Pre-Nursing MOMS Unite!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


  1. What are you going for?

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Hello my fellow pre-nursing students and soon to be pre-nursing students. I am a single mom of three children. Twin boys who just turned 7 and a little girl who is soon to be three this week. I have been a stalker of Allnurses for quite some time. I was previously a Veterinary Assistant seeking a degree in Veterinary Technology but decided to change majors since the workload did not pay as much as I needed to support us. Even though I do love animals and love working with them I also enjoy the fact that I could take this infatuation of science and healthcare and become a nurse and support the human society.

I've seen threads on nurse travelers, school acceptance, 30's nurse support, (which is okay and very cool to me) But I haven't seen a thread yet about mom who are trying to transition into the nursing field support thread. It can be hard, but I believe this would be a great place to support each other challenges that affects us daily, such as with time managements skills (w/kids,hubby,etc) daycare, support system, what programs are out there to help us and more other useful stuff that can be used to our advantage. I Really look to and support the single people thread as it's still challenging enough becoming a a nurse even w/o kids; However I know it is super tough for a single mom (even w/hubby, such as his deployment or his long shift to help support the family), but looking through these threads and seeing the replies of other mothers who accomplished it, I say, We Can As Well. Do not give up, I know it is hard, lets come together and keep each other encourage and motivated.

I know you can do it!

Starting with myself: I am 23 years old and will be turning 24 in August.(ADN Route) I already applied to do some of my pre-reqs over again to become competitive. I am focusing on getting into Psy 1101, Math College Algebra and English 1101. I also have to take Humanities, Speech, The first Three Biology, 2113,2114,2117. I am hoping to stilll try my best to make straight A's however as long as I give my best effort that is enough for me.

I Am currently living in Columbus, GA and will be competing for the ADN at Columbus Technical College and plan to transfer to the online ADN-BSN at Columbus State University which cost under 10,000 grand. They also have a partnership so I am guaranteed a spot if I do well..

I hope to hear some you all! :)

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.
2 of the schools I am applying to use TEAS and the other uses HESI....I've already taken the TEAS but I think I will retake it next month to try to gain another couple of points on my applications. I need to schedule a time to take the HESI too

HI, Ive never heard of HESI before until I came to this board. Is that another kind of entrance test? I wish you the best on your second test, hope you get the score you want! :) Keep us updated..

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.
Good Luck! I am working on applying to the ADN program at Columbus Technical In the Fall. As a mom with four little ones I know you can do just apply your self and do not get discouraged. I wish you all the best!

Hello! We are applying for the same ADN program in Columbus! Which pre-reqs did you take and what teachers did you enjoy the most? Which pre-req was the hardest? I would love to hear more on your experience with this school, as this will be my first time attending this school.

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.
My school requires the TEAS V test. I plan on buying study guides and seeking out guidance in preparation for it.

Yes, I see a lot of programs (Including some ADN'S and LPN) are using TEAS. I wonder what is the difference from NLN and TEAS?

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.
Mine does the NLN as well. I got the study guide from iTunes from McGraw hill. However I scheduled the test and only purchased it 3 days before I took the test. I wasted money because I didn't get time but to just take a glance. What I did glance at was almost exactly what was on my test. I got lucky and done well enough to get points toward my program and just recently got accepted into the ADN program. I was young when I went to LPN school 20 years ago and had one small child. Now she's 23 and I have 2 at home, ages 17 and 14. It's always difficult being a mom and going to school but yes we can all do it. We just need to think positive and keep reaching for our goals. We will all make it! Good luck with your studies!

Sent from my iPhone using allnurses. Angi/LPN (RN)

Congrats! When do you start? I see the three days still matter because you still got a good score! I agree with the difficulty of being a mom student, however like you said WE CAN DO IT! We Can Def reach our goals if stay positive. I am sooo enjoying this thread and hearing these stories of success, courage and strength. Keep Pushing STRONG MOMMIES!! :)

Specializes in geriatrics, psych.
Congrats! When do you start? I see the three days still matter because you still got a good score! I agree with the difficulty of being a mom student, however like you said WE CAN DO IT! We Can Def reach our goals if stay positive. I am sooo enjoying this thread and hearing these stories of success, courage and strength. Keep Pushing STRONG MOMMIES!! :)

The program starts in august but I won't have to start until January because I'm skipping the first semester. They gave me an option to skip the first semester because I'm an LPN so I'm using the fall semester for prereqs for my BSN so I can get ahead. I'm really excited! I love this thread as well! ?

Sent from my iPhone using allnurses. Angi/LPN (?RN)

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.

Thats awesome you get a semester off..Im sure you will do very well and you have experience under your belt as a lpn which is a plus when you graduate and are looking for your first RN Job. :) I can't wait to start my pre-req, you all got me hype, lol. Now I am just ttrying to brush up on my math skills before I return.

So happy I came across this board! I'm a 26 single mom living in tallahassee, Florida. My daughter is almost 2 and she is my motivation for going back to school to be able to give her the life she deserves. I also want to show her that no matter what your circumstances are, you can still complete your goals! Keeping my fingers crossed to start the TCC ASN program in August.

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.
So happy I came across this board! I'm a 26 single mom living in tallahassee, Florida. My daughter is almost 2 and she is my motivation for going back to school to be able to give her the life she deserves. I also want to show her that no matter what your circumstances are, you can still complete your goals! Keeping my fingers crossed to start the TCC ASN program in August.

Welcome! I know Your daughter will be so proud of you (Shes so cute btw) :) I also see my kids as motivation as well. They are the reason why I want to do this, so that we all can have a better and comfortable life! I am keeping my fingers cross for you as well, I hope you get in! Keep us posted!

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.

I also forgot to mention WIA, is a program that will pay for you to go to school if you are having financial hardship and do not have any degree yet. Its called the Workforce Investment Act. (there should be a center in your area to apply for this) Even if you get pell-grants I believe you still can get it. It pays for full tuition, books, entrance exam and even the NCLEX! ( I also believe they give you a stipend for childcare) Look it up in your state and it should give you more information on attending a orientation or session for more details.

Hey all!

I am getting ready to start a program in August! We have two children, 7 & 4, and three furbabies. My husband is in the military and is away frequently. I'm hoping to be able to do all studying and what not during the day. Then evenings for family. After bedtime, I plan to prep for the next day. I'm hoping to be able to work as a PCT part time. In my area, new grads only seem to get hired when they have been working in the unit as a PCT :(

I'm super excited to hear about what time management things have worked for you all!!

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.
Hey all!

I am getting ready to start a program in August! We have two children, 7 & 4, and three furbabies. My husband is in the military and is away frequently. I'm hoping to be able to do all studying and what not during the day. Then evenings for family. After bedtime, I plan to prep for the next day. I'm hoping to be able to work as a PCT part time. In my area, new grads only seem to get hired when they have been working in the unit as a PCT :(

I'm super excited to hear about what time management things have worked for you all!!

Hello and Welcome! :) Congrats on your acceptance and determination! Your schedule sounds doable. I was just thinking about trying to find another job in the hospital as well, I also see that people are getting a head start by having some kind of ties to a hospital.

It seems like everyone here is either done with their pre-reqs or getting ready to start the program!! That is awesome!! you all are really motivating me.

Read post below.. Thanks.

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