265 and passed!!


Hi there everyone. I have been to this forum probably 50 times in the last 2 days. I never registered or posted because I was in a serious state of shock. I took my NCLEX-RN on Tuesday and thought I had failed, completely! Throughout nursing school I had a 3.8 GPA, I studied for the exam everyday since graduation, and did thousands of practice ?'s. Most of my friends from nursing school passed in 75, one at 98, one at 120. From the beginning of the test I felt overwhelmed, info wasn't coming to me. So needless to say, when I arrived at question 200 I started to panic. I felt like I was going to vomit, I started to shake, and become delerious. At question 250, I blanked out. All I remember is coming out of the testing center, getting in my car, and then sobbing for about 45 minutes. I thought I had failed. I didn't even know what I had answered the last part of the test. It has been the worst two days of my life!! I checked the quick results website every hour, talk about an obsessive-compulsive disorder, I had it!! Finally, exactly 48 hours later I checked and it said PASS. So if I can do it, you can too. I wanted to post today so that maybe it could help people in this same situation feel a little bit better. Reading posts from people who have passed is what kept me going throughout the agonizing wait. So good luck to you all!!

:balloons: :balloons: :balloons:

Specializes in PEDS ED.

congrats to all of you who have passed!!! good luck to all of us who will be taking it soon! i take mine tuesday june 19th...yeah...this tuesday. i won't ever be more ready than i am now. i don't feel stressed out, but my headaches are telling me otherwise!


Specializes in PICU.

YAY!!! Congrats to you! Doesn't it feel good? Bask in it! Strut around. HAHA!

Hi everyone,

I did it, I did it, I PASSED. WooHoo I am soooooooo relieved that the long agonizing wait is finally over. To all of you waiting I simpathize with you and wish you the best of luck. Keep your chin up, I know you will do fine and make wonderful nurses. Good luck.:balloons: :monkeydance:

Specializes in Oncology.

Well i took the NCLEX today and joined the 265 club. I was the last one there. Think everyone else had 75 and i was there for 5 hrs...Took like a whole 5 minutes to pee, had nothing to eat and i was still taking it. I am soooooooo nervous and frightened. I cant help thinking about the worst possible outcome. There goes my job, how am i going to pay back these loans and what will my family say? Oh Lord...Please send me your best thoughts and prayers, im going to need it to make it to friday.

Keep your chin up. I know how you feel, that is the longest 48 hours ever. Keep reading forums on this sight, it really helped me and the time went by quicker (I think). I will say a prayer for you.

Specializes in OR, MS, Neuro, UC.

Congrats and Good luck:nurse: :smiletea: :groupwelcome:

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