online nurse practitioner


hey guys,

has anyone heard of university of cincinnati online anp practitioner program or frontier nursing online. Is it possible to get in with a 2.67 undergraduate bsn gpa and a 3.7 gpa in my mba program. I have 3 more classes in my mba to graduate. what are my chances of getting in. If you know any more adavanced nursing programs online that I might have a chance to get in? Give me feedback please.

Your list looks like mine. I made a comparison sheet that had the cost, time frame to complete the program, deadlines, I have been checking out what students have to say about the program, and I have been talking with the directors to get my questions answered. I have chosen to apply to USI very affordable takes two years. Jefferson school of nursing more costly but takes 15 months to complete which makes up for the cost to me about 30 tho. I also want to apply to Frontier School I like the way the reviews that I have seen on her from other students they take 2 years to complete and only cost about 24 tho. I have other schools on the list but the first on thst tells me yes is where i would most likely be. I have wanted to be a NP for a long time and I am finally on my way. I have already been networking with some Np's for possible preceptorship.

Hi All,

I am ecstatic to have, recently, received acceptance into the University of Cincinnati's FNP program :yeah:. I was on pins & needles for some months but were glad to hear back from them that I was accepted but for next semester. I am okay with waiting and fills this can give me some time to better get adjusted. I have otherwise heard good things about UofC FNP program and the university has a good reputation. I have been looking here for others interested in studying MSN/FNP or other Nurse Pracititioner programs at UofC and were wanting to network and socialize with others while pursuing this same path. If interested please contact me by email

Is anyone here familiar with Drexel's online program?

It seems that many of us are looking into online FNP programs. I left a fast track MSN program due to my extreme dissatisfaction for the quality of in person classroom education for the cost of the program. So I have been researching online FNP options...This is what I have found thus far. For me cost is a huge issue as getting my BSN in the fast track was very expensive. I am looking for the best rep with the most affordable tuition and fewest campus visits. The ??? marks by price indicate that no one has called me back yet to clarify. Maybe you all can help?


Total cost in thous

# campus visits

App deadlines



$50, 400

3 weekends, optional orientation

April 4, Aug 1, Dec 1


$37, 500

Begins Dec 1, rolling

not all online

Indiana State Univ




Univ of Alabama: Birmingham


Feb 26


2 years

Frontier woman


2 total: 4 days, 8 days


2 years

Ball State univ



rolling admissions

Univ Missouri


8+ visits

Saint Louis Missouri


3 years


~$5/ $17.5??


4 semesters

Univ of Wa

$4 a quarter!

3+ years



2 long visits

Univ S.Indiana



Univ CO at CS


TxA&M at CC



possibly only for TX residents?

St Louis Univ



April 1

I don't know if you are planning on getting any student loans, but when I looked into Graceland, I found the semesters weren't structured (I think they are kind of like, go at your own pace) and you couldn't utilize student loans with this school, that's the reason I didn't choose Graceland. I ended up going with SLU and was very satisfied.

One of the reasons I'm looking into Drexel is because I have a bachelors in non-nursing. I believe Frontier will accept this as well. I haven't finished wading through all of the other programs yet. . .I'm not sure how many others are in this boat and can weigh in, but I'm not planning to get a second bachelors so will be ruling out any school that requires a BSN.

I MAY get a MPH prior to starting, but I haven't decided. I don't know yet.

Specializes in telemetry, ICU, CCU endocrinology.

I'm glad there is a lot of conversation about online NP programs! I, too, am in search of the right program. I recently attained my CDE credential & now I have further visions of greener pastures. I looked into Frontier, but if memory serves me correctly, they required a full physical including a gyn exam - I think this is a bit extreme. Have not looked into Drexel. Have requested more info from UofC. Could not access info from their links on their site for some reason.

I also can't get information from U of C on line, bad links. I find this thread very valuable and thank you all for your experience sharing.

I'm very conflicted right now. I wanted to go to med school.... had 2 children instead. lol. For the last 5 years I've wanted to go back to school for my FNP. Instead I worked on the career I have to now running an outpatient oncology center. I'm applying to RN-BSN programs but feel I'm selling myself short. So, I've been searching like a mad woman trying to find the cost and and length of time for a good accredited program with a good reputation.

Here is a question and I'd appreciate any responses. Would you get your BSN first then proceed?

My thoughts are A. BSN via online Kent State University (CCNE) or Chamberlain (CCNE/NLNAC ?online same?) then proceed to MSN FNP B. Try to get accepted to Souther Indiana MSN NP (will it be recognized in Ohio?)

Whewww, lots to digest. My brother and his wife are both FNP from KSU main campus but both of them were able to not work for a time and didn't but any kids through college. I know I'm asking a lot, but many people may have been right where I am.

Thanking you in advance.

Specializes in telemetry, ICU, CCU endocrinology.


I have the newest curriculum from U of C as I made contact with them & they were nice enough to email it to me. I have the ANP but not the FNP. You can email me at if you would like me to send it to you in a pdf.

I just looked at Frontier again... It seems they have changed the requirement for a full gyn exam.... In any case, I like the fact that you can go part-time, I am not sure if U of C has that option but hope to find out tomorrow when I call & speak to them. I also looked at Drexel, but it doesn't seem, in my opinion, to be what I am seeking as they have an adult acute care NP which is not what I am looking for. I also looked at Southern Indiana. I will not be able to keep my full-time job during a portion of the program as a minimum of 320 clinical hours is required. Since I carry the insurance in my family, I have ruled this program out.

It may be easier for you to just go straight to NP instead of going for BSN & then back for NP. Sometimes schools are a bit more flexible with the requirements.

I'll be emailing you... lol.

Specializes in Acute Rehab, Short stay obs, ICU, Home H.

I thought it was a requirement that an NP be an RN prior to applying. This is what makes NPs stand out above PAs, more education and experience.

My goal is to attend UCSF but if I dont get in, I would like to go to an online program that is affordable. This has been a valuable link. Thanks for all the great info!:yeah:

Who has attended St Louis U online FNP program? I have been trying for days to get a hold of anyone there to obtain more information.

Can anyone tell me the total cost and total length of the program? I called financial aid office to get cost information and they were not certain, I've tried locating information on the site and see that it may be around $900/credit--is this correct?

Thanks so much!

Ijust graduated in January. It was $768 a credit hour when I went. When you call ask for Mary Lee Barron. She's the dean of nursing. I hope it's ok to post her name. If not would a moderator please delete it?

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