Passed out during clinical


I had my first OB clinical today and had an opportunity to watch a lady partsl delivery so I jumped on it because of course I want to learn and see everything I can during clinicals. I watched the birth and the placenta come out...but then I stayed in the room to watch the doctor sew her up (she had a episiotomy) and just the sight of the blood and everything going on made me start to feel a little nauseous and slightly light headed so I left the room and ended up passing out in the hall. It was brief and I more so got lightheaded and weak and ended up half falling/half sitting on the floor. I work as a cna on a tele floor and had a good experience during my other clinicals at the hospital but this experience is really freaking me out. I have never passed out before and now I'm questioning whether I am capable of being a nurse if I pass out at the sight of blood and muscle tissue. I don't and never planned on going into OB but I'm sure at some point in my career I might see something similar....has anyone ever thought this way or had a similar experience? Maybe I'm just being overdramatic but I never thought I would react like that.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

It has happened to all of us. ((HUGS)) Don't forget to eat and don't forget to breathe!

You will be fine....((HUGS))

Oh boy, sorry for grammar errors. I wrote this quick and am still feeling unsettled by the whole situation.

Thank you esme12! I hope that this was a one time thing, my instructor said it's not necessary for me to watch another delivery or c-section...still leaves me feeling disappointed in myself, though.

Specializes in Neuroscience.

I think it's normal for everyone to have that one thing that freaks them out a little, even if you didn't know it would beforehand. Don't sweat it, and if you want to see another birth, then go and see it. I think exposure helps.

If it makes you feel better, I almost passed out watching someone get an IV. That's pretty bad, but I got over it. You will too :D

We all have our things that trip us up like this. Not all pass out, but some do, some feel queasy, some just can't deal with a specific smell, sometimes it's something you would never even expect would bug you. You're allowed to be human, don't beat yourself up over it. I know of one student in our school group that passed out watching a c-section. My best friend in clinicals came out of a lady partsl delivery sheet white and told me there was no way in heck she would ever be having a child or working in OB after that :laugh: Some things you will build up a 'resistance' to over time. Give yourself a few minutes to recover and you might find it's something you can work through.

Everybody has things get to them. Delivering a baby is a messy and at times gruesome thing to witness. It is also one of the most amazing thing. Eat & drink plenty before & after clinicals as well as whenever you can during.

I felt like that watching a surgery once. It's happened to most of us

Indeed. I hit the floor once because of a lady in the ED who had reached her hand in the silverware drawer and skewered herself in the hand with a fondue fork. The through-and-through wound and the fork dangling from her hand freaked me right out and I woke up in a chair in a closed adjacent unit.

Specializes in Peds/Neo CCT,Flight, ER, Hem/Onc.

It's a good bet you locked your knees for an extended period while standing at the end of the bed causing blood to pool in your legs. It might not have been the sight of blood at all but your blood pressure dropping. Make sure anytime you are observing a procedure that you keep your knees "loose" and pop up on your toes every once in awhile to keep your blood flowing.

Specializes in Psychiatry, Mental Health.

I passed out in the hallway after my first code. As Esme said, happens to all of us. This is not a game changer.

Hugs! :up:

Don't beat yourself up. I have seen a few surgeries and a lot of blood without issues... doesn't seem to bother me at all. HOWEVER, during my maternity clinical, I saw a C-section and almost passed out when they brought the uterus out and then literally tried to "shove" it back in after. It's funny what things will get to you. I see blood everyday where I work and no issues. You will be fine :)

Specializes in Hospice.

I just did my OR clinical and stood on one place for so long that I did calf pumps to keep the blood flowing. Wasn't worried about passing out from the procedures, just the blood pooling in my legs! Decided that day OR wasn't for me, I couldn't stand still that long.

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