Published Oct 21, 2008
336 Posts
Someone I used to work with made the comment the other day that she would never have made it through nursing school, if it wasn't for the fact that she had a few kids...she said having kids actually made school easier for her, esp. in peds rotations.
I have 2 boys, one is 11, the other 15 mos. and I don't know if I could have made it at all, although I think I would've done better in peds, like my friend said.
Anyway, all of you who were/are parents who went to nursing school offline/on a campus I totally applaud you. You have my utmost admiration. I want to get my BSN and will have to do it online simply because I'm a busy mom/wife/whatever.
Blessings, Michelle
racing-mom4, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
I had 4 kids when I went to school I dont know if it made it any easier did force me to focus more and I became very good at time mgmgt...I always said I was glad I was done having kids cause all the scary things I learned that could go wrong during pregnancy in OB class. Had I have known then what I know now I would have been a nervouse wreck during gestation time.
6 Posts
Well, I have an 18 month old and a 7 1/2 year old. IT'S TOUGH! Thanks for the kudos. Every bit of encouragement helps right now! Also a tip for everyone going through this.... Help eachother. Really. My friends and I do babysitting swaps. A classmate of mine was assigned a bum shift for clinicals and couldn't figure out how to do it. She was in tears and thought she'd have to drop. Well, I got a night shift and she had days, needless to say, I watch her baby on wed and thurs just to help. No money required. If we could all do something like that, how easy would it be for everyone?!?!!??
JB2007, ASN, RN
554 Posts
I think having children does make nursing school easier in my case. I waited until my youngest child started grade school and then I started college. I think that I was better able to understand a lot of my classes due to the fact that I had seen the norms of child developement, pregnancy, and as a Mom I think that at times you have to understand a little bit about psychology. Those kids will play you if you let them. Also as a mother you are use to working under pressure, having a dead line to get projects done, and having several people all yelling at the same time that you are trying to do 20 other things.
However, being a mother while being in nursing school can be a not so good thing. I had to do a lot of all nighters to study or get projects done because the children had something that they needed help on. When one of the children was sick and you have a exam, it was either miss the exam of be stressed because you left a sick child with someone else. The list just goes on.
Overall, I think that I did better in nursing school because I was older and a parent when I went to school. I also valued my education a lot more than a lot of the younger students because my husband and I had to pay for my schooling ourselves. I believe that being a mother makes me a better nurse also.
pielęgniarka, RN
490 Posts
I agree with you. I do think that OB and Pedes was a little easier for me to identify with because I already well, had kids, and read lots of material during my pregnancies. But mostly I took school more seriously because I was paying for it and I wanted to make a better life for my family.
337 Posts
Someone I used to work with made the comment the other day that she would never have made it through nursing school, if it wasn't for the fact that she had a few kids...she said having kids actually made school easier for her, esp. in peds rotations.I have 2 boys, one is 11, the other 15 mos. and I don't know if I could have made it at all, although I think I would've done better in peds, like my friend said.Anyway, all of you who were/are parents who went to nursing school offline/on a campus I totally applaud you. You have my utmost admiration. I want to get my BSN and will have to do it online simply because I'm a busy mom/wife/whatever. Blessings, Michelle
Hello Michelle,
I have four teenagers now but when in nursing school the ages we 7, 10, 12 and 14. Now the ages are 14,16,18,19 1 girl and three boys. Nursing school was a challenge but my husband and I agreed that he would step up and take care of the kids so I could get through nursing school. This is a degree that I have wanted a long time and knew it wasn't going to happen until I went back to school.:)
15 Posts
I also went to school while raising children and I think it helped in that you really need to focus. You definitely learn the master the art of time management which also helps once your nursing.
3 Posts
My hat goes off to each and everyone of you nurses:nurse:. I have three sons and I am looking forward to the journey of becoming a nurse. My sons are 18,15 and 10. I am so excited about taking my prerequests in January. I have my BA degree but I always wanted to be a nurse. I really feel that oing to school while parenting really helps your children become better students. The television is on less and everyone begins to follow moms lead and crack open a book. I am so happy to have found this site because I get great inspiration from all of you out in the field. Again,my hat goes off to you all.
Way to go!!!!!Parenting while going to school makes for smarter children. The television is on less and more reading is accomplished. I have three sons 18,15,and 10. I am looking forward to begin my journey of becoming a nurse. I begin taking my prerequisites in January. I have a BA degree and I am looking forward to taking my 45 year old behind into a classroom to earn my BSN degree. I feel like a child getting ready and excited about the first day of school. Education is soooo important and I feel we can teach our children by example. Great job everyone for holding it down while going to school. May God Bless!!!!!
kythe, LPN
262 Posts
School is certainly not easier while taking responsibility for children, but I found I was more motivated when I needed a better job to support my family.
I earned an Associate's Degree in General Studies before I married or had children, and I took most of the prereqs for nursing at that time since I already had my sights on this career. But I didn't follow through by applying for a nursing program, even though it would have been an ideal time since I had no other major obligations.
Having children made me develop the maturity I needed to stick with my goals and make wiser decisions. I believe I am a better nurse than I would have been had I finished school before I had children, if only because I learned to be responsible for others and not just think about myself.
214 Posts
If anything, going to school while having kids has motivated me. It made me decide to do something more for my family, and i never wanted to fail at that, and set a bad example for my children. My children were 18 mos, 2 and 4 when i started. They are now 3, 5, and 7. I will graduate in December. I have had to miss alot, although i managed to be there for the super important things..first day of school, class parties, etc. I also have a home to maintain, housework and cooking to do, and keep my 18 month old neice on a regular basis. I would be wrong to have people believe that i have managed this alone. My mother has been a God send. She is here at the crack of dawn to get my kids and get them ready for school while i go to clinicals and class, She gets them home from school and does homework on the days i am not here, helps get dinner started, and occasionally suprises me with a vacuumed floor or a load of laundry done. She also works a full time job as a nurse herself, and her employer is very understanding and works the schedule so she will be off the days i need her. I will forever be grateful to her, because she is the sole reason i have been able to realize my dream. Just remember, when you want something bad enough, you will get it. School is just temporary, and your family will appreciate your sacrifices forever. COngrats to all, and Good luck!!
66 Posts
My mom was also a god send for me. She kept my little ones Sunday nite till Wednesday eve So I could go to school. Could not have done it with out her. I now do online school, and I just do school when I have the time after the kids.