OMG 265 questions HELP ME!!!!ALL Nurses please respond!!!


Ok I took the nclex and had 265 questions and i know i got the last question right but was it above competency???? here is the question

A pt with a colostomy requires teaching about colostomy irrigation which demonstartion would indicate the teaching was effective?


does that sound hard enough i look it up and got the right answer i i doomed:crying2: ????!?!? can i pass with 265 or should i just accept the fact now that i failed? all those who have had 265 questions and became rn's please respond

Specializes in ACNP-BC.
Ok I took the nclex and had 265 questions and i know i got the last question right but was it above competency???? here is the question

A pt with a colostomy requires teaching about colostomy irrigation which demonstartion would indicate the teaching was effective?


does that sound hard enough i look it up and got the right answer i i doomed:crying2: ????!?!? can i pass with 265 or should i just accept the fact now that i failed? all those who have had 265 questions and became rn's please respond

Hi Nicole. I am taking NCLEX next week, but to me it sounds like your last question was not a very easy one, so I think that is a good sign! I do not know off the top of my head which type of return-demo by a patient would demonstrate competency, so I think that is a tough one! Good luck! I'm crossing my fingers for you!


yeh the answers were

-something i forget but totally wrong

-Hold the irrigation bag 3to 6 feet high above stoma(I looked and its 18-24 inches)

-Lubricate the cone before inserting it into the stoma(which I picked and I looked it up so im good)

-Lay on side to facilitate draininge of irrigation fluid( they should do this while sitting upright like on a toilet)

Still im panicking has anyone been in this position before????

Specializes in cardiac/critical care/ informatics.

hi, one of the girls on my floor just took nclex, and she answered all the questions she failed, but i have heard of someone answering all and passed. :rolleyes:

I have a classmate who had all 265 questions and she passed.... I am so sorry you have to suffer through the wait but I wanted to let you know that there is hope. She was in agony too waiting for the results but she is now a RN!!

-Lay on side to facilitate draininge of irrigation fluid( they should do this while sitting upright like on a toilet)

Still im panicking has anyone been in this position before????

A little light relief here, read your post above. Do you see the funny side of it?:rotfl:

It made me giggle :chuckle

Seriously tho, I had 265 questions and it took me 5 hours 40 minutes!! Stressful or what?! So I know EXACTLY what you are going thru. Anyway, I passed so I hope you do too.

Very best of luck to you and keep us posted :)

A little light relief here, read your post above. Do you see the funny side of it?:rotfl:

It made me giggle :chuckle

Seriously tho, I had 265 questions and it took me 5 hours 40 minutes!! Stressful or what?! So I know EXACTLY what you are going thru. Anyway, I passed so I hope you do too.

Very best of luck to you and keep us posted :)

O i see the funny thing in it now lol :o).......but still im going crazy does the question seem difficult enuff?? it was up to me the whole test was difficult now give me my liscence lol

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Don't get hung up on the last question or the number of questions. Relax and wait and see. It's over, it's a done deal. You can't rewrite the past. Many people pass with 265. Good luck to you.

yeh the answers were

-something i forget but totally wrong

-Hold the irrigation bag 3to 6 feet high above stoma(I looked and its 18-24 inches)

-Lubricate the cone before inserting it into the stoma(which I picked and I looked it up so im good)

-Lay on side to facilitate draininge of irrigation fluid( they should do this while sitting upright like on a toilet)

Still im panicking has anyone been in this position before????

Oh my goodness! I took the NCLEX and got the EXACT same question. How weird is that!!!

did you pass??????:uhoh3:

Oh my goodness! I took the NCLEX and got the EXACT same question. How weird is that!!!
Specializes in Med/Surge.

I had a friend that took the NCLEX almost a month ago, got 265, and failed...........BUT 3 other students from our school got 265 and all 3 of them passed. There is hope so don't give up yet!!

Keeping my fingers crossed for your success!!

I know people who have taken every question and passed, and I've known people who have taken the minimum amount of questions and passed.

Just a story about when I took PN boards.....three of us went together. I had the minimum (85 for PNs), one friend had 89, and the other friend came out two hours later bawling. The electricity had gone out in the middle of her test and they weren't sure if it had saved her answers or not. She was totally freaking out. The lights came back on and she went back in. She had to start over where she left off and ended up taking every question on the test.....and all three of us passed.

Hang in there, almost everyone I know comes out of the test thinking they failed. I cried the whole way home from PN boards and just knew I failed. Guess what? I PASSED! After RN boards, my friend and I stopped off for dacquiris and cigarettes (neither of us smoke at all or drink that much, we were just that stressed) and guess what? I PASSED!! So now I am an RN, as of today!! WOO HOO! You will be too!

I had a friend that took the NCLEX almost a month ago, got 265, and failed...........BUT 3 other students from our school got 265 and all 3 of them passed. There is hope so don't give up yet!!

Keeping my fingers crossed for your success!!

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