practice questions


Hey everyone, My test is scheduled for Sept. 15th. I have been doing 100 questions a day to prepare and I am having a really hard time staying focused while taking these practice tests. I am scared if I get the 265 I'll lose focus. I just have a real hard time sitting still and concentrating. Anyone else having problems?

Hey everyone, My test is scheduled for Sept. 15th. I have been doing 100 questions a day to prepare and I am having a really hard time staying focused while taking these practice tests. I am scared if I get the 265 I'll lose focus. I just have a real hard time sitting still and concentrating. Anyone else having problems?

I lost focus after around 100 questions when I took boards in August. I failed in around 120 questions. I got really mad because I saw a question identical to one on my Kaplan disk, but the correct answer according to kaplan wasn't in the selection on the NCLEX. I should have taken a break at 100. I really think I could pass it tomorrow if I kept my head on straight. I get really bored sitting at the computer answering questions, but it is good practice and I try to tough it out.

Prepare yourself to take all 265. I am doing that this time around.

Hey everyone, My test is scheduled for Sept. 15th. I have been doing 100 questions a day to prepare and I am having a really hard time staying focused while taking these practice tests. I am scared if I get the 265 I'll lose focus. I just have a real hard time sitting still and concentrating. Anyone else having problems?


You're not alone. I lose concentration too when I'm doing practice questions on CD. Right now I'm using Saunders and I just got done doing Prioritization (100 questions)and Cardiovasuclar system (198 questions). I just can't sit still and concentrate at the same time. Sometimes I notice that I lose concentration too reading the rationale ( I know that's not good practice). When I took my exam the first time, after 75 questions I totally lost mistake...i didn't take along break....I tell myslef next time I will take all the break I can possibly get especially when I feel uneasy sitting down. When everyone says only do 100 questions a day (Suzanne said that too) does that mean after 100 questions that's it? I plan to do at least 3000 questions before I sit it for the second time. Goodluck to both of us and to everone else taking it the first time and the second, third, fourth.........WE WILL PASS!

you really need to take the breaks they offer you if u lose focus.....i took nclex twice both times 265 and didnt take a break although i passed the breaks would have been helpful i found myself looking at the cieling and closing my eyes and sometimes you need to do that and just breathe......mentally prepare to take all 265 and you wont get crazy if you actually do

yes, 100 questions means only 100 questions per day with their rationales.

as you have stated, more than that, you lose focus. you also do not concentrate on what you are reading, and do not retain any of it. remember, you need to learn the material, not memorize it.

100 only per day!!!

nursedaisy, I take my NCLEX on Sept 15 too. I have a huge fear that I'll loose focus on the NCLEX after 85 questions just because I know it could have stopped. I took an 80 question practice test yesterday and didn't realize I flew threw it. I had way more time to do it and I didn't use it like I should have. After a while, I have trouble actually reading through a question word for word. I tend to skip things and that's not good for me.

nursedaisy, I take my NCLEX on Sept 15 too. I have a huge fear that I'll loose focus on the NCLEX after 85 questions just because I know it could have stopped. I took an 80 question practice test yesterday and didn't realize I flew threw it. I had way more time to do it and I didn't use it like I should have. After a while, I have trouble actually reading through a question word for word. I tend to skip things and that't good for me.

I've scheduled mine on september 16th. And feel exactly the way you guys do. :crying2:

I know everyone recommeneds 100 quest per day but that wasn't enough for me. I caught on pretty quick and found out if I did 200+ questions per day for 2 wks and then cut back to 100-150 per day I was doing good. I would study 2 hrs in the morning and 2 hrs in the evening. I varied my studying each week but I planned it out each sunday how I would study for the week. 265 is a lot of questions to sit through and I give made Props to everyone that passes at 265 because that is a long time to hang in there and fight through it. I think it's tougher than 75. I say that cuz I did 265 with Kaplan and thought I would die at the end. I told myself before I went into the nclex..."you can give me 465 questions as long as I pass on the first try!!!" So prepare yourself to take al 265. I luckily got 75 and was done in 1 hr 15 mins.

YOu can do it!!!!! Just breath and think of it like any other practice test.

Tiffany RN

I know everyone recommeneds 100 quest per day but that wasn't enough for me. I caught on pretty quick and found out if I did 200+ questions per day for 2 wks and then cut back to 100-150 per day I was doing good. I would study 2 hrs in the morning and 2 hrs in the evening. I varied my studying each week but I planned it out each sunday how I would study for the week. 265 is a lot of questions to sit through and I give made Props to everyone that passes at 265 because that is a long time to hang in there and fight through it. I think it's tougher than 75. I say that cuz I did 265 with Kaplan and thought I would die at the end. I told myself before I went into the nclex..."you can give me 465 questions as long as I pass on the first try!!!" So prepare yourself to take al 265. I luckily got 75 and was done in 1 hr 15 mins.

YOu can do it!!!!! Just breath and think of it like any other practice test.

Tiffany RN

I was doing about 200q/day, but it's extremely hard for me. I just felt like i'm loosing my mind, at the end of the day. So i quit doing it, and now I'm doing just 100 questions a day. If i don't have time to complete everything until september 16th, so be it.

Also, when I'm fed up of doing questions, i just read the textbook.

I have been trying to complete 3 chapters of Saunders a day or One system in Lippincott a day and I am soo losing focus...

Thanks for the great tip about taking breaks, I'm one of those people that likes to complete things in one sitting or DIE, so I have to learn to pace myself and take breaks whenever I start to miss questions regarding handwashing..hehe

I have been trying to complete 3 chapters of Saunders a day or One system in Lippincott a day and I am soo losing focus...

Thanks for the great tip about taking breaks, I'm one of those people that likes to complete things in one sitting or DIE, so I have to learn to pace myself and take breaks whenever I start to miss questions regarding handwashing..hehe

How many hours a day do you spend on studying?

I'm studying about 3 hours a day

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