OCC - 2009 applicants / 2010 ADN prospective students

U.S.A. Michigan


I just wanted to start a post for all of those OCC students who are waiting to get into the ADN program (regular or accelerated) in 2010. There are only 2 more months until the acceptance letters will be mailed out. Let's keep in touch and keep each other updated!



Yes, you can be taking the last of your pre-reqs in the fall semester when you apply to the program. I did that myself last semester so you will be fine. Good luck.

Specializes in Neuroscience.

thank you so much florisgurl. I just needed to hear it again.:D

You are welcome. I did the exact same thing as you did. I left Micro as my last pre req as I knew it would be my hardest.

Current OCC student here. Just wanted to comment on a few things in the thread. I've heard from a trusted source that the accelerated program will no longer be offered starting with this years admit. Also, there is an overwhelming amount of applications, therefore the cutoff gpa is much higher than it has been in past years. Yes, like the other student stated the program is difficult and you will not have much of a life for 2 years. You will need a lot of support emotionally and otherwise, but it can be done. Good luck to all, I was in your shoes not too long ago :)

Oh my goodness! :eek: I am sooo nervous now. My GPA may be slightly shy of 3.7 once they factor in my A/P from another school. It is a 3.8 something w/ just straight OCC grades. I have to get into this program. I JUST HAVE TO! :cry: Sorry....had to let that out. lol. But seriously... :bowingpur:

As far as I know, it does not matter where you took any of those prereq classes...whether they are from another school or OCC, the GPA is calculated from those classes alone. So to the person above me, the only classes you are worried about are those prereqs. Dont know which you were talking about with a 3.8 or a 3.7? I have been in school forever, and if they counted my GPA from all of my schools and all my classes it would be way below that!!! Now if you have classes that count towards your prereqs from another school, those would count.

As far as I know, it does not matter where you took any of those prereq classes...whether they are from another school or OCC, the GPA is calculated from those classes alone. So to the person above me, the only classes you are worried about are those prereqs. Dont know which you were talking about with a 3.8 or a 3.7? I have been in school forever, and if they counted my GPA from all of my schools and all my classes it would be way below that!!! Now if you have classes that count towards your prereqs from another school, those would count.

Sorry, just reread your post and realized that you were saying anatomy from another school, then yes that will count...sorry :)

Anyone counting down the days until we get our letters like I am? I can't believe its only 15 days away now.

Specializes in Emergency.

Just so you all know... last year OCC sent the acceptance letters out late (I think about 1 week). Good luck to you all and enjoy yourself while you can because the nursing program is VERY STRESSFUL!


Can I ask how you like the program and any tips you would give to those of use who will hopefully be starting next semester?

I am still in the process of completeing my pre reqs and was wondering if anyone could give me any information regarding the nursing program? Anything I should know before I apply?

Specializes in Emergency.

OCC has a great program. I like it, but it is a ton of work. Take pharm over the summer, so you don't have to take it w/ 1410 in the fall. In 1410 make sure you do "reach for an A" b-4 you take a test... this will help you learn how to answer nursing questions. I record all of the lectures. As a lab requirement we had to complete some med term quizzes (easy... you can retake the tests until you get an 80%) but you'll be way to busy to retain any of that info. I wish I would have taken medical terminology. Good luck!

I have been considering taking medical terminology. But I still need to complete Anatomy. I can take both 1 and 2 during the summer but am afraid that may be a bit of an overload. Specially since I have been going to school non stop for the last 1 and a half 2 years! I think I am definitely in need of a break!

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