Passed NCLEX first try, 75 questions. PVT worked June 2019


Hi everyone!!! So yes, just passed the NCLEX first try. It cut off at 75 and yes like everyone else I felt defeated!!! I immediately did the PVT and it worked for me. I got the good pop up and 48 hrs I got my results. I’m in PA. Do not let the NCLEX scare you. Go in knowing you will pass!!! You finished nursing school so you can do it! I used only U World, however I believe my success came from my nursing program! They taught us everything we need to know for the NCLEX. Good luck everyone

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.


I'm from PA too!!! I passed in 75 q's as well. Just wondering how long you waited to do the PVT. I tried it about 5 hrs after I had finished the exam, and got the "bad pop up" even though I later found out I PASSED!! Maybe I did it wrong??

Omg this is helping me so much. I took mine Wednesday, 6/5 but still have no results. CA doesn’t have quick results ? but got the good pop up with pvt!

On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 4:55 PM, mrswrightnow said:

Hi everyone!!! So yes, just passed the NCLEX first try. It cut off at 75 and yes like everyone else I felt defeated!!! I immediately did the PVT and it worked for me. I got the good pop up and 48 hrs I got my results. I’m in PA. Do not let the NCLEX scare you. Go in knowing you will pass!!! You finished nursing school so you can do it! I used only U World, however I believe my success came from my nursing program! They taught us everything we need to know for the NCLEX. Good luck everyone

Hey what resources did you use? I'm writing at the end of the month and wondering how this exam is? do they test you on all the topics?? How did you study for the infection control section?

Specializes in Emergency Room, CEN, TCRN.
On 6/10/2019 at 11:23 AM, LHRN2019 said:

Omg this is helping me so much. I took mine Wednesday, 6/5 but still have no results. CA doesn’t have quick results ? but got the good pop up with pvt!

I also tested Wednesday but I believe it was the 3rd of July ?

tried the pvt, results on hold. Quick results not available. Called pearsonvue, they said my test is being investigated but wouldn't say for what or for how long. Been taking uworld and Kaplan qbanks to reassure myself that with my results on those there's no way I could have failed in 75....

23 hours ago, Nursejazzy90210 said:

Hey what resources did you use? I'm writing at the end of the month and wondering how this exam is? do they test you on all the topics?? How did you study for the infection control section?

Hey so I used U World and read all of the rationales. I did it for about 3 weeks prior to testing. I also passed my nursing school exit exam which was through ATI. However, if you passed nursing school, know the basics and know how to critically will pass!!! Re-read the questions and don’t doubt yourself! The exam in my opinion is fair but will have you on edge because of nerves (well for me it did). I can’t discuss what was on my exam however my exam stopped at 75 so there’s no way you are tested on everything you learned in 75 questions. However there is absolutely no way you will know what you will be tested on. I focused on all the hard stuff while studying and I didn’t have any questions on the topics I thought were hard. Again, you can pass. I had a baby during nursing school and had to study for the nclex with a one year old. If I can do it, you got this!!

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