personality clash? Bad Aide? HELP


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I have an aide that I used to think worked very well. I'm not sure that she is such a great aide anymore. She 'tells' me what to do, 'refuses' to do things that are expected and asked of her. And 'tells' me when to do things that I know how to do.

I am an LPN.. she is an aide. She spouts quite often "I've never been written up in 27 years of aide work, and i dont intend to start now" yet she gripes constantly, and she refuses to accept any type of constructive criticism, much less praise.

If I say "You are a great aide" before I can get the BUT in there, she says "Of course i am, i've done this for 27 years...." see above statement.

I end up fed up and have to walk away, or else I'll jump all over her, and i want to be the professional one in the situation. however, with my BP skyrocketing because of the stress of her 'calling the shots' and my lack of a backbone, i'm not quite sure hwo to handle this.

I'll accept ANY advice. (btw i work in a LTC facility and I am her direct supervisor)

I see two things that could be going on here.

1. From your bio, I see that you are 28 yrs old. That CNA probably doesn't like the fact that you have been on this earth one year less than she's been doing her job. I've seen this happen a lot. I worked as a CNA for years and years, and would notice that some CNA's would get a bit "uppity" and disrespectful of nurses (didn't matter if it was LPN or RN) if the nurse was much younger than the CNA, it made it worse if the CNA was younger than the years the CNA had been a CNA.

2. You don't mention this but did you happen to be a CNA at the facility you are now at? Many times, when a CNA goes back to school and becomes a nurse and works at a facility where they were a CNA, the other CNA's get a bit..uhhh,,,odd for lack of a better work with the former co-worker. They don't like the fact that a former co-worker who was at the same level as them now becomes their supervisior.

The only advice I can give is use that backbone, otherwise, you WILL be walked all over, disrespected and ignored when requesting something. I started my first LPN job in July, and the CNA's were great during orientation but then when I was on my own some seemed to try and "test" me to see how far they could go. I finally sat my CNA's down and basically told them, I'm not here to make your job any harder than it is, in fact, I'll be the first to roll up my sleeves and pitch in when I could (they all knew that I was good for my word because I have on many many shifts helped with rounds etc). But I expect the same of them. I also told them I would never ask them to do something I wouldn't do myself. I explained that although I could help them out with their jobs (feeding, toileting, rounds etc) I did expect them to do what was asked of them.

They came around and the "testing" stopped. I still have one that likes to push it, and I always nip it before it goes to far. I try to nicely let her know, that she needs to step it up or there will be reprocussions. She gets exactly what I'm talking about.

and never preface a complain or reprimand with a compliment followed by but.....

respectfully state what you need done....the time for compliments is when the task is completed as required

Specializes in see above.
I see two things that could be going on here.

2. You don't mention this but did you happen to be a CNA at the facility you are now at? Many times, when a CNA goes back to school and becomes a nurse and works at a facility where they were a CNA, the other CNA's get a bit..uhhh,,,odd for lack of a better work with the former co-worker. They don't like the fact that a former co-worker who was at the same level as them now becomes their supervisior.

The only advice I can give is use that backbone, otherwise, you WILL be walked all over, disrespected and ignored when requesting something. I started my first LPN job in July, and the CNA's were great during orientation but then when I was on my own some seemed to try and "test" me to see how far they could go. I finally sat my CNA's down and basically told them, I'm not here to make your job any harder than it is, in fact, I'll be the first to roll up my sleeves and pitch in when I could (they all knew that I was good for my word because I have on many many shifts helped with rounds etc). But I expect the same of them. I also told them I would never ask them to do something I wouldn't do myself. I explained that although I could help them out with their jobs (feeding, toileting, rounds etc) I did expect them to do what was asked of them.

They came around and the "testing" stopped. I still have one that likes to push it, and I always nip it before it goes to far. I try to nicely let her know, that she needs to step it up or there will be reprocussions. She gets exactly what I'm talking about.

No I've never worked at this facility before becoming an LPN. I didn't want to deal with the "odd" dynamic of working above people i'd worked alongside.

I'm at the end of my rope, i feel that I should just give up and walk away, mainly because I do not have the backbone god gave a tuna. I'm afraid that she will hell, i'm not sure what i'm afraid she will do, But aside from not doing it because i don't have time to do the aides work and mine too (all of both jobs)

I've over heard the aide talking to people (not just me) and saying things like "it's about time she did something" speaking of me. She's the sort that rants and raves and cusses and I have to hear this all the time.

I know what HAS to be done in theory, I just cant seem to act it out, i'm too afraid of the rammifications. Someone kick me in the ass please?

If I say "You are a great aide" before I can get the BUT in there, she says "Of course i am, i've done this for 27 years...." see above statement.

This isn't praise. It's an entree to criticism, so of course she moves to cut you off. Your criticism may be legit, but your working relationship might improve if you offer genuine praise without qualifying it by then noting what you consider a failure. If you give praise and only praise when it's genuinely merited, perhaps the aide will listen to you more often.

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

You're afraid of ramifications if you confront her....what's the worst that could happen? What's the best that could happen. Consider benefits vs. barriers of working through this, and do what needs to be done or you're not going to feel any better about the situation!

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

The thing is that you are going to find at least one disagreeble person in any setting. I work with a tech who is a loud mouth and while I don't have a problem with her she talks about everyone so I'm sure I'm getting some bad press from her also. Personally I could give a rip. As long as my patients aren't being compromised I ignore the petty stuff. I do take comfort in the fact that I am the nurse and am able to make the final decision when necessary. If you are mostly happy other than this one person I'd find a way to either ignore her or embrace her for her good qualities. :)

Mutual respect. Her years of experience have earned her a certain amount of respect. Your position/license warrants a certain amount of respect...herein lies a balance. When I began, I was put thru 'stuff'. As they got to know 'me' not as their new supervisor but as a person, they began to work with me and... I with them. People need to work at getting to know each other to foster a 'good' working relationship. I would hate going to work in a hostile environment so I put effort into making it not one. No one wants to feel like less than anyone else....maybe that is what she figures youre trying to do here (put her in her place). I hear all the time CNAs telling how long they have been at where I work. I use this to my advantage. This is sort of an offer to help I figure because they know the patients already.

Take the time to listen to her in this way her experience is validated by you and maybe she needs that. Because of her experience, maybe you could ask her about some things...These are just suggestions and I hope they help. Believe me when I tell you, Ive been there (past tense). Good luck!

Specializes in see above.

the problem is thus.

I can let it fly for as long as possible. She's good at her job, i'll give her that. She can be very accomadating, but she is also the same person who will walk down the hall, come to my cart and not only say.

"Mr smith (false name) wants a pain pill." When I reply that it is not time yet, and ask her nicely to inform him of such, which is in her scope of practice. Just to relay that information. Instead of saying "I'm busy, or sure. or whatever." she chooses to nod and do whatever she wants instead of that.

I think that the man in question has been informed that he can't have it yet, and then BLAMMO all hell breaks lose on the home front. BS of 44 two people who wont take their medicines, and finally I make it to the end of a med pass. get to the desk, and the same aide says "DID YOU TAKE HIM PAIN PILLS, BECAUSE HE WANTS THEM AND YOU NEED TO TAKE THEM>" Yes she was yelling.

the problem is not the fact that i think little of her, or that i think highly of myself. I think she is an excellent aide, aside from when she refuses to go into one resident's room because he annoys her, or things of that nature.

My problem is how she takes offense to everyone and everything. She makes it her life's work to run the hall, and she is not the one in charge.

If she is directly insubordinate and yells at you you need, bluntly, to write it up.

Specializes in Homecare Peds, ICU, Trauma, CVICU.
She's good at her job, i'll give her that. She can be very accomadating, but she is also the same person who will walk down the hall, come to my cart and not only say.

"Mr smith (false name) wants a pain pill." When I reply that it is not time yet, and ask her nicely to inform him of such, which is in her scope of practice. Just to relay that information. Instead of saying "I'm busy, or sure. or whatever." she chooses to nod and do whatever she wants instead of that.

Actually, if a patient is requesting pain medication, it is not the job of the CNA to relay the info that "it's not time yet". That is your job. If a patient is having pain it is your job to assess it, and if it is not yet time for the pain med, you need to assess pain level, possible cause of pain, etc, to be able to determine if it is acceptable to wait until the next dose is due, or if alternative pain mgmt needs to be considered. You can't do that by having the CNA relay your message. She did her job by relaying to you that the pt is having pain.

I have an aide that I used to think worked very well.

I am an LPN.. she is an aide.

I may be taking this the wrong way, and I'm sure you don't really mean it by the way it's coming across, but this type of language makes it seem like you have the attitude that you are better than her. First of all, you don't "have" an aide. You work with an aide. Perhaps there is something in your body language or the way you express yourself that you could come across this way to her. That could definitely cause some friction. If this is the case, then by treating her with respect and time will help. If she is good at her job, and the pts are taken care of, it may be best just to let it go, do your job and be civil. I know I don't like/get along with everyone I work with, but I don't let what they do bother me. Take the high road.

consider yourself kicked. You've done what needed to be done by telling them what you expect, and that you wouldnt ask them to do anything you wouldnt do yourself. I put myself in the same position when i started a new job, and told the aides what I expected of them and that I wouldnt ask them to do anything I wouldnt do myself, and have had very good results with that approach. Now you just need to make sure that they know that YOU are in charge and that there will be reprocussions for insubordination. You're on the right track, just enlist the aid of another nurse, a long timer, to help you. Maybe they have a "trick" to getting the messege across to her. Good luck! You can do it!! :yeah:

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