Published May 7, 2006
Thunderwolf, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 6,621 Posts
Found this interesting test where it lays it out nicely. How high of a risk (low, moderate, high) are you in matching with current personality disorders? Gives a break down for you after you take the test, as well as providing a description of each disorder if you need to read more.
Questions TO ASK YOURSELF after seeing your profile:
1. If you are a nurse, how has this impacted your career and relationships?
2. As a nurse/student nurse interested in going into psychiatric nursing, can you perceive some difficulties for yourself depending on your profile risk? Is psychiatric nursing STILL a good option for you? Would you cause more harm than good?
3. After reading your profile, do your career and relationship difficulties seem to make a little more sense now?
153 Posts
Thanks-great test. I was relieved I didn't score high on any and the two I scored moderate on will be my little secret! LOL. I think Psych. nursings's been a great match for me. Thanks Thunder-I always enjoy your wit and knowledge.
1,553 Posts
Great test, Wolfie! Thanks! Your questions really give us something to ponder.
txspadequeenRN, BSN, RN
4,373 Posts
according to this i need a room at the nearest psych unit:rotfl:
1 Post
Thank God I scored a "low" on everything! I think I'm really going to like psych nursing! I've always had an interest in psychology and human behavior!!!!!
NurseCard, ADN
2,850 Posts
Hmmm, neat test, I'll probably share it with some of my internet friends.
I scored "Moderate" on only two areas, and "Low" on the rest of them.
817 Posts
Wow, I actually scored low on everything. Is it weird that I am surprised by that? LOL.
64 Posts
Scored Low on everything!
2,756 Posts
Oy. I didn't. I scored high on 2, one of which I refuse to mention since I know you're all out to get me and the other being narcissistic, with which I'd have to agree. The funny thing is that I just scored moderate for obsessive compulsive behavior, and if pressed, in reality I'd identify those behaviors as my biggest challenges in life.
burn out
809 Posts
I think I took the wrong test...someone told me I was a poet then asked for 10 dollars.
1,531 Posts
How can this test be accurate? If a person lies all the time, as one of the questions asks, why would they answer these questions honestly?
I guess because people who lie all the time tend to do it to other people. It isn't necessary to reveal the answers of this test to anyone else, so why would they answer these questions dishonestly?