OK I made a mistake.... but am I in danger of failing clinical now?

Nursing Students General Students


Okay so I made a really huge mistake today. I'm in my first year of nursing school and finishing up my second semester which is medsurg. We have needle boxes where we throw the needles in when we're finished, its biohazard and stuff. And those are located in every room of the hospital. Well on my floor we have this conference room in the back where we all do our charting, and go over our meds with the instructor and do our paperwork. This is pretty much a student area and the nurses don't come in unless they are looking for one of us. At one time this was a 3 bed hospital room but it hasn't been since we started in January. There are no beds in there just tables and chairs. So today as I was walking out of the room... (dont ask why I did it bc I DONT KNOW!). I looked at the needle box on the wall and saw that there was a piece of paper that looked like a note folded up in there. I just wasn't thinking and I went to grab the paper out of there to throw it away. I thought since this room isn't used there wouldn't be needles in there.... which I know it was wrong of me to ASSUME that. And I didn't think before doing it. After doing it the one lady who was walking out wtih me started flipping out and saying omg I cant believe you did that, what if you got stuck! etc etc I realized what I did then and there and I went and washed my hands. I did not get stuck or even touch a needle. The only thing I touched was the paper. Then I went out in the hallway for a little bit. After that I came back into the back room and I got an attitude with the lady who flipped out and did i forget to mention... TOLD THE WHOLE CLINICAL GROUP about what I did. I told her that it was my business and I'll do what I want. So I figured this was the end of it. Next thing I know we're all going to lunch and then my instructor points at me and says "you stay here." I instantly thought omg what a ***** for telling on me!, then I thought oh no im in trouble! So she basically said she couldn't have unsafe people in her clinical group on the floor and she told me to go to the nursing school which is 10 minutes away to talk to the nursing director. I was shocked... she didn't even give me a chance to explain or ask me what happened. I got tears in my eyes but I didn't really cry or start bawling. Keep in mind that this was my last day on the clinical floor because the next 2 clinical days I am in the OR and the semester will be over after that. So then I realized that I didn't drive to school today and rode with a friend. SO i went to tell the teacher that and another friend in the class was with me and she offered to drive me over to the school and just stop somewhere that has a drive thru to eat her lunch. The instructor said that was okay and she said she woudl tell my friend who I rode with to school what happened and to pick me up at the school when we were done with clnical. So I'm trying to keep it together and I was talking to my friend about it while walking to her car and of course I couldn't help but crying. Everyone is afraid of the nursing director and thinks shes so mean and so unfair blah blah blah. I just decided that I was going to tell the director exactly what happeend, not lie about it, and tell her that I learned my lesson. Well once I went to see her... she was soo nice. I told her everything and I realized exactly what I did wrong. She said to me" you know what happens when you assume something about clinical (assuming no needles would be in the needle box because the room is not used for a pt room).....it makes an ass out of you and me." I kept my cool while talking to her and was very direct and polite. Then she said I violated a disciplinary rule of the school or something. I told her I was extremely sorry and it would not happen again. I admitted that I was wrong and all that. So the nshe kind of lectured me on needle stick injuries. After that she told me that she wants me to give her an article next week about needle stick injuries and tell her what I learned. Wow I was relieved when I heard that! Turns out everyone in my clnical group was worried about me... and the lady who told the instructor on me was crying the entire afternoon because she felt so bad about what happened. She didn't think the instructor would take it that far and she just thought the instructor would lecture me on it and that would be all. She was really upset and worried about me. So then she wanted me to call her and gave someone her number to give to me to make sure everything was okay. I talked to her and everything is good. Now here is the hard part...... I've asked my instructor a few weeks ago and today if I was in danger of failing clnical. This is because she tears my papers apart and puts redmarks all over everythign I hand in. She said no both times so I was glad about that. But NOW.... this little incident happened. I didn't really give it much thought until now that just because the director of nursing did not kick me out of the program that I can still fail clniical because the clinical instructor decides. Is this enough to make me fail?? Is there anything you could reccomend me doing? I would hate to fail clnical because of this even though I know I shouldn't have done it. SHould I email my instructor and tell her what happened exactly and let her know I'm sorry and tell her that I'll give her the same article and explain to her what I learned? I don't want to get an objective not met just because of this error I made. EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES>... no one is perfect. It wasn't like I made a med error or put my patients safety in jeapordy. Does anyone have any suggestions what to do??? I'm going to be worrying about this and the big exam I have coming up. Should I go and talk to the instructor? Is this even grounds for dfailing the program? I just don't know what to do .... i feel helpless and I hate it. I just wish I would have though before doing it. Any suggestions anyone?? Help me someone...:scrying: :scrying: :bluecry1:

Please keep in mind that I didn't go into a patients room and jsut stick my hand in the sharps container. This was a vacant room that no one goes in, doesn't even have hospital beds, only tables and chairs. It hasn't been an actual room for a patient for at least 3 months... it could be much longer... i just don't know because that is how long I've been on that floor and it hasn't been used in that amount of time. So I kind of assumed there wouldnt be needles in there. Plus the thing is broke and you could directly see in inside of it. I wasn't putting my fingers blindly into a container that could have had 4 needles sticking up ready to stick me. There wasn't any needles that I saw and I just saw the paper and decided I should take it out because I know paper isn't supposed to be in there. Poor judgement on my part I know... and i have to learn to think about things before I do them.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
So I kind of assumed there wouldnt be needles in there.

Where i work, sharps containers are only changed out only when they get full (or stink, thanks to Kefzol smelling like cat pee), so even though that room hadn't been used for that long, there very well could have been stuff in it.

Also.. another question... Should I mention to my clniical instructor that I have ADD and am going to be seeing my doctor about it? I don't want her to instantly think bad of me or think that I need to be babyed or something because of it. I also don't want this burden over my head that when every instructor sees me they will think of me as the hyper girl with no self control. Any reccomendations or thoughts on this? I also don't want to make it seem like the ADD is an excuse for how I acted because really it isn't. I have no one to blame but myself. Ahhh i dunno what to do

I guess my question is who cares if there was a piece of paper in the sharps container. Is it your responsiblity to get it out? Maybe it had blood on it, maybe it was an alcohol wipe that got stuck to a needle cap or something.

But, you did it and it is over with. Do what the director told you to do, and wait and see what happens. When will you have your evaluation with your instructor to see how she thought you did during clinicals? Do you guys have evaluations?

As far as the "tattler", why is she considered a "hater"??? Because she was concerned with what happened? Does anyone really know what she was thinking? Do we really know she did it out of spite? Did she laugh when she did it? How do we know she didn't do it so that it wouldn't happen again? Did she know the CI would reprimand her in front of everyone? Until we know, we can't judge.

It was a mistake, everyone makes them. Learn and move on.

Specializes in LDRP.
It wasn't even staff though... just a fellow student. IF it was staff I would NEVER get an attitude with them. They respect the students and we are lucky enough to have nurses who actually are thankful that we are there and don't see us as more of a nuisance.

OHHHHHHHHHH, I misunderstood! Sorry 'bout that!

Specializes in LDRP.
Also.. another question... Should I mention to my clniical instructor that I have ADD and am going to be seeing my doctor about it? I don't want her to instantly think bad of me or think that I need to be babyed or something because of it. I also don't want this burden over my head that when every instructor sees me they will think of me as the hyper girl with no self control. Any reccomendations or thoughts on this? I also don't want to make it seem like the ADD is an excuse for how I acted because really it isn't. I have no one to blame but myself. Ahhh i dunno what to do

I would keep your medical status to yourself unless you need educational accomodations. Some people with ADD need help with testing, note taking, etc.


Specializes in LTC.

I think some of the comments from some posters were a little harsh...I wish I could meet a perfect nursing student, PLEASE let me know if you come accross one! So, don't act like your perfect!lol I think it was VERY messed up that your classmate had to rat on you. I had a similar situation where a student ratted on me too. First off, we were in our psych rotation and I was obtaining information from my patient because we had to do a "one on one" interview. The rules are that TWO students have to be in the room during this process just in case something happened. BTW, I have ADD too and i'm currently taking Ritalin which has changed my life. But I don't take it ALL the time but mostly. And I think my meds were wearing off when this happened.

I proceded with the interview(the student was with me and she was actually a good study buddy of mine which is VERY bossy and she knows that I have ADD).

As I started the interview, the client told me that she lived in summer hill where my husband grew up at and went to the same high school. I said "Do you know (gave her my husband's name), and in psych, that's a big no no because of MY safety(see, I was ALSO endangering myself, not the patient, and the reason it's a NO NO is because some psychotic patients MAY track you down)but it just came out and I know she wasn't dangerous becaue her primary reason for hospitalization was for heroin and depression.

After the interview, my (ex) friend said, "WHY did you give your name!!!" And literally yelled at me. Granted, she ALWAYS bossed me around and I took it cause I thought this girl just loved to be on a power trip. ANd yes, other students call her bossy, so she's KNOWN for it. THe whole day she was harping on me. One incident was, while we were in a group meeting, some kid asked me if I would get a drug book for him cause he wanted to look up his meds. So, I said "Sure I'll ask the nurse." This bossy student goes, "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" To make a long story short, she did something else again (related to bossing) but i really don't feel like typing that much more, LOL. Anyways, the teacher came up to us to release us from the floor at the end of the day and when that "student" yelled at me about something RIGHT in front of the teacher I said, "I'm SICK of your attitude, i'm not a little kid and your not my mother." The teacher asked what was wrong and when the teacher was agreeing that it was okay for me to get the drug book(cause I asked her if there was anything wrong with that). The teacher said, "No, there isn't anything wrong with that, as long as you ask the nurse if you could get it." Well that "student"(won't give names and summer hill is fake, LOL)was mad that I was NOT wrong and goes, "Well, she gave out her name to a client yesterday by asking if the client knew her husband." I was SO mad that she had to be a little rat, that i never spoke to her again, sent her a very mean email telling her to never call me again and that I don't talk to people who are rats. I didn't mean to do it and I know I won't do it again, but, I LEARNED FROM IT.

Lovetoshop85, that's what being a student is all about, learning from your mistakes and NO you didn't endanger a patient and you inadvertently thought the container was empty bla bla bla. ....

No, I really don't think your going to fail and I would NOT worry about it at all. I'm sure you'll never do it again, and this issue will probably prompt you to be a little more careful in the future. I know I'm not supposed to say that as a nurse, but (off topic), that's what I think.

I think it was VERY messed up that your classmate had to rat on you. I had a similar situation where a student ratted on me too.

Lovetoshop85, that's what being a student is all about, learning from your mistakes and NO you didn't endanger a patient and you inadvertently thought the container was empty bla bla bla. ....

No, I really don't think your going to fail and I would NOT worry about it at all. I'm sure you'll never do it again, and this issue will probably prompt you to be a little more careful in the future. I know I'm not supposed to say that as a nurse, but (off topic), that's what I think.

I agree. Also, I would definitely not mention your ADHD to your instructor. I would just lay low and and be careful. You've already apologized and showed an interest in bettering your communication skills with your patients. I would just leave it at that.

I think you've learned from your mistake. I agree that some of these comments are a little harsh. Heck, you didn't even harm anyone. Don't feel bad. Just learn from your mistake. That's all you can do. AND Gosh forbid if any of these other uptight nurses did or said anything silly in nursing school. Geesh.

I am not an instructor but I can tell you what would be the best thing to do. Do every clinical and every assignment from here out like your life depended on it! Show them that this program means the world to you and that you are truely sorry. Actions speak louder than words. Do any extra credit that might pop up, volunteer, do whatever you can. Just don't mess up again, and from here on out every point counts! It could mean the difference between passing and failing. Whatever you do don't slack off b/c you think they might fail you. Good luck and I know you will do great. It is a mistake and mistakes happen! Don't give yourself too hard of a time you have learned your lesson.

Wow.......personally I can't believe such a big fuss was made about this. We all (and I know this includes you) know the danger of needle-stick injuries, and we all know (again including you) better than to go putting our fingers in needle boxes. But, sheesh.........you made an honest mistake - we all do and assume things we shouldn't and learn from it.

Thank goodness the nursing director seems to be sensible. I'd do exactly what she asked of me. You've already explained that you understand the mistake and have learned from it. And then go on as though it were over. Which is should be.

Unless there is a lot more you haven't mentioned, this should have no further effect on your nursing school experience. Good luck! I remember only too well what a dog-eat-dog world nursing school could be with certain people, or instructors.

Thanks everyone... your comments helped me out a lot! I just hope I make it through the lecture part of this semester so I can continue on. I'm doing okay though.. but not as good as I want to be. Hell, theres people doing a lot worse than me who failed both of the exams taht we had. All I have to do is get a passing grade on the final and I'll be set. That is definitely NOT what I'm aiming for though.... I want an A! haha

Specializes in Medical/Surgical, Intermediate and Home Care.
And no one is saying it does, either.

Your perception is that you felt humiliated, Luv2shoppe85, and I would too. The fact that you have ADHD may contain some impulsivity, and, now that you are aware you can keep it in check. Regarding the age differences mentioned previously, I think you were pointing out the fact that you felt belittled. KNOW that having ADD or ADHD will possibly trip you up in vocabulary, speech and actions, so be very cautious and direct with choice of words AND your facial and body language -- they may not accurately express your true feelings. There is a heavy social price to be paid when people misunderstand you! Choose carefully...everything these days (esp. w/the uptight) is a "play on words." Now you have seen how some people seize the moment when they RUN and TELL and earn a few brownie points while they are at it. Did you notice the instructor believed it without asking you? Move ahead my friend, you didn't get this far for nothing. Please look into your local chapter of CHAAD and understand your gifts. Cheap lesson to get it in Nursing School compared with what it might have been on the job.

Best Wishes,


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