Pre-Nursing MOMS Unite!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


  1. What are you going for?

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Hello my fellow pre-nursing students and soon to be pre-nursing students. I am a single mom of three children. Twin boys who just turned 7 and a little girl who is soon to be three this week. I have been a stalker of Allnurses for quite some time. I was previously a Veterinary Assistant seeking a degree in Veterinary Technology but decided to change majors since the workload did not pay as much as I needed to support us. Even though I do love animals and love working with them I also enjoy the fact that I could take this infatuation of science and healthcare and become a nurse and support the human society.

I've seen threads on nurse travelers, school acceptance, 30's nurse support, (which is okay and very cool to me) But I haven't seen a thread yet about mom who are trying to transition into the nursing field support thread. It can be hard, but I believe this would be a great place to support each other challenges that affects us daily, such as with time managements skills (w/kids,hubby,etc) daycare, support system, what programs are out there to help us and more other useful stuff that can be used to our advantage. I Really look to and support the single people thread as it's still challenging enough becoming a a nurse even w/o kids; However I know it is super tough for a single mom (even w/hubby, such as his deployment or his long shift to help support the family), but looking through these threads and seeing the replies of other mothers who accomplished it, I say, We Can As Well. Do not give up, I know it is hard, lets come together and keep each other encourage and motivated.

I know you can do it!

Starting with myself: I am 23 years old and will be turning 24 in August.(ADN Route) I already applied to do some of my pre-reqs over again to become competitive. I am focusing on getting into Psy 1101, Math College Algebra and English 1101. I also have to take Humanities, Speech, The first Three Biology, 2113,2114,2117. I am hoping to stilll try my best to make straight A's however as long as I give my best effort that is enough for me.

I Am currently living in Columbus, GA and will be competing for the ADN at Columbus Technical College and plan to transfer to the online ADN-BSN at Columbus State University which cost under 10,000 grand. They also have a partnership so I am guaranteed a spot if I do well..

I hope to hear some you all! :)

Hey All! I just joined allnurses (like 5 minutes ago). I'm a SAHM to my little 4 month old son. He's awesome! I have decided to start my pre-reqs for nursing. I'm so excited and a little overwhelmed. My husband is very supportive so that's helpful. While my son is so young and I'm breastfeeding, I will only take 2 classes per semester to knock out my pre-reqs. Then hopefully after a year, I'll be ready to go full time and start applying to nursing schools after that. I'm going to do the ADN route for now but then to RN to BSN after working for a year or 2. I know the jobs will be few and far between but I'd like to be able to start working sooner rather than later. Yay for us moms!! So happy I found this site and this thread on my first day.

Hello! I am commenting on this because our paths seem so similar! I am 23 turning 24 in August, I have children, I am also taking Psy 1, College Algebra, Eng 101, and also A&P1 haha. It's comforting to see someone who is about to go through the same thing as I am! Good luck on your journey!!

Specializes in Maternal Child, Home Health, Med/Surg.

I'm 22, I have two kiddos and am expecting a third in December! I'm retaking courses at this point to try and give myself a fighting chance, and am due 1 week before the end of the semester. I'm hoping for fall 2015 entry, but my local schools are increasing their difficulty of admissions so we will see. :)

Hi all,

I am 24 years old with two children a 6year old boy, and an 8month old daughter. I have a great husband who's very supportive. I originally worked as a dental assistant for 5 years, and was going to school for dental hygiene. I switched paths because I was also looking for better pay and currently in Missouri there isn't much work for hygienist. I've been taking my pre-reqs for nursing I have two left A&p2 that I take this fall and micro. I've gotten my acceptance letter for nursing and I will start spring 2015. After two years on the waiting list I'm ready for this next step. Very nervous and scared because of the hard work I will need to put in. But also very excited. I'm hoping for the best for me and for everyone who is going through this. Best of luck to everyone!! And we should all keep in touch for encouragement.

Yay! Great thread! I'm 20 (almost 21) with a one year old. Currently waiting for accept/rejection letter for nursing school to get my ADN. And then eventually bridge over to BSN!!

Hello all! I created a thread on a topic similar to this but wanted to say hello and see if anyone has any advice on working and taking care of family and school. I have worked as a receptionist for a veterinary clinic for five years and for the last year have been a supervisor over that department, I have struggled tremendously with school due to the stress of such a busy business and high employee turnover rate that I have been seriously contemplating changing jobs/cutting back on work hours but I am concerned that this will put me into a financial bind so I am at a loss and could use some advice if anyone else has gone through this. I have had many people tell me it would be unwise to leave even though it is effecting my studies because I have a long work history with the clinic but it has really started to effect me mentally and physically. I have also toyed with the idea of working part time in something less stressful and using student financial aid as a means to bridge the budget gap from cutting back on work.

I am 41 and I just got my provisional acceptance for our local ADN program in Spring. It is provisional because you have to be cleared of all vaccines, receive a BLS certification, and pass a drug/background check. I am hoping to do the BSN bridge but I am taking things one step at a time. I did do my BSN requirement classes as well just in case.

Anyhow, I have a 10 and 12 year old and I have been married for almost 16 years. I worry that I am too old to get through nursing school successfully. People in the program are constantly saying I don't know how anyone can have kids and do the program which just feeds my insecurities. I am a good student. I graduated with two AS degrees, highest honors, and I am a member of Phi Theta Kappa society. But I still feel like I am not as smart as the younger students.

My biggest challenge besides school is going to be day care. My husband works full time and I car pool with another mom but I know that is not going to be enough. I need to find care for the days my husband will be at work, I'll be in school and the kids are off school.

I cannot tell you how nice it is to see other moms out there trying to do the same thing. In the past I was a hairdresser and I could work my schedule around my husbands. I do not work now so that helps. Our school has clinical days on Tues/ Wed or Sat/Sun but they do say it can be changed and some Sun/Mon will happen. Plus lectures Mon-Thurs and some Fridays. I am hoping to meet someone in the program who is in the same boat and maybe we can share daycare or hire someone to watch all the kids.

Anyhow, I am so glad to find moms just like me out there. Thanks for all the support and encouragement you have all posted.

Specializes in NICU, Trauma, Oncology.

34 (turning 35 next month), mother to a 13 month old. I have a very supportive husband. I am changing careers and starting a traditional BSN program in August. I'm very anxious about how it is all going to work out.

I'm 25 and a sahm with a 4 month old an a 4 year old. I've been accepted into an accelerated adn program this fall. The school is an hour away :/

I took Biology A&P I and II with Carol Duke. She was absolutely amazing! as for Lab if you put in the extra time to study in the science support lab you will be successful. Mrs Hall was my College Algebra teacher but I got tutoring. All these classes I earned A's in. The hardest I want to say was the Labs because a lot of stuff you have to seek and learn on your own. I had also been told that English 1101 is difficult depending on the teacher. But if you believe in yourself the teachers there do too you will do well. Best of luck to you. Are you apply this October for Spring 2015?

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.

Thanks so much for the tips. I did look on rate my professor and seen the Ms. Carlos has good views vs. Ms. Smith. I've actually got a spot in her lab but a class with Ms. Smith. As I am waiting to get a opening in Ms. Carlo morning class, because it's the only class that fit my work schedule as well. I have only English, humanities, speech and psychology that transfer, so I have my science and math class left. I will have to wait to apply next year for the 2016 entrance.

Specializes in Critical Care.


I know you posted this a while back, but i'm pretty new here. I'm 27 and I have 2 munchkins, a 6 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. I've been married for 8 years and my husband and I are both in school, and working full time. We shuffle the kiddos around quite a bit, which I have lots of guilt over but I keep telling myself it's only for a little while longer and it will be worth it in the end. Right now I'm stressing over quitting my 8-5 cubicle job (not sad to leave but need the paycheck!)when my full time program starts in Spring 2015, finding affordable child care (i'm looking into head start since we will have almost no income) & health insurance for all of us while I'm in school. (my husband is a temp at his job so right now he doesn't get benefits). I've been applying like crazy to any odd hours and part time jobs to try to keep during school but so far no luck... Good luck to everyone going through the same struggles. Parenting while in school and working is no joke!

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