Pagan in a Catholic Hospital...

Nurses Spirituality


So I am a bit nervous. I was just offered a job that sounds very exciting in a place that is on my bucket list. My only real concern is that it is the ONLY place there to work, and it's a Catholic hospital. I grew up Catholic. They don't generally bother me. I am pagan however. I feel no need to flaunt it or push it. That is not who I am. I am just hoping that if someone asks and I am honest or if someone in the community finds out that I am pagan, it doesn't cause a problem. Has anyone ever encountered this sort of thing?

It's not that I don't want to believe you. However, considering the privileges American Christians have been receiving, I am skeptical that you would say the same to me if this NurseCard is a Sikh, a Wiccan, a Unitarian Universalist, a polytheist,...

If you were a Christian speaking rudely to a person of another faith that way, you bet I'd call you out. But on a practical note, you identify Christian privilege in this country. For better or for worse, the country was founded, if not by Christians per se (many founders were deists) on profoundly Christian principles, albeit flawed in practice.

Do you find the same criticism of China for Chinese privilege? Or Japan for Shinto privilege? Or India for Sikh privilege?

BTW, I wouldn't call this conversation a 'mess'. We're having an exchange of ideas.

If you were a Christian speaking rudely to a person of another faith that way, you bet I'd call you out.

I bet no such thing. I don't believe that. People from other faiths? Perhaps. Christians? I don't think so.

Besides, you think that I am toxic. My mind may not function correctly. How can I trust your intention?

But on a practical note, you identify Christian privilege in this country. For better or for worse, the country was founded, if not by Christians per se (many founders were deists) on profoundly Christian principles, albeit flawed in practice.

Really? You want to go there, don't you? I guess I gave you too much credit for being an understanding human first and foremost. If you want to play William Lane Craig with me, I will serve you, my lord.

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.

A wonderful principle, isn't it? So much for "freedom of association", "freedom of worship", and "freedom of expression" that Christians have been whining forever.

You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Yeah, right. Such a loving god that NurseCard and you keep defending in a pagan thread.

When do you plan to burn your pictures, erase your facebook image file, stop using your mobile phone?

You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

No worry, Mr Yahweh, I don't believe in you. There is no need for your name when I swear. You should advise your followers to do that though.

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Wait. Does it mean I cannot work on Saturday or Sunday anymore? Are you sure that you will protect my animal patients' well being in the hospital? Will your Christian nurses be killed for saving your other children?

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you

I have always loved my parents even when I am not living in your land. Sorry, Yahweh. My religion already teaches me this.

You shall not murder.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

Your moral laws are not unique, Yahweh. I already know all of these from my culture, where you are not worshiped by the majority.

You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Wow, that is yummy for women, isn't it? Thank you so much, Yahweh. However, your children always talk about equality between genders. If you don't include women in your commandment, I guess they can enjoy their male or female servant stolen from their neighbors, can't they?

Do you find the same criticism of China for Chinese privilege? Or Japan for Shinto privilege? Or India for Sikh privilege?

If China, Japan, and India are republic countries, absolutely.

If China, Japan, and India are countries of immigrants, absolutely.

If a majority of population in China, Japan, and India are not native, absolutely.

What about the USA?

Native Americans are the native. Does the White House worship Native American's Spirit? Where are shamans? Why don't I see animals in a congress meeting?

I guess you don't read any Eastern religious text, do you? Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism are not missionary faith. Practitioners of those religions do what they are supposed to do: practicing what they learn. Dharmic religions judge people based on their characters and their action, not what they believe.

Your faith determines people's afterlife destiny based on their belief

Your faith like to gain converts

Your question is nonsensical. Christianity/Islam and Hinduism/Buddhism/Sikhism/Taoism are apple and orange.

BTW, I wouldn't call this conversation a 'mess'. We're having an exchange of ideas.

Yes, we are having an exchange of ideas that relate absolutely nothing to the potential consequence that OP may have to face because of her belief. It is a mess because you redirect OP's concern back at her with a silly scenario that may happen in a communist country. It's not fair to her when her belief is the subject of ridicule by Christians for a long time.

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.

To the OP: I am pagan. I worked for 6+ years in a Catholic hospital. Never had an issue.

The only religious thing that happened was morning and evening prayer over the hospital intercom. I actually liked to take the time to listen to it; I found it rather calming in the middle of a frenetic shift. Pastoral Care was my favourite department in that hospital. They were johnny-on-the-spot for whatever I needed. They could calm a particularly anxious patient without proselytizing, they had CD players with soothing music for confused people, they had a community clothes closet and a music thanatologist.

I actually enjoyed working there, despite the chronic short staffing and missed breaks.

To the OP: I am pagan. I worked for 6+ years in a Catholic hospital. Never had an issue.

The only religious thing that happened was morning and evening prayer over the hospital intercom. I actually liked to take the time to listen to it; I found it rather calming in the middle of a frenetic shift. Pastoral Care was my favourite department in that hospital. They were johnny-on-the-spot for whatever I needed. They could calm a particularly anxious patient without proselytizing, they had CD players with soothing music for confused people, they had a community clothes closet and a music thanatologist.

I actually enjoyed working there, despite the chronic short staffing and missed breaks.

The idea of intercom prayer is wonderful. I think it allows religious autonomy and is respectful of people of different religions as well.

Can I ask where your hospital is?

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.

Hi Op

I am not in the US so can only share from a kiwi perspective.

I did a placement in a catholic hospital and as an agnostic never had an issue with it. The only time i got a wee bit embarrassed was when I was taking people into mass, and didn't realise I needed to stop the wheelchair at the door so the patient dip their fingers into the holy water at the door and cross themselves.

I like your attitude that as nurses its not about us, I've also stood with people when they were praying, and if someone has asked me to pray for them I've been quite honest and said "i'm not a believer, and probably not qualified to pray with you, however the chaplain on duty is brilliant, please let me call them for you". I've never had an issue.

I have some friends in the US who have received absolute grief from christians for being a 'non believer" however I would hope within a hospital context people are professional enough to leave that stuff at the door and remember they are there for to ensure the patients recieve the best possible care.

Specializes in PACU, pre/postoperative, ortho.
To the OP: I am pagan. I worked for 6+ years in a Catholic hospital. Never had an issue.

The only religious thing that happened was morning and evening prayer over the hospital intercom. I actually liked to take the time to listen to it; I found it rather calming in the middle of a frenetic shift. Pastoral Care was my favourite department in that hospital. They were johnny-on-the-spot for whatever I needed. They could calm a particularly anxious patient without proselytizing, they had CD players with soothing music for confused people, they had a community clothes closet and a music thanatologist.

I actually enjoyed working there, despite the chronic short staffing and missed breaks.

This is much like the Catholic hospital I work for, AM/PM intercom prayer/meditation & everything. I'm not catholic & have never had an issue. No one cares what you do or don't believe in.

Our pastoral care is nondenominational, a mix of believers including a priest, Catholics & protestants, males & females. Working in preop, I see them often as each pt gets a brief visit & offer of prayer before surgery if the pt wishes.

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.

I have worked in Christian hospitals also but have never seen any staff or patients be put in any situation they did not want to be involved with. The unit nurses did AM prayer but no problem for those who didn't want to be there. The Hospital Chaplain would be called for any patient who requested it. I am Christian and do share/pray with patients who request, I will sometimes offer if I feel it might be appropriate but never try to push off anything on patients who say no. We are taught in school to use culturally sensitive care which includes that of spiritual issues. I have also assisted people of different religions in their rituals etc. I don't see how any non-believer would have a problem with working at a Christian hospital. Even non Christian hospitals have Christian staff and Chaplains where nurses will be interacting with patients in that manner if they choose. It is just a matter of professionalism and respect.

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.
The idea of intercom prayer is wonderful. I think it allows religious autonomy and is respectful of people of different religions as well.

Can I ask where your hospital is?

Portland, OR.

Specializes in Emergency Department.
...There are plenty of very powerful arguments for the existence of God that use philosophy and science as a basis. If you go straight to the Bible and Jesus Christ, you've lost already.

I know I am a bit late to this but I have been away and was unable to reply at the time.

There are no scientific proofs of the existence of god. If there were there would be no atheists.

Put simply, if you require "belief" or "faith" then it is not science and it is not proof.

I know I am a bit late to this but I have been away and was unable to reply at the time.

There are no scientific proofs of the existence of god. If there were there would be no atheists.

Put simply, if you require "belief" or "faith" then it is not science and it is not proof.

Some of the best scientific proofs of the existence of God center around the origins of the universe.

"Faith and belief" are required from all world views, whether religious or naturalist. The difference is where your beliefs come to rest. On who/what do you trust and put your faith?

  • In the belief that a natural process and sequence of events just randomly spun into existence from nothing?
  • In the belief that an eternal, spiritual, all-powerful being outside of the natural world intentionally created the universe?

It is mistaken to believe that there is any evidence that "proves" the origin of the universe came about through nothing more than a natural/non-intelligent sequence of events, that something can come from nothing.

Check out the kalam cosmological argument or the argument from contingency as examples of solid, reasoned explanations for the existence of God.

Specializes in Emergency Department.
Some of the best scientific proofs of the existence of God center around the origins of the universe.

"Faith and belief" are required from all world views, whether religious or naturalist. The difference is where your beliefs come to rest. On who/what do you trust and put your faith?

  • In the belief that a natural process and sequence of events just randomly spun into existence from nothing?
  • In the belief that an eternal, spiritual, all-powerful being outside of the natural world intentionally created the universe?

It is mistaken to believe that there is any evidence that "proves" the origin of the universe came about through nothing more than a natural/non-intelligent sequence of events, that something can come from nothing.

Check out the kalam cosmological argument or the argument from contingency as examples of solid, reasoned explanations for the existence of God.

Oh please....

Kalam cosmological argument, argument from contingency?

The universe exists therefore something caused it to exist therefore that is god.

Those are NOT "examples of solid, reasoned explanations for the existence of God", that is wishful thinking.

I do not want an explanation for god I want proof that s/he exists.

Well it's a lot more involved than that.

How would you answer the question of how the universe began?

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