Calling experienced OB nurses:)

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Hi all! I need help! I am new to L&D and am having some trouble with VE's and determining dilation.

Any words of advice? I get that this will probably take time but I wish it was easier! My first issue is reaching those posterior primips! I have them put their hands underneath them but still can't reach (probably just need to be a bit more aggressive?). And I cant seem to feel cervix once the head is at 0 station and she's dilated 5+ (probably d/t effacement?)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

you may just have small hands....and practice makes perfect!!

There was one far posterior cervix I could not reach for the life of me (even with the pelvic tilt)! My precepting nurse could, but she had longer fingers than me! I agree with the above may have small hands

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

If the cervix is very posterior, and sitting on her hands doesn't help, I give very gentle fundal pressure with my left hand to bring everything down a bit.

Specializes in new hire on L&D.

quick question as a RN are you allowed to give VE?? im a new RN and work in L&D and only the MD's PA's and CNM's do VE..... im in NYC maybe its different not sure

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
quick question as a RN are you allowed to give VE?? im a new RN and work in L&D and only the MD's PA's and CNM's do VE..... im in NYC maybe its different not sure

Yes, absolutely we're allowed. The facility I work at now is a teaching hospital that has both interns/residents (so, they want experience in SVEs) and midwives (who are there at bedside and do their own SVEs) so here I don't get much experience with SVEs, but at the facility I worked at prior to this, it was a small community hospital where the doctors were not in-house, and the RNs were expected to do just about everything.

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