parkland critical care and trauma internship

U.S.A. Texas


hello all,

I am applying to parklands cc and trauma internship. Can anyone say anything good or bad about this program?? any info would be greatly appreciated!!


I am VERY interested in the program, but as I understand it, it only starts in August/September. I'll be graduating with my BSN this December (2006), but I'm not sure what to do for those 8 months...any suggestions?

Maybe they would hire you to work as an RN in some capacity while waiting for the internship to begin?

Gauge is right. I'm sure Parkalnd wouldn't turn you down. Maybe they would let you do the generic Critical care intership while waiting for August for the all-inclusive residency. Call them up and ask and post when you get the info 'cause I might be in the same boat!

Maybe if they get enough people interested, it would encourage them to start that all inclusive critical care residency twice a year!

Specializes in ICU, CVICU.

Maybe if they get enough people interested, it would encourage them to start that all inclusive critical care residency twice a year!

Yeah, you guys get to work on that! I'll be out next December ('07) :)

QUESTION: If anyone has actually done the residency, what are the hours like?

Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

Thanks for posting that Parkland job link. For some reason I was having a hard time finding it :)

I've emailed and called the Nurse Recruitment office to ask about opportunities between January and August, when the program begins. I've had real trouble getting in touch with anyone though. None of my emails have been responded to and whenever I call, I'm told that the recruiter will have to call me back...has anyone else experienced these problems?

Specializes in ICU.

The following is an excellent article on the program, applicant qualifications, and the application process. Check your school databases, I think I had to use interlibrary-loan. However, you get it will be worth it.

Jones TL, Mims BC, Luecke LE. Two successful models for preparing competent critical care nurses. The Parkland Health and Hospital System critical care and trauma nurse internship and critical care residency. Critical Care Nurse Clinics of North America. 2001;1:35-52.

Specializes in ICU, CVICU.

Thanks for posting that!

I have the article and it is really good. If anyone wants a copy PM me your email address and I can send it to you!


I have talked with Parkland recruiters about this. This particular internship is only open to people who have a BSN. The other individual internships are open to both ADN and BSN RNs. ;)


That sounds like an awesome program. It says it is desgined for someone with a BSN. I wonder if they would take someone with an associates?
Specializes in Emergency and ICU.

I attended the classes as an employee in the late 80's by going to the Friday classroom day free. I am an ADN but still go to Parkland when ever possible to attend classes.

I was offered an all inclusive ICU internship almost a year ago and I am an ADN (with a previous BA degree). I was VERY impressed with the program and the people, but I turned it down for a variety of reasons. The biggest reason was the time commitment. With the internship included, it was almost three years.

Does anyone know if Parkland has a Women's Service's Internship program for GN's that is similar to the one for Critical Care? I am in awe of an NICU with 98 beds.


There is not an "all inclusive" residency program, but there are separate programs for L&D, NNICU, etc. I know for a fact that the managers are in the process of interviewing for the next class, which will being in January, and I can assure you that they accept ADN's (as I am one). The NNICU is a very large island about itself....almost separate from the rest of the hospital in the way that it's run. Thankfully, we don't run 98 babies for any given period of time....two weeks ago we hit 95 and it was crazy! It's quite comfortable between 70 and 75 though. If you're interested, call the Nurse Recruiter on Monday to get something set up.


Specializes in Registered Nurse.

Click on "RN 1". It will show you the pay range at the bottom.

That pay is really great considering the cost of living is so much least with housing.

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