Pre-Nursing MOMS Unite!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


  1. What are you going for?

88 members have participated

Hello my fellow pre-nursing students and soon to be pre-nursing students. I am a single mom of three children. Twin boys who just turned 7 and a little girl who is soon to be three this week. I have been a stalker of Allnurses for quite some time. I was previously a Veterinary Assistant seeking a degree in Veterinary Technology but decided to change majors since the workload did not pay as much as I needed to support us. Even though I do love animals and love working with them I also enjoy the fact that I could take this infatuation of science and healthcare and become a nurse and support the human society.

I've seen threads on nurse travelers, school acceptance, 30's nurse support, (which is okay and very cool to me) But I haven't seen a thread yet about mom who are trying to transition into the nursing field support thread. It can be hard, but I believe this would be a great place to support each other challenges that affects us daily, such as with time managements skills (w/kids,hubby,etc) daycare, support system, what programs are out there to help us and more other useful stuff that can be used to our advantage. I Really look to and support the single people thread as it's still challenging enough becoming a a nurse even w/o kids; However I know it is super tough for a single mom (even w/hubby, such as his deployment or his long shift to help support the family), but looking through these threads and seeing the replies of other mothers who accomplished it, I say, We Can As Well. Do not give up, I know it is hard, lets come together and keep each other encourage and motivated.

I know you can do it!

Starting with myself: I am 23 years old and will be turning 24 in August.(ADN Route) I already applied to do some of my pre-reqs over again to become competitive. I am focusing on getting into Psy 1101, Math College Algebra and English 1101. I also have to take Humanities, Speech, The first Three Biology, 2113,2114,2117. I am hoping to stilll try my best to make straight A's however as long as I give my best effort that is enough for me.

I Am currently living in Columbus, GA and will be competing for the ADN at Columbus Technical College and plan to transfer to the online ADN-BSN at Columbus State University which cost under 10,000 grand. They also have a partnership so I am guaranteed a spot if I do well..

I hope to hear some you all! :)

Hello everyone, I'm so glad to hear that so many moms are going out of their way to better their futures for their children. It's funny how becoming a parent changes you almost 100%! The person you were before no longer exists, and a new person full of determination and want takes over. I currently finished all my pre-requisites to start Associates of Science in Nursing program at FNU, but before taking the next step, decided to apply at an intensive program at Mercy Hospital here in Miami, FL. I take their entrance exam tomorrow morning, and have my fingers, hands, toes, and feet crossed that I pass!! Has anyone on here taken the National League for Nursing Pre-Entrance Exam either for LPN or RN? If so, can you give me some advise on how to prepare for it? I took it once already, but since there's different exams available, I want to make sure I cover anything that may come up tomorrow. I'm soo nervous. Btw, I too am a single mom of a 5 year old (turning 6 in November) that I love so very much. He has made me who I am today, and has re-instilled in me that fire to move on and become someone. Not only for him, but for myself. I've managed to take and pass my GED test, as well as finish all my pre-requisites for Nursing all in exactly a year. I took my GED May of last year, and started school in June.

If anyone has any feedback on that exam, please let me know. I'm super nervous and NEED to pass this test.

I'm want to do the lvn program here in austin tx , but I am getting so discouraged because I just recently moved here (don't know anyone here) and my daycare is only open from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm. At my school they said that during clinicals...some may start as early as 6 am! How do people with kids do it if they have no support? If your job starts at 6; am....but the daycare doesn't open till 6:30.....what do you do?? I want to start the program......the hours of daycare is the only thing I have holding me back since I do not have any support here...

How awesome is it that you started this thread?!

I am a single mother of three children, also. Two boys, 9 and 7 and a girl who just turned 1. I am waiting to retake my Anatomy 2 and my TEAS test so I can apply to the ADN program at Southeastern Tech in Vidalia, GA!

It is nice to see others who are similar to myself! Good luck to you!

Great thread! I have a 1 year old and I'm 25. Looking forward to keeping up with you moms!

Hello everyone!! I am a 27 year old single mother of 2 boys ages 8 & 6 from Miami, FL. I just took the plunge and finally decided to go back to school to finish up my pre- reqs and apply for nursing school. Honestly, I'm terrified! I've always been a good student, a "nerd" if you will... But sheesh everything seems so stressful! I do work for now and I have a fantastic support system! I'm so very excited!

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.

Welcome everyone! So glad to see more moms coming together! I am ecstatic for you all getting into nursing. Please keep this thread alive by posting updates and success stories about anything, from class, life, management anything you can think of to keep you going and motivated!

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.
Hello everyone, I'm so glad to hear that so many moms are going out of their way to better their futures for their children. It's funny how becoming a parent changes you almost 100%! The person you were before no longer exists, and a new person full of determination and want takes over. I currently finished all my pre-requisites to start Associates of Science in Nursing program at FNU, but before taking the next step, decided to apply at an intensive program at Mercy Hospital here in Miami, FL. I take their entrance exam tomorrow morning, and have my fingers, hands, toes, and feet crossed that I pass!! Has anyone on here taken the National League for Nursing Pre-Entrance Exam either for LPN or RN? If so, can you give me some advise on how to prepare for it? I took it once already, but since there's different exams available, I want to make sure I cover anything that may come up tomorrow. I'm soo nervous. Btw, I too am a single mom of a 5 year old (turning 6 in November) that I love so very much. He has made me who I am today, and has re-instilled in me that fire to move on and become someone. Not only for him, but for myself. I've managed to take and pass my GED test, as well as finish all my pre-requisites for Nursing all in exactly a year. I took my GED May of last year, and started school in June.

If anyone has any feedback on that exam, please let me know. I'm super nervous and NEED to pass this test.

Hey, how did your NLN go!?

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.
I'm want to do the lvn program here in austin tx , but I am getting so discouraged because I just recently moved here (don't know anyone here) and my daycare is only open from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm. At my school they said that during clinicals...some may start as early as 6 am! How do people with kids do it if they have no support? If your job starts at 6; am....but the daycare doesn't open till 6:30.....what do you do?? I want to start the program......the hours of daycare is the only thing I have holding me back since I do not have any support here...

Is that the only daycare you have in the area? Try looking for 24 hour daycare or extended hour daycare. Maybe if you can talk with the owner about your need and maybe they can offer something for you. Another thing, how close are you to applying for the program? HAve you already been accepted! If not I would focus on getting pre-req done first and then soon as you apply start looking for a daycare center that has extended hours. Also family in-home are great starts for someone who need more personal lee-way due to school and work. Keep us updated!!!

I start July 14 th and clinicals start in sep. There are no 24 hr daycares here in Austin/round rock texas that I am aware of after doing research. Hopefully I find an in home daycare ...but what if I don't ? I would just need somewhere that I trust to drop her off at like 5 am...or someone who can take her to our regular daycare after I drop her's just so hard...I wish I had my family here...maybe I'll meet someone in school that knows somebody ...I hope .

Thank you for you for your response :)

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.
I start July 14 th and clinicals start in sep. There are no 24 hr daycares here in Austin/round rock texas that I am aware of after doing research. Hopefully I find an in home daycare ...but what if I don't ? I would just need somewhere that I trust to drop her off at like 5 am...or someone who can take her to our regular daycare after I drop her's just so hard...I wish I had my family here...maybe I'll meet someone in school that knows somebody ...I hope .

Oh ok, You start next month! Congrats! I live in Georgia and it's plenty of extended hours and 24 hours in this region. So I didn't even think about other geographical location being very different. I know how you feel, I left my family in Atlanta and its only me. Finding someone you can trust just to watch her from 5am until the daycare opens sounds reasonable. (Just make sure its someone you REALLY CAN DEPEND ON, and with a great reputation) Have you tried I think that's a website where they do background checks and references checks on baby sitters and nanny in your area. I hope everything works out for you! and your able to get to where you are going! Best Wishes!!!

Specializes in Critical Care/MICU.

Oh yeah, and the in-home providers is a great idea too. As they are more lenient and budget-friendly. :)

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