:angryfire OK, here is what happened this morning.
One of my residents just came back from the hospital Thursday after a weeklong stay for pneumonia/exacerbation of COPD. Her nurse called me a little after midnight because her O2 sats had dropped to 83% on 3L O2PNC. She was also very hard to arouse. I called the ambulance for transfer, called report to the ER. Her MD was there and advised me to go ahead and bump her O2 to 5L (even though she is COPD) and put her on a mask. OK, done. By the time the ambulance arrives, her O2 sat was 90-91% and holding, but she was still close to unresponsive. When the EMT walks in, he stops, gives a "oh you idiot" sigh and said "Well, there's your problem right there. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, but you are killing this lady. Do you even have a clue about nursing?" I stood there with my mouth open and then said "What are you talking about?" He proceeds to tell me that since I put her on a mask instead of leaving her on a nasal cannula, that I am suffocating her. I told him firmly that I had spoken with her doctor, done exactly what HE told me, and that her sats had come up to 91% as a result. He laughs at me- LAUGHS at me, and says "Oh, right. I'm so sure."
To make things worse, he reaches down and unplugs her O2 and takes off her mask, telling his partner to get the tank ready. That's right, he didn't leave her on O2 until the tank was ready for him to switch to, he just took it off. Well, his partner can't find the right mask, then the right tubing, and I am watching this poor woman gasp like a fish as her sats plummet. I try to get around the stretcher to put her mask back on myself, and he blocks me and says "Look, I am TAKING CARE OF IT." That poor woman was off oxygen for SIX MINUTES and her O2 sat was 72% when they finally got it hooked back up. Oh, and what did he use? A MASK. :trout:
Needless to say, as soon as they left I called the ambulance dispatcher, got his name and told them how incredibly rude and unprofessional this man was and that I will be filing a complaint. :angryfire