4.0 pre reqs


How hard is it to get a 3.75-4.0 in pre reqs. i know everyone is different, i just like to here your opinions. If you can after you answer the question could you provide your current gpa if its not to much to ask and maybe your high school background ie what kind of student you were in high school what grades did you earn. This is for me to know what im dealing with i hope this isnt to much to ask for.

4.0 gpa (so far and hopinig to keep it up). Class that are complete: A&P I & II, Eng Comp I & II, Gen Psych, Gen Bio I, Intro Chem, Nutrition, Sociology, Patient Care, and Medical Terminology. Also, I scored a 95.33% overall on the Hesi. I was an awful student in high school. I think I graduated with like a 1.(something). Plus, I am in my late 30's and have been out of school for some time now.

JonB04, it is definitely possible. Is it going to take work? absolutely! Is it what you want? If so, you will accomplish the task. I look at school as a job. There are many times that I would like to be playing with my two year old son, but I know that I make time for him and that my success in school is a priority for his future. Here is what I think is key my friend. You need to be organized, you need to set goals, make a plan, get on the path and stay the course. I have often joked with people by saying that I believe the college library was my new home and that I was going to start using that as my mailing address. If you really want it...Go after it! However, the only thing to remember is that everything comes with sacrifice. For every reward there is something that you are going to have to give up. One final piece of advice...make time for yourself and those that you care about. When it is your time and time with your loved ones be in the moment and enjoy. When it is time to study do not let anything interrupt you unless it is an absolute emergency. You can't just leave work to go to a game or hang out or something without there being consequences. In the same manner you will just need to keep that focus and others will need to respect that. Again, good luck buddy!:)

why do the people of allnurses give me so much hope. Thank you so much. I believe that i can do it. You are the best. If you dont mind me asking how was the transition period of you not being in school than transitioning into school. Was it hard at first.

It's not hard as long as you are determined and motivated to get good grades. You have to put in a lot of time to study. I haven't talked to my friends as much as I did before taking classes, but it will be worth it for me in the end. My GPA is 3.8 (I know this isn't super great, but I'm very proud of it), but in high school I ended up with a 3.25. I did terrible during my first two years, but I knew I wanted to go to college so I pulled my grades up quite a bit during my junior and senior year. Actually, when I first started college I did terrible. I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do, so I didn't have any motivation. Once I figured nursing was for me I busted my a** and made things work.

my gpa was a 3.2 in preqs...in nursing school climbed to a 3.5!! high school..hmm soooo long ago! definitely was not the best student way back then!

3.8 is super great thanks guys for showijg me i can do it

Specializes in ER/ICU.


You can absolutely do it! Why not?? =)

Like other posters already said, it is doable as long as you are focused on your goal and dedicate a certain amount of time to it.

When I first read posts here Allnurses.com, it seemed like every one has over 3.7 or even 4.0. I was freaked out...

But what I've seen and heard so far is quite different.

Don't be discouraged only by GPA!

Of course, you need to try hard to get decent grades but I believe that GPA is not everything...

Do your best, and you will be fine! Good luck!

This forum has discouraged me a little. But it has also given me so much hope i thank you guys. I really appreciate what you guys do for me. I know i make alot of post but you guys have shown me nothing but love.

I think if it's something you have an interest in, along with the drive and motivation, you will do your best regardless what your gpa number shows.

I have a 3.98--its that stupid A- in math that will prevent me from getting a 4.0. Anyway, I did horrible in high school; as a matter of fact, 8th grade was the last grade I actually completed. Was suspended for the rest of my junior year due to excess absences. 12th grade I didn't even bother--I worked instead. Thank God for second chances.

I hated high school....I graduated in the lower half of my class.

Now...I am 43 and I am just finishing my pre-reqs. I have a 3.8. which I am extremely proud of. ((could've been a 4.0, but life throws you a curve ball now and then)) It is so different when you are learning something you want to learn. It really takes less effort in my opinion. A lot of things just click. If you set your mind to it, it is very doable~~don't doubt your abilities!!

I am starting my last pre-req this week, and I'm soo looking forward to putting my brain back to work!!

a favorite quote of mine is..."when you put your heart and your mind into your intention, you are unstoppable"

I have a somewhat different perspective on this. I don't think it is a matter of wanting it bad enough or focusing harder or spending more time or being more organized, although those things play a part. I've seen too many people who do all those things and still don't get the grades. I've been there myself a time or two.

It is also figuring out what to focus on.

It is setting yourself up to suceed before you start: physical things like good habit of taking care of yourself, academic things like being realistic about how much you actually learned in the prereq class or whether you need to master more math or language skills before taking the required classes.

It is figuring out how to compensate for your idiosyncracies and capitalize on them, depending on which indiosyncracies your talking about. Early morning classes or later in the day for your most challenging subjects? Lots of reading or strictly lecture? Big picture first, then fill in the details or add detail to detail until get the picture built? It depends on how your brain works, but you can pick profs or study techniques that work best for you.

In high school I earned a few decimal points above a 3.0. The first time at college, I earned a few points below a 3.0. Currently, I have a 3.7 gpa in the classes the nursing program at my school counts. Some grades came from back then and some from this time going to college. Of classes counted by the nursing program: I have two required classes to go, and maybe one logic/critical thinking class that isn't required but would be interesting/useful (it would replace a humanities class for me). Then I will apply with either a 3.8 or a 3.9.

I could ditto much of what RB200 said. I have a 4.0 and I have 4 kids, but I dont work, school is my job. I also have been taking my classes 2 at a time ( I have had no daycare) so I dont have to repeat anything like many of my friends who are taking a full load, they end up doing a lot of the science classes twice.

In high school I didnt do that well and ended up taking my math all over again and chemistry. Im an older student in late 30's who never went to college until now. I think when I first went back it was one of the scariest , hardest thing I had done in my life. I am still struggling with not being only a full time mom and having responsibilites outside the home.

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