wha...
  23. Time to apply

    Hello fellow students! I have finished my pre-req's and will be applying this month. I am very nervous! Last semesters GPA cutoff was a 3.62 (much higher than usual), and my GPA is 3.67... so send your good wishes and prayers my way!
  24. Time to apply

    thank you all for your support! this is such a neat site! anyone else applying and/or waiting to find out?
  25. Need an opinion

    I know where you are coming from. I have a friend that will apply with me this semster and when it comes down to it (getting in) we can be enemies! Not purposeful but it happens. We will study together and ask each other questions but neither one of ...