PLEASE don't use photos as avatars!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi, everyone....some of you may have noticed this topic in other threads on other forums/boards, but I see some of you are quite new and maybe would be seeing this for the first time.

AllNurses is a great place to exchange information, do some research, and vent frustrations. It's also not even close to being as anonymous as most new members seem to believe it to be. With the increased use of the internet for searching people's backgrounds, it doesn't take much effort at all to find out where someone works, lives, the hours they keep and where they shop, where their kids go to get the idea.

Please don't make it easy for the psychos out there by posting your PHOTO, for heaven's sake!

Beyond that, even if you believe yourself shielded from those sorts of troubles (as if we could ever be sure of that?), you should DEFINITELY realize that students have been kicked out of their nursing programs for posting messages online that someone in their program (fellow student, teacher, clinical instructor, you name it) found objectionable.

You could lose that long-awaited program spot because of a message board post, YES. You could find yourself as a new grad, in a shiny new RN position, only to be dropped during your probationary time because of message board posting that vents about preceptors, employer's policies, scheduling, etc etc.

I'm NOT saying to never post these kinds of messages. WE ALL DO. I AM saying that putting your FACE, and oftentimes name, email address, town you live in, school you attend, just makes it blissfully easy to identify you and REMOVE you from your school or employment.

Word to the wise, that's all....guess that's my Public Service Announcement for Today :)

Specializes in Critical Care.

My name isn't emmjayy (or M.J., or anything like that) and unfortunately I look nothing like the angelic Lauren Mayberry :(

Specializes in Telemetry.

Bumping because this is excellent advice.

Also, a reminder that it is ill advised to post your email address. This site is public and anyone could see your address and sell it or send you stuff junk and even viruses.

Specializes in Pediatric.

So important! My name is not Adele or Michal. Lol.

I don't really golf a 87, but if I were to, I'd be sure to change my avatar. Right after I do the happy dance.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

I do look like Katie from 'Horton Hears a Who'. Exactly.Like.Her.

Specializes in Family Medicine, Tele/Cardiac, Camp.

I love my avatar photo. But I guess I should probably change it soon to a newer backlit photo of me snowshoeing. This one is almost 12 years old now and I don't really look like that anymore. :)

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