Opinion needed-trads,non-trads and very non-trads


Hi all,

This thread is just for fun and I got the idea from my other thread.

Basically, I would like to know the ages of the most disruptive and annoying people in your class.

My definition of trad is 18-30, non-trad 30-40 and very non-trad 40 and above. (This is just for the purpose of this thread).

So maybe at the end of the day we can tally the votes and give an award to the most annoying and disruptive group.:D

p.s this is supposed to be just for laughs and it would be nice if we can all be polite.

Thank you.

There are two groups of annoying people, imo. The ones who talk bad about the teacher, get annoyed about everything we have to do, and complain when they don't do well on a test (it couldn't possibly be their fault) are typically younger. Then, the ones that talk too much about their personal experiences and ask questions about something we just covered because they weren't listening are typically older. I'm somewhere in the middle (32) and make friends with classmates older and younger. Not all young classmates are immature and not all older classmates are annoying, of course. A lot of the guys are the biggest prima donna, gossipers I've ever met in my life, but not all. I'm friends with the few that are cool, just not all.


There is one in my class with no social grace at all. She blurts out anything and everything on her mind, even when it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

I'm not sure it has anything to do with age, just personality.

There are two groups of annoying people, imo. The ones who talk bad about the teacher, get annoyed about everything we have to do, and complain when they don't do well on a test (it couldn't possibly be their fault) are typically younger. Then, the ones that talk too much about their personal experiences and ask questions about something we just covered because they weren't listening are typically older. I'm somewhere in the middle (32) and make friends with classmates older and younger. Not all young classmates are immature and not all older classmates are annoying, of course. A lot of the guys are the biggest prima donna, gossipers I've ever met in my life, but not all. I'm friends with the few that are cool, just not all.

Wow, you are absolutely RIGHT! That is exactly how it is and has been in my classes.

I'm non-traditional.

There was this guy in his late '40's (he had claimed his age). Anyway, during my first and second 'on campus practice clinical classes,' this guy talked A LOT about himself. At times, about his relatives and his neighbors. He was in my clinical group. We had to be with another clinical group for three weeks. So, there were two clinical instructors who were in-charge of both groups. Everytime the instructors lectured and added info. on everything that we had to do -- this guy was always commenting/mentioning himself, and at times about other people he knows. He took up more time than any other student who had questions about anything. Seriously, when he opened his mouth -- it's like an ESSAY that spills out every time! I always tuned out whenever I hear his voice, and I just wanted ONE or both instructors to say something and shut him up. The guy wasn't annoying because he was gay, he was annoying because it's WHO HE IS.

BTW, nothing wrong in sharing info. about one's self. It is quite refreshing, actually. But, if a student is just doing it to get attention and takes almost as much time as the instructors to relay a point, then everyone's time is wasted. I think both CI's were just trying to be polite and not say anything, but I think one or both of them were annoyed too. Some people just don't know when to shut up.

I'm non-traditional.

There was this gay guy in his late '40's (he had claimed his age, not his sexuality). Anyway, during my first and second 'on campus practice clinical classes,' this guy talked A LOT about himself. At times, about his relatives and his neighbors. My group had to be with HIS group during our three week clinical training classes. There were two clinical instructors who were in-charge of both our groups. Everytime the instructors lectured and added info. on everything that we had to do -- this guy was always commenting/mentioning himself, and at times about other people he knows. He took up more time than any other student who had questions about anything! Seriously, when he opened his mouth -- it's like an ESSAY that spills out every time! I always tuned out when I hear his voice, and I just wanted ONE or both instructors to say something and SHUT him up. The guy wasn't annoying because he was gay, he was annoying because it's WHO HE IS.

So why did you feel the need to mention that he was gay twice if it had nothing to do with his being annoying? Would you have described him as an "annoying heterosexual guy"?

So why did you feel the need to mention that he was gay twice if it had nothing to do with his being annoying? Would you have described him as an "annoying heterosexual guy"?

I was kind of wondering the same thing....

He was flamboyant. I have never met a straight guy who is flamboyant, unless if they're acting. I have known guys who are gay who AREN'T flamboyant. I have friends who are/are not openly gay. He presented himself as that -- loved talking about himself, even if no one's asking. If you have a conversation with him, he finds a way to draw it back towards himself or what his opinion is.

He wasn't annoying in conversations. Kinda funny at times. It's just in class that he gets annoying as h*ll. I look at it this way, I didn't show up on time and lose sleep . . . so that - I can hear about his uncle's medical drama! When an instructor says something, this guy has a need to make an essay out of it. It's like drawing the lecture back towards HIM somehow. The classes aren't about him. I don't think he's aware of that.

It's one thing for instructors to share story/stories about their lectures, they help. The stories hopefully help in emphasizing their points to students. But, when a student lets his self-absorb trait to spill out in classes, it wastes everyone's time.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
I was kind of wondering the same thing....

Me too, or why you say he didn't "claim" to be gay like he did to be 40. SO how do you even know he was gay? Regardless I don't see why that info was added.

Anyway, to the OP so is 30 non traditional or traditional, you say 30 for both. I am 30 so just wondering what category I fit into.

We have annoying people of all age groups. Our youngest person is 23 actually probably 24 now.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
He was flamboyant. I have never met a straight guy who is flamboyant, unless if they're acting. I have known guys who are gay who AREN'T flamboyant. I have friends who are/are not openly gay. He presented himself as that -- loved talking about himself, even if no one's asking. If you have a conversation with him, he finds a way to draw it back to him or what his opinion is.

He wasn't annoying in conversations. It's just in class that he gets annoying as h*ll. I look at it this way, I didn't show up on time and lose sleep . . . so that- I can hear about his uncle's medical drama! When an instructor says something, this guy has a need to make an essay out of it. It's like drawing the lecture back towards HIM somehow. The classes aren't about him. I don't think he's aware of that.

I still don't get why saying he was gay was relevant to the post. But as far as the bolded part, that isn't limited to gay guys, I know tons of straight guys that do this same thing and even more girls that do.

Hey Mi Vida Loca,

I couldn't edit the post. So lets jut say trad is 18-29 and non-trad is 30-40.

I am non-trad myself and the most annoying/talkative people in my class are non-trad.

But like you rightly pointed out it's all ages. But the ones that stand out in my mind are non-trad.

Hey Mi Vida Loca,

I couldn't edit the post. So lets jut say trad is 18-29 and non-trad is 30-40.

I am non-trad myself and the most annoying/talkative people in my class are non-trad.

But like you rightly pointed out it's all ages. But the ones that stand out in my mind are non-trad.

At the university I graduated from, they have official designations for traditional and non-traditional students. Traditional is 18-22. 23 and up is non-traditional. They have dorms for non-trad's and you MUST be 23 to live there.

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