PLEASE don't use photos as avatars!


Hi, everyone....some of you may have noticed this topic in other threads on other forums/boards, but I see some of you are quite new and maybe would be seeing this for the first time.

AllNurses is a great place to exchange information, do some research, and vent frustrations. It's also not even close to being as anonymous as most new members seem to believe it to be. With the increased use of the internet for searching people's backgrounds, it doesn't take much effort at all to find out where someone works, lives, the hours they keep and where they shop, where their kids go to get the idea.

Please don't make it easy for the psychos out there by posting your PHOTO, for heaven's sake!

Beyond that, even if you believe yourself shielded from those sorts of troubles (as if we could ever be sure of that?), you should DEFINITELY realize that students have been kicked out of their nursing programs for posting messages online that someone in their program (fellow student, teacher, clinical instructor, you name it) found objectionable.

You could lose that long-awaited program spot because of a message board post, YES. You could find yourself as a new grad, in a shiny new RN position, only to be dropped during your probationary time because of message board posting that vents about preceptors, employer's policies, scheduling, etc etc.

I'm NOT saying to never post these kinds of messages. WE ALL DO. I AM saying that putting your FACE, and oftentimes name, email address, town you live in, school you attend, just makes it blissfully easy to identify you and REMOVE you from your school or employment.

Word to the wise, that's all....guess that's my Public Service Announcement for Today :)

Well darn. I haven't vented or complained about anything, but I've asked questions here and there. And I don't have my picture as my aviator but I do have it in my profile and I tried but I can't remove it. I guess I have to upload a new picture to the profile picture to remove my current one?

Hmm.....I'm not sure. Why not just upload another picture you like (photo of your neighbor's cat, whatever!) and see if it replaces it?

I'm not saying that everyone who ever posts their own photo is going to meet with disaster, but I AM saying that the risks are so much greater than the worth, why take it? People really have been at the receiving end of some serious disciplinary actions (as well as the occasional fruitcake stalker), so why take those chances?

BTW: how is it you have listed yourself as having 7 years of nursing experience if you are still a student?

Specializes in Med Surg/Ortho.

I would never join a site or forum and upload a real picture of me. The only pics of me online are on FB. But only people I know in real life are on there. And it's private. But a huge open forum like this? Just asking for trouble.

But I love my avie. So much cuter than me. Owls are adorable. And its wearing a Jayne hat. Points to anyone that gets that!

Slightly Humerus was my real name but I've since had it changed.

Hmm.....I'm not sure. Why not just upload another picture you like (photo of your neighbor's cat, whatever!) and see if it replaces it?

I'm not saying that everyone who ever posts their own photo is going to meet with disaster, but I AM saying that the risks are so much greater than the worth, why take it? People really have been at the receiving end of some serious disciplinary actions (as well as the occasional fruitcake stalker), so why take those chances?

BTW: how is it you have listed yourself as having 7 years of nursing experience if you are still a student?

I am not a nurse, yet. I have 7 years of experience in the medical field. I am a medical assistant and have a bachelors in psychology and work with/do therapy with people who have neurological disorders. First it was on the clinical side now it's more of a therapy and analysis side. I didn't know what to put there, so I looked at other peoples profiles who were in the threads I was looking at and a few if them said they were MA's or CNA and claimed that as their experience. Which it's experience, the "about me" section didn't say "nursing" experience, it said "experience". So I put the number of years I've done what I've done and then added a description in the biography portion of the "about me" section. Also, it says "other education", where I've listed my previous degree. Then it lists "experience", it doesn't exactly specify experience to what, but being that this is a nursing/~medical forum I listed my experience pertaining to that.

Ok, I see how it came about. Just a weird way of the site pulling bits of info into a summary line on each post. It DID look like you were claiming 7 years of nursing experience, but maybe that's my own interpretation. Whatever, life goes on :)

I do really think, though, that there are way too many people who use their FACES as avatars on the student, pre-student forums....and that it might just bite them in the butt in the end (no pun intended!). ESPECIALLY those photos that are so unprofessional it's ridiculous. Nurse managers and HR personnel are just going to have some serious fun at the expense of some applicants from this site....!

I dare anyone to say No to my avatar.

I dare anyone to say No to my avatar.

I don't know...Is it a dog or a bear?

I don't know...Is it a dog or a bear?

A Puppy! And we're not afraid of flowers


Just kidding. Have a wonderful day. :)

So, just to play devils advocate for my own critical thinking is it, that with the 1st amendment in place, anyone can cause me to lose anything within a nursing program? I am entitled to my opinion in this country still, right? Unless I libel or slander someone, what basis could be legally obtained to take any action toward me? I'm listening to the advice, and appreciate it, but don't understand it.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
So just to play devils advocate for my own critical thinking is it, that with the 1st amendment in place, anyone can cause me to lose anything within a nursing program? I am [i']entitled[/i] to my opinion in this country still, right? Unless I libel or slander someone, what basis could be legally obtained to take any action toward me? I'm listening to the advice, and appreciate it, but don't understand it.

The 1st amendment protects the right to say what you wish (with reasonable restrictions, such as yelling fire in a crowded theater); however it does not guarantee freedom from consequences of what is said. Best read the student handbook for conduct rules.

A Puppy! And we're not afraid of flowers
. Just kidding. Have a wonderful day. :)


Specializes in Adult and Pediatric Vascular Access, Paramedic.

Who do you think you are?? Let people do what they want, we are adults here and not in kindergarten!!!

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