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  1. National Nurses Honor Guard Coalition

    As a dude, I can't really relate, but that is actually pretty cool.
  2. Bombshell Article by Bloomberg Businessweek

    These are not the droids you're looking for.....
  3. IR NP

    this is for cath lab techs not NP's
  4. Midwifery in the VA

    Like labor and delivery at a VA? I'd be shocked at that and even if there were, the hospitals that provided that service would be few and far between. VA insurance would cover maternity and l and d but doubtful at an actual VA facility. Prolly some p...
  5. Sent a CNA home

    ...and she kept reacting. She wasn't yelling back but she was laughing at him, making faces, and being snarky in her responses which just made him more upset. Clean out your locker, you are no longer employed here.
  6. IV gauge for colonoscopy&egds?

    What's the big deal about putting in a 20 ga IV? It's tiny an hurts just as much as a 24 ga and way more reliable.
  7. Deathbed Visions of Children

    I sit with them, watch them silently, perhaps hold their hand, watch their restlessness and then, often shortly prior to death, a peaceful serenity comes over them...I simply ask if they are willing and able to share with me what they experience. The...
  8. Anyone fasting right now?

    Routine fasting is a Christian spiritual exercise as well, FYI. Usually having to do with food but not necessarily. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are the most common days of fasting but some folks fast several times a week just as a normal part of th...
  9. How to Stand Out from Other New Grad CRNAs?

    Well, you're not wrong....
  10. How to Stand Out from Other New Grad CRNAs?

    1. Quality of clinical training. 2.Personality/sociability/situational awareness impression at time of interview. 3. Pre-training experience/time in grade.
  11. Unsafe anesthesia practices in phase 2

    I had a patient today who was far too sedated to come straight from the OR and complained of 8/10 pain on arrival to myself Honest does a 'far too sedated' patient complain of 8/10 pain? And I've never heard of a phase II recovery...
  12. Exactly! To say nothing of the mass delusion of the Gender/Climate/Race cult. It's like hallucinogens are in the drinking water.
  13. Pt. selection for any outpatient setting is important, but the envelope is definitely being pushed for financial considerations. More sicker people are coming to outpatient settings than say, 10 years ago. That said, an arrest in endoscopy is most of...
  14. ACLS vs real life

    The reality is that if you have no idea what caused the arrest, every HandT on the list aside from those that you can objectively measure like temperature and glucose, everything is on the table. Depending on where you are and what resources are ava...
  15. Foley ordered for patient able to void on own?

    right...but there are legitimate, relevant questions and questions that should be run by more experienced people first. You know as well as I do that answering the phone for questions that are seen in the same category as 'what's your favorite color?...